West Ausah i see, which state are you in?
thanks man, thought if i took the time to takes pics might as well try to make em good..I like the Blue Backdrop.. It makes it look like she is having her photo taken 4 a competition. She looks nice & picturesque.
Wat strain mate?
yada brada, id give my weed away for free to anybody that wanted some if i could, itd be an ounce in the mail for everyone,.. its a wonderful20DD
Streetlegal...so, what time me coming ova to help u smoke all that?!
We have to keep them inside until the last frost here.. But my hydro guys reckons you keep them under 15 hours of light inside till the end of Nov and then put them outside and let nature do the rest... We have to wait until then so the days are longer and they won't automatically go into flower.... I'm in the Nations Capital so our weather is heaps different to Sydney...Hay guys just a quick question, im in sydney and was just wondering what month would i need to start if i wanted to do an outdoor grow, any help would be great,thanks
yada brada,
i allways have some pyrethium laying around just incase , you could even spray down some neem oil and see if it keeps the pests away..as for your plant i reckon its going to be a horrible winter this year so your going to need cover your plant from frost rolling in , stab 3 stakes in the ground and wrap some gladwrap around the plant , leave the top open as frost only hits the plant from the sides and even then it may not be worth it because your plant most likely will flower or die with the short daylight hours and frostHow worried do I need to be about pests indoors? Do I need to assume there'll be some kind of infestation and buy pesticide as a matter of course, or is it most likely I wont need it and I can wait and see if any little critters move in?
Kmoo, postie bring u a pressie yet? I'm thinking order from 2 places, and hopefully 1 will arrive....or should I consider that 1 is more likely to get thru than 2...argh decisions.
2 little bagseedlings - hey was lucky, it's strong sleepy smoko. Some people say not to even bother with bagseed, but I'd be happy with my little guys even if I'd paid for them. Just crappy germ rate, but once germed the plants are fantastic. Wonder what strain it is...thin leaves n heavy stone = indica, right? Very tall, very green, serated leaves, hardy - they WILL NOT DIE no matter what I do to them (seriously, one was an inch of stick in the ground after harvest, now sprouting little leaves again!), lots of branches, christmas tree kinda shape, hard crystals - sound like indica?
Does Melbs get a lot of frost, and if so any chance my magic regenerating stick will survive until next year? Thinking she'd be a good mother.
If I store airproof jars, take oxygen out and put in silica, and keep dark, then properly cured buds and well dried hash should last pretty much indefinately...is that right?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Yeah, nasty one coming. Will try stakes n wrap - always worth a little optimism, and no big deal if it doesn't work. More flowers?! Yay!i as for your plant i reckon its going to be a horrible winter this year so your going to need cover your plant from frost rolling in , stab 3 stakes in the ground and wrap some gladwrap around the plant , leave the top open as frost only hits the plant from the sides and even then it may not be worth it because your plant most likely will flower or die with the short daylight hours and frost