Do You Shop at a Local Hydro Store?

Do you shop at a local hydro store

  • Yes, and I feel very safe doing so

    Votes: 36 37.1%
  • Yes, and I feel somewhat safe

    Votes: 34 35.1%
  • Yes, but I don't feel very safe at all

    Votes: 16 16.5%
  • No, it's a dangerous idea

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • No, but I would if there was a local shop

    Votes: 4 4.1%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters
I go to the hydro store for soil and nutes, some specific equipment... lights, ph pen, .... but most of the diy stuff is cheaper elsewhere
I use the hydro shops for what I cant find at home depot...

It's not like you have to worry about the 5-O waiting outside for someone who looks like a stoner to walk in and then fallow you home or to your grow..... Besides, it's just tomato plants your growin anyways!.. ;) lol

I think your just a bit too paranoid. lol
Other: Mine isn't really local. About an hour and 45 minute drive one way. I always pay cash and they usually throw me some decent free stuff. I feel fine about going there. It's outside a major metro area and I live the opposite direction of that. Usually I spend a night or two in said city and then head 2.5 hours back. If someone sees me buying some shit and they decide to follow me into the city, hang out for 2 days, and then drive a couple hundred miles back the opposite direction, I would be surprised.
I use the hydro shops for what I cant find at home depot...

It's not like you have to worry about the 5-O waiting outside for someone who looks like a stoner to walk in and then fallow you home or to your grow..... Besides, it's just tomato plants your growin anyways!.. ;) lol

I think your just a bit too paranoid. lol

I picked yes and somewhat safe. I have walked out to see a guy pulling in to return a 1000w ballast with a blacked out explorer following him and parking next door to watch. (I saw lights in the windows of the suv) soooo, he followed someone there but still its in the back of my head everytime i go. I also only get stuff I can't diy or local. Ie, ph calibration solution, nutes..etc The guys that work there look like stoners tho' so that helps :bigjoint:

Peace and Love
I go to the local hyrdo store right by my house if i cant find what i need at the depot or lowes. It is watched by the 5-0(many in my city are) but all they do here is right down license plates and then send some beat cops to go check the house out later on, lol found this out by being at my buddies when these cops came and wanted to take a look around because the got an anonymous tip that a missing little girl was seen there(which was a real story, but thats just what they use for an excuse because of the amber alert law they can go into any house without a warrant to look for the missing child and if they see something in plain view they can act on it, like a grow room) lol . But luckily my license plate is registered at a different address then the one my medical garden is at(even though its legal it still doesn't feel like it) other then that i like the store the people are very helpful and knowledgeable, and know what your growing and aren't paranoid to discuss it to much as long as there arnt a million people in the store, Lots of people are getting their medical cards theses days :)
there was a store nearby me, but in the next state.. my boy used to go there all the time.. it has recently changed ownership, and he has known people who have been followed home from the store and than gotten the knock and talk.. so i advoid said store.. buy i found a local hydro store that is closer to me and in my state, and have no problem going there, though i do try and always pay cash.. a lot of times i also like to take my 70 year old mothers car there, i figure that way if they do run the plates and it comes back to some old lady they won't think twice.. i don't really see what the big deal is, after all buying lights and nutes and stuff is not illegal, but at the same time, i still try to be somewhat carefull about it..
I live in one of the most pot-friendly communities in the US and have a dr recommendation for MMJ. I have absolutely no fear shopping at any of the numerous local hydro shops for little stuff, even paying with a card. That said, I only buy small stuff at the grow shop because the retail markups are killer on high priced stuff. If I can wait for whatever I need and the shipping isn't too ridiculous, I'd rather shop online.
i buy from the same store that my grandmother bought her rose plants supplies,
known the owners for years. whenever i buy i pay cash, get a 20-30 percent discount on everything and get to load it up in the back ally behind the store.
load up and go to a restaurant for a seat by the window and a snack. watch to see who drives through or parks and sits without leaving their vehicle,,, then take a leisurely drive and different route home.

anything breaks or fails it's easy for me to return and get a new replacement , n/c.

now they ain't dumb stoners, heck both of the owners are older than me, but i have always only spoken of tomatoes when i'm in the store. i know, i know, 2+2 = 4, dope it out, go figure and even a lucky guess. yeah they prbly know what i'm up to. but hey, hey. they like my cash and have bought 8- 1000 watt sytems from them so far and all the accouterments to maintain my grows,,,

but heres a hint,,,,,,

i only buy ph down and 3 lb jars of veg and bloom nutes.

i swear to god, that, ph and water along with air stones.

nothing else enters my coolers damnit!


so i'm not in there buying all the marijuana growing, miracle bud producing, formulas to fix this and that. nope. like i've said b-4, ol' bb ain't at all right in the head, bit on the slow side now, and needs to keep it real simple,,,,

nothin, i got nuthin.


