Silica and cannabis

Im on board with svchop. Silica is from the earth. Silica is very abundent in water. You drink silica, in soda, in water. Anything with faucet water has silica in it. You can add silica if you want. It does add density. Watch for mold though. Mostly used as a foliar spray or in hydroponics. Silica is very abundent in MOST commercial soils. I use AN Rhino Skin. Spider mites hate it. Peace,SS
increases plant metabolism by speeding photosynthesis somehow and increases cell division. The ladder is a fungus. Not sure what it does as i haven't done much research yet. I imagine it breaks down the organics in soil or something like that. The first one I've read about when researching ethylene in the thread about plant hormones. Sounds promising!
In a mycorrhizal association, the fungus colonizes the host plants' roots, either intracellularly as in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), or extracellularly as in ectomycorrhizal fungi. They are an important component of soil life and soil chemistry.

the plant gains the benefits of the mycelium's higher absorbtive capacity for water and mineral nutrients (due to comparatively large surface area of mycelium:root ratio), thus improving the plant's mineral absorption capabilities.[5] Plant roots alone may be incapable of taking up phosphate ions that are demineralized, for example, in soils with a basic pH. The mycelium of the mycorrhizal fungus can, however, access these phosphorus sources, and make them available to the plants they colonize.

The mechanisms of increased absorption are both physical and chemical. Mycorrhizal mycelia are much smaller in diameter than the smallest root, and thus can explore a greater volume of soil, providing a larger surface area for absorption. Also, the cell membrane chemistry of fungi is different from that of plants (including organic acid excretion which aids in ion displacement Mycorrhizae are especially beneficial for the plant partner in nutrient-poor soils plants are often more resistant to diseases, such as those caused by microbial soil-borne pathogens, and are also more resistant to the effects of drought These effects are perhaps due to the improved water and mineral uptake in mycorrhizal plants.

more on myco's here
AHA!! Until customs started seizing it we had a product here called DrJKS BUD HARDENER, the main ingredient was sillica, you would feed it to the plant from day 28 flowering to 38, it literally doubled my mates harvest, havent been able to find anything like it since though locally :(
You are joking...... right?:wall:

Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earths crust, like sand or quartz, hardly 'un natural'.

It doesn't go anywhere, a good bit of you is silica and you eat a good bit every day on top of that.

All plants and animals use it, or were you :sleep: in skool that day?


ahh shit man thats the herb hahaha woowww im a dumbass

for whatever reason (like me being a dumbass) I thought it was a type of plastic or something....

It all comes flashing back...

no wait shit this threads recent huh... I haven't slept since Sunday night so I'm really out of it to a hallucination feeling sick to my stomach extreme anxiety and emotional swings

...sorry guys
do these products offer any real advantage over say, sodium silicate, which is readily available and cheap?

Good question and probably not.

I use the Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt because it is cheap (~$10/qt), easy to use since it is already liquid and since you only use ~1/4-1/2 tsp/gallon, a qt (actually 36oz), lasts forever or so it seems.

Many of these others with the pretty labels seem to be way over priced for what is essentially the same thing.

Silica Blast:

Silica Blast Plant Bio-mass Yield Enhancer stengthens plant tissue so they can flourish in adverse environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and frost.
Derived from Sodium Silicate and Potassium Silicate, this nutrient supplement also enhances bloom and fruiting yields!

(so why not just use sodium silicate, available at many hardware stores?)
Silica Blast:

Silica Blast Plant Bio-mass Yield Enhancer stengthens plant tissue so they can flourish in adverse environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and frost.
Derived from Sodium Silicate and Potassium Silicate, this nutrient supplement also enhances bloom and fruiting yields!

(so why not just use sodium silicate, available at many hardware stores?)

What exactly is sodium silicate, and what would it be marketed as in a hardware store??
Sure would be nice to hear an old-timer chime in, someone who's been using this stuff and smoking the product for a while now. That would suck to end up with very strong plants but buds that are crispy or somehow fucked up and don't burn right, or taste right, or leave crunchy ash in the bowl, etc.

