The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Cheers pal, i wish i could take them now. ( im not set up )

By the time i get set up i will be well into flower, and it is a shame because these seem to be the best ive done...
don't take my word as gospel mate i have never tried it i'm on my first grow all i've seen is the later you take them in flower the longer it takes them to revert and grow roots there's no reason you shouldn't give it a go as far as i know mate it'll just take a little longer, if you really want to hang onto it you could take clippings and try revegging just to edge your bets theirs more than a good chance you can keep the genes going you never know they could all come through if you have a good plant try and keep it i would mate

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member

best thing you can do if your not set up for clones yet is when your plants are finishd flowering cut the top 1/3 off the plant an trim as normal but cut the buds off the stalks on the lower 2/3rds trying not to cut any leaves off that you dont have too leave a few small popcorn buds on an then put it back under veg lights for a few weeks an youll get loads of new growth from the small bud sites you left when theres enough just cut them off as you would with normal clones
you can also keep the original plant as a mother if you want just keep it permanently under 18 to 24 hours light an then take clones as and when needed


Well-Known Member
right 1 last vodka then bed! fuck the weed 2night i been smoking nearly a Q a day this last wk a tenner bottle of voders has gotta be the cheaper option!?!?!? lmao


Well-Known Member
can't say without more pictures but that doesn't look anything like the exodus i've done. looks really light and pale with minimal leaves. either way though, at 4 weeks that's easily stomped all over my exodus cheese
Av put a few more pics come on judges watz the verdict I no it's not bb or ghs they have broader leaves the colours on them pics arnt rite the bud are a lighter green lots of the leaves have a tint of yellow the rims have a slight purple look To them the stems are very flimsy an lots of thc an very sticky an stinky the pic that is in veg the leaves was darker green than they apear I dnt own a proper cam the pics on me iPhone look gud but can't get them on the comp. p.s wen I got the plants they were really stressed thrips an springtails an heat plus not much moister that's y the leaves look fucked so wat are your views then?

mr west

Well-Known Member
right 1 last vodka then bed! fuck the weed 2night i been smoking nearly a Q a day this last wk a tenner bottle of voders has gotta be the cheaper option!?!?!? lmao

how much money does a quart cost to grow? Bet its not a tenna we worked it out and its bout 11quid an ounce.


Active Member
Smoke an 1/8 Sell 1/8? I used to have a pipe that could hold that much, took it on a college trip, man that was the trippyest day ever, went to the forbidden corner, that's some mad crazzzzzzzy stuff when your baked.

P.s. Morning!


Well-Known Member
how much money does a quart cost to grow? Bet its not a tenna we worked it out and its bout 11quid an ounce.
i recond it out last week that i had spent £600 on my set up, that was tent, lights, nutes, watering can, soil,seeds, thermometer, perlite everything including a guess of £100 for electricity. i pulled 23 oz so that breaks down to £26. but if u take into account that uv still got all ur equipment left, say £400 worth then it breaks down to £8.69 per oz so £2.20 a q.:lol:


Well-Known Member
oh, and i still fuckin hate her. gonna screw me a barmaid next week methinks, and i'm gonna do it drink and drug free....apart from the viagra of course.


Well-Known Member
7 Types of Cockblockers Explained (So you know how to identify and Avoid)

1. The Gay Friend
In the Football, there's a reason why you never trade a player to a team you're going to face later on in the season: he knows everything you're going to try, and he's going to tell the other team, and suddenly you're losing 3-0 in the 80th minute, and you're standing on the sidelines thinking, "how the f*ck did this happen?" The Gay Friend knows your moves, because at the end of the day you both want the same thing: to find someone drunk enough to let you stick something in their butt. To make matters worse, unlike the seven girlfriends surrounding your prospective lady, The Gay Friend isn't catty and backstabbing, because he's not trying to go for the same wiener that she is. Consequently, he has no problem looking out for her at all costs. This means that you'll have to come prepared with a few trick plays, or have the most dedicated wingman in the entire world.

