Well-Known Member
If i were you I would be considering a small generator instead of bottled c02 for many reasons. The generator is far more efficient and will cost way less in the long run. For an example. I started on bottled and got great prices. $100 for the bottle(20lb) and $150 for the regulator. It cast me $23 to get it filled at the local fire extiguisher place. And that was the only place within 20miles I could get it filled. There hours sucked to. That 20lb bottle would last 1-1.5 weeks in my room, which is smaller than yours. After a month and a half of getting my bottle filled almost every week, I got real sick of it. Upgraded to the hydrogen minigen. Its ment for gardens smaller that 10x10. If runs on propane($18 a fill)which means you can swap bottles out just about anywhere, anytime. The minigen cost $270. I hooked it up to a setinel co2 controller($350). It keeps my room at the perfect level, and not only does it work great, but the propane bottle lasts 3-4 weeks instead of the 1-1.5 of the bottled co2. That adds up to hundreds of dollars saved in the first year alone. The minigen can we water cooled if heat is an issue, but can run without it no problem, which its big brother cant. I would seriously reconsider the bottle method based off of this info, but feel free to varify any of this for yourself.
Heres a link to where I ordered my stuff from
Hydrogen MiniGen
Setinel CO2 Controller
This is a cheaper bare bones controller that I have read works well, but have no expierience with myself. If you go with the bottle or the gen, it should be hooked up to a controller for proper use.
Dude yer Badass!!
you just answered most of my concerns
Cool i know about the minigen, ive watched all the videos on
Ok so i think i will save up and get one!!
i allready have 4 prop bottles,(same as barbeque?)
and if i use Co2 what would i do with my exhaust,turn it off when co2 is running or what....I guess i will have to do some exhaust work for my lights...cause right now i just have my lights hooked straight to the hoods, not a closed cooles my lights and exhausts my room to.....i got some redesighing to do i guess