It has never crossed my mind that the 5-0 could be watching from a distance, getting plate numbers and then cruising by your pad. Luckily my truck is registered at my parents. Either way, I guess I should be a little more aware of my surroundings whenever I have to go pick up supplies.

But then again, I have my medical card for various valid reasons too
wow, you gotta be paranoid to think that..

I dont think so at all, i have a medical card and its legal for me to grow but im still safe and discrete about it, watching your ass isnt being paranoid. When you have to deal with the cops knocking at your door and asking were your grow room is(from experience) then we'll see who watches their surroundings next time they go to the store. im just saying thats what they do in my city, but saying someone is paranoid because they're watching what they do is kinda rude, i watch my surroundings ALL THE TIME, not just when im going to the store but at all times and i cant count how many times its saved me from a trip to jail or robbed or many other things. Not trying to be an ass just saying, anything can happen cant hurt to try and avoid things from happening.
lol im sorry but you must live in a very small city if you think that cops are really waiting outside a hydro store watching your every move, i wasn't trying to be rude when i said you must be paranoid, i have several plants of my own and i know exactly how important it is to keep a low profile and not draw any attention, iv been doing this for a long time and have had no probs, if you got cops knocking on your door I guarantee you its wasn't from someone watching you at a hydro store is all im sayinbongsmilie at least not here in Cali
I dont think so at all, i have a medical card and its legal for me to grow but im still safe and discrete about it, watching your ass isnt being paranoid. When you have to deal with the cops knocking at your door and asking were your grow room is(from experience) then we'll see who watches their surroundings next time they go to the store. im just saying thats what they do in my city, but saying someone is paranoid because they're watching what they do is kinda rude, i watch my surroundings ALL THE TIME, not just when im going to the store but at all times and i cant count how many times its saved me from a trip to jail or robbed or many other things. Not trying to be an ass just saying, anything can happen cant hurt to try and avoid things from happening.
I go to my local hydro shop without worry...but even if I had a twinge of paranoia I would just go 40 minutes north to IGrow in the O and talk completely openly about my girls with them, no worries.

Like I say, gotta love Cannafornia!

i wouldnt say its a small town( like the 3rd largest in Washington), its just that up here in Washington the medical marijuana "movement" is just starting to really get alot of attention and just like when down in cali the law was trying to crack down like it wasn't legal and now they have lightened up a lot down there. But yes the cops were watching several grow stores in my city and yes there were taking plates down and were investigating. but they are lightning up about it now, i havnt heard of as many people getting knocks on their door, or things like that and they are actually making it a low priority not just saying they are but actually are! we still have problems with cops not caring if your legal and arresting patients but there are becoming less and less of them, Up here i think we are just a couple years behind you but hopefully we catch up soon, because of now we only have like 4 dispensarys here were i live and they aren't that great, i can usually find better though my own connections. People are just starting to realize how many people actually use marijuana. That just what i think though lol and i am pretty high :bigjoint:
i have over 5 local hydro shups within 5=10 min drive from my house...there are so many one store offers 20% off everything..i mean got a 8" can max fan normally $269,00for like $215. just tryn to make a point that its a normal thing here i pay with my debit card every time..
Just read the first paragraph of this story and tell me if you still think he's being overly cautious?

Thanks! it wasn't important enough for me to go find an article to back me up lol but ya i know they do it in other cities too, just google surveillance hydroponics store. i dont really care if the 5-0 sees me buy 4 - 1000w lights, id be more worried about the other people around that see and maybe are shady enough to perhaps follow or who knows really, people are crazy these days lol. i know a couple people who have had things happen and swear it would have to be a nosey neighbor or someone like that. maybe i have trust issues or something lol, ill just move up into the mountians and hide in a cabin surrounded by a wall a plants :weed: