i buy from the same store that my grandmother bought her rose plants supplies,
known the owners for years. whenever i buy i pay cash, get a 20-30 percent discount on everything and get to load it up in the back ally behind the store.
load up and go to a restaurant for a seat by the window and a snack. watch to see who drives through or parks and sits without leaving their vehicle,,, then take a leisurely drive and different route home.
anything breaks or fails it's easy for me to return and get a new replacement , n/c.
now they ain't dumb stoners, heck both of the owners are older than me, but i have always only spoken of tomatoes when i'm in the store. i know, i know, 2+2 = 4, dope it out, go figure and even a lucky guess. yeah they prbly know what i'm up to. but hey, hey. they like my cash and have bought 8- 1000 watt sytems from them so far and all the accouterments to maintain my grows,,,
but heres a hint,,,,,,
i only buy ph down and 3 lb jars of veg and bloom nutes.
i swear to god, that, ph and water along with air stones.
nothing else enters my coolers damnit!
so i'm not in there buying all the marijuana growing, miracle bud producing, formulas to fix this and that. nope. like i've said b-4, ol' bb ain't at all right in the head, bit on the slow side now, and needs to keep it real simple,,,,
nothin, i got nuthin.