2. The Straight Male Friend
Every girl has a male friend who she's not romantically involved with, but who desperately wants to f*ck her. He's probably been friends with her for years, and may have even made out with her once or twice, when she was really drunk and without any other viable options. He's fiercely protective of her, because he honestly believes that someday she'll give up on finding someone that she actually finds attractive and settle for him. To you, he's like the river of lava that blocked the road to town in Dante's Peak, and you'll have to handle him the same way that Pierce Brosnan handled that road: just put it into four-wheel drive, get a running start, and force your way through it.

3.The Man Hating Friend
There are two different sub-categories of Man-haters: the Man-haters who always hate men (a.k.a., "The Rosie O'Donnell"), and the Man-haters who hate men because they recently got dumped. Either way, a Man-hater will do everything in their power to stop you from banging their friend. Man-haters are typically fat and ugly, and they live by one simple rule: "if nobody wants to f*ck me, then no one is f*cking you, either." They usually speak for their more attractive friends by using the pronoun "we" frequently. "We want to be left alone", "we didn't ask you to sit down", and "we'd like three orders of nachos" are all common Man-hater phrases, and all can be roughly translated to: "I'm fat and miserable, and I will have terrible gas later, but at least I won't be the only one who doesn't get f*cked tonight."

4. The Girls Night out Group
Like a sexy lesbian pillow fight, it was decided long before this night started that men were not even going to be involved in the equation. The "Girls' Night Out" group is sure to have at least two members who's sole purpose is to block cocks like they're the Stealer's offensive line. This night has been advertised and discussed within the group all week, and the last thing any girl wants is to be the one that strays from her "Girls' Night Out" friends to talk to you. If you do manage to somehow make it past the initial layer of Cockblockers and pull one away, there's no chance in hell you're taking her home. The girls in a "Girls' Night Out" group think like Soldierss: they're all going in together, and if anybody tries to f*ck one of them, the rest of them are going to beat the shit out of him.

5.Your Drunk Friend
Sometimes your best friends can become your worst enemies. If your friend is drunk to the point that he's acting Stupid, annoying, or otherwise idiotic in any way, you'll be considered guilty by association. You'll need to wriggle out of that situation in order to stand a chance. Your best bet is to make light of the situation, and then follow that with a very dark, dismal explanation of why your friend needs to get super drunk. For example, after your drunk friend gropes your target girl, mumbles something absolutely disgusting to her, and then stumbles away, just laugh and say, "Oh, man.Brian is really going to town tonight. He deserves it, though. If my parents had just told me that they weren't my real parents, and that they found me stuck in the bottom of a basket when I was two, I'd probably want to get pretty smashed, too. The fact is, I'm the only family he has left now."

6. Your Drunk Self
Alcohol is to you like Ben Affleck is to any movie: in small amounts, it can be enjoyable, but as soon as it takes over, everything turns to shit real fast. People around you start saying things like "This has gotten embarassing. We should just go." When you're that drunk, or what I like to call "Reindeer Games wasted", you cease to be cool and begin to sabotage the shit out of yourself. Normally, this occurs because you end up taking a harmless joke or topic way too far. The girl you're sloppily talking up might say something like, "Yeah, my girlfriends and I come here a lot," to which you'll respond: "Ha! I usually come in my fuggin' bafroom, you know watta I mean? Haha! Talkin' 'bout jerkin to the off. Get it?"

7. A Baby
The sound of a baby crying will instantly make a Fanny dryer than a 1980's BBC sitcom. If you've made it all the way back to your prospective lady's apartment to find that she's got a little one sleeping at home, your best bet is to take the Benny Hill approach: put on some soft music and speed things up as quickly as possible, because once that baby wakes up and starts crying, you're defenseless. It's like Lebron James: it can't be stopped, and there's no way it's going to shake your hand if it loses.