? about bud weight gain


Active Member
What week of flower do sativa Dom hybrids gain the most weight in their buds? Sour Diesel to be exact.4 week veg. Sunday was the start of the 4th week 12/12 see some gain not much 1500ppm PH5.8 68f GH full line expert recirculation feeding schedule in a aero flo60 on a cycle timer 7sec. spray 7min in between spray cycles with 4000watts 2 sunpulse 3k and 2 sunpulse 6.4k on a light rail 5 light mover.CO2 inj. 1500 ppm. RH59 86f room temp Dose all of this sound OK just nervous lots of $$$ in this would like a decent yield grew this before with 600watts LED and a 600watt HPS in the middle of flower to try to bump up yield every thing is the same except the lighting.The LED grow sucked 1pound. Guesses on yield welcome.:mrgreen:


Active Member
anybody grow sativa on this site that would know what weeks in flowering most weight will be gained by the buds?


Well-Known Member
temp is a little high. 86f sounds like hot to me, and im in the DEEP gulf south. firstlyu get some air circulation in there to bring down that temp. secondly, sativas are more like volleyball girls rather than that thick assed chick down the street. let her mature another 4 weeks(?) not sure on sd bloom schedule. thats all i can say for now, sure wish i had a pic to look at tho!


Well-Known Member
temp is a little high. 86f sounds like hot to me

I would have to agree. The temp is high, I would try and get it down to around 78 or 79f with a drop of about 10 - 12 degrees with the lights off. As for the the weight gain on the buds. I just finished a hash plant haze that is sativa dominant and it didnt add the majority of the weight until between week 9 and 11. It was harvested at 13.5 weeks and currently i am two weeks post harvest and the current weight is 9oz 15.2grams from the one plant. Hopefully I can stay around that weight, I have only lost about 4 grams since I started curing them.:bigjoint:


The Last Sativa I did was Blue Dream. It always would put it's weight on last 2 weaks. For me, that was 12 and 13 weak. I would total 28-64 G per girl.


By the way, please don't blast me for spelling errors. The dream treats me good, and makes my ability to spell very weak.


Active Member
The Last Sativa I did was Blue Dream. It always would put it's weight on last 2 weaks. For me, that was 12 and 13 weak. I would total 28-64 G per girl.
Im glad to get some feed back on this thanx. I am trying to get the temps to stay lower its hard to keep them down in a sealed room with 4000w.Before next one I'm going to get a bigger fan to cool the lights, insulated hood covers, move the water chiller and ballasts outside the room and a bigger AC. I do use co2 and have herd that it will alow you to run a little warmer. Is this true?:-P


Well-Known Member
Im glad to get some feed back on this thanx. I am trying to get the temps to stay lower its hard to keep them down in a sealed room with 4000w.Before next one I'm going to get a bigger fan to cool the lights, insulated hood covers, move the water chiller and ballasts outside the room and a bigger AC. I do use co2 and have herd that it will alow you to run a little warmer. Is this true?:-P[/QUOTE When using Co2 you want those temps 80-85f you are correct. and i think sativas rather the heat to. id air cool the lights/hoods add ac so you control the temp , hope this helps