Since the site was down on my end I had to take matters into my own hands and fast!!!
((NEVER BUY MIRACLE GRO)))Gnat Eggs All through it and its just packaged poorly and its nasty!!!! They just do the bag up with all these lies and it looks good!!! Thats why we're all nubes!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!!
-My two I call Twin Towers were nute burned like you said and stunted so I switched them into a 10gal pot!!!! Had to use MG
-My Fat mama The one where all the leaves fell and it was root bound I didn't have time to run out and get pots or anything so I pull the whole damn plant up and just added soil!!! Its super high out the pot now when I water it spilled everywhere BAD IDEA!!!!
-Also one of my smaller plants I transplanted like 2 weeks late was already getting to big for the pot and roots were hanging out the bottom but it is sativa dominant so it was skinny and didnt really have a big stem or strong roots holding the dirt to grab so I ripped all the roots{{looked like a male anyways

}} so now its slouched all over((AND DEAD **cough cough**))