Bubblicious/Northern Lights Mini SOG

How often do you add Nutrients in soil?

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Ya know... just a thought.

I went to feeding at every watering during my current grow and it has really worked out well. By feeding low-dose at every water, you're keeping a very consistent nutritional status in your root zone, since water and nutes are tied together. Kinda simulates hydro that way, especially later in a soil grow where the original soil nutrition is pretty stripped, and it's really just a "medium" at that point.

Lotta ways to skin the cat, I know.. just some "food" for thought :-)

Thank you. Yah, I do feed everytime I water, but every few weeks I like to give them and myself a break for one watering (It's a lot of f'ing work to prepare that nutrient solution) Usually there is plenty of nutes still in the soil where they don't even really skip a feeding its just a little more diluted. However, a plant can pretty much flourish on nothing but the liquid karma, so they'll still be loving it. I work a full time job so if i'm having to trim 16 plants tonight, mix the solution, hand water all of them and all this after putting my kids to bed i won't get to sleep until 3 AM. no thanks


Active Member
So change of plans. I checked on them last night and 2 days is still too soon to water. I will be watering them with my normal feeding schedule tonight. They are looking great though by the way! I will have updated pics tonight.


Active Member
Alright. Tonight I gave them a nutrient dose of only 800 ppm (they were looking slightly over fertilized) PH was 6.5.
Pure blend - 5ml
liquid karma - 15ml
Hydroplex - 1ml
Sweet - 15ml
PH up - 10 ml
I'm not going to list what all the pics are so if you want to know just ask. I'm tired. I also trimmed alot from the bottoms of all of them to increase upward growth and give better air ciorculation.

#6 is one that started as an inch and a half two grow tip clone!

I will say that the last pic is of my mother plant that I forgot to water for 12 days!!! LOL oh well it was a good 5 months while it lasted honey.. wonder if you'll bounce back..

Good night



Active Member
:clap:those look fucking BOMB for only day 12 of flower.:clap:
Thanks man! ya gotta love the accelerated feeding schedule. Trimming all of those plants took forever.. I wish my lights turned on earlier so i'm not up all night taking care of them. Oh well.. such is life:weed:


Active Member
oh well there will be other mothers

looking real good by the way

and i love the Northern Lights strain, the smoke is awesome

thanks... yah I l.ove the Northern lights! I just did 3 plants last grow.. one of each of these plus sweet tooth. Here are some pics of what i have left off the sweet tooth.



Active Member
I just went to check on them and they are looking very nice! all fan leaves are point up toward the light jjust praying for more. I love seeing that.


Active Member
Alright. Tonight I water and fed the plants with :

6ml Bloom
4ml Hydroplex
17 ml Liquid Karma
6 ml CalMag
15ml Sweet
8ml PH UP
ppm = 1540
PH = 6.5

Pics 1-6 - Northern Lights
Pics 7,8 - All
Pics 9-12 - Bubblicious

All were given 480 ml PH adjusted clean water and let sit for 20 minutes. Then all were given 480 ml Nutrient solution until 10-20% runoff was achieved

Mother plant was given :
5ml - Grow
10 ml Liquid Karma
5ml - CalMag

Thats all for now. DAY 18 FLOWER



Active Member
Nute solution burn.
I had a friend help and he spilled solution on several of my plants... I just needed some help b/c this is getting tedious. Fun... but i'm taking a break after this grow and am going to breed my own strain!