My last two grows I used a product from general hydroponics called Rare Earth.

Very healthy plants both grows and I have it mixed in with my current batch of soil also. The finished bud showed no negative effects at all and I didn't even flush the plants, ever. Is it a miracle additive, I doubt it but the plants were indeed strong if nothing else.
I just bought a bottle of the silikamajic!! Gunna start usin soon..Just wanted to know how much would i put per gallon..It says on the back that stable silica solutions are by nature highly alkaline and cause dramatic increse in nut ph.should i just put that into a gallon and then adjust ph from there? also in that same gallon could i add the great white premium mycorrhizae?? thank god this post exsists! kiss-ass
I just bought a bottle of the silikamajic!! Gunna start usin soon..Just wanted to know how much would i put per gallon..It says on the back that stable silica solutions are by nature highly alkaline and cause dramatic increse in nut ph.should i just put that into a gallon and then adjust ph from there? also in that same gallon could i add the great white premium mycorrhizae?? thank god this post exsists! kiss-ass
mycorrhizae is compatible with organic's the sillica being natural wont hurt it so it would seem they could be used together without problems. would u have an idea how much i would use per gallon of water for both silika and mycorrhizae. im in week 2 for veg. If u need more details please let me know would u have an idea how much i would use per gallon of water for both silika and mycorrhizae. im in week 2 for veg. If u need more details please let me know
no Idea go by the product recommendations. they are not nutrients there more supplements. full strength should be fine.
i've heard the Rare earth is just Diatomaceous earth or DT. I don't know if that is true or not but DT is relatively cheap it's natural insecticide. it's mined from old lake beds and is the silica shells of ancient diatioms. DON'T breath it!!! very bad for lungs because of the sharp dust!. once it gets wet and cakes it is no longer an insecticide. i just pile a bunch on after the top layer is dry and the next watering it gets carried to the root zone. two birds with one kills any fungus gnat that touches it:eyesmoke:
My last two grows I used a product from general hydroponics called Rare Earth.

Very healthy plants both grows and I have it mixed in with my current batch of soil also. The finished bud showed no negative effects at all and I didn't even flush the plants, ever. Is it a miracle additive, I doubt it but the plants were indeed strong if nothing else.

Nice. That's even cheaper than the Dyna Grow crap I think! General Hydro puts out great products I hear, so this I might actually try. Plus with the other goodies as well you can't go wrong.

PS the advertisement states that it's silica, not DE which is just for killing fungus gnats and other burrowing insects.
Diatomaceous earth (pronounced /ˌdaɪ.ətɵˌmeɪʃəs ˈɜrθ/) also known as diatomite or kieselgur, is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder. It has a particle size ranging from less than 1 micron to more than 1 millimeter, but typically 10 to 200 microns.[1] This powder has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice powder, and is very light, due to its high porosity. The typical chemical composition of oven dried diatomaceous earth is 80 to 90% silica, with 2 to 4% alumina (attributed mostly to clay minerals) and 0.5 to 2% iron oxide.[1]

:dunce: Diatomaceous earth is mostly silica

Triacontanol is a naturally occurring plant hormone that acts as a growth promoter. Triacontanol raises plant yield by i

Foliar Spray

Triacontanol is usually applied as a foliar spray and the biggest variable is what concentration to use, which is calculated in PPM (Parts-Per-Million). We have an on-line PPM calculator.

One published recommendation (1) has been to spray a 1 to 2 PPM triacontanol solution at two different times. The first is 15 days after transplanting the plant and the second time when the plant is at full bloom.

Another study (2) tested triacontanol concentrations of 10 PPM and 15 PPM. It concluded that triacontanol improved flower initiation, pod setting and retention of flowers. It also reduced fruit drop.

A third study (3) on a variety of rice concluded that a foliar spray of 2PM at 25 and 65 days after transplant greatly improved crop yield.
I got some silica blast from a buddy and didn't use it because his weed never burned all the way it just turned black. He swore it wasn't because of silica blast and after reading this I believe him I am going to start using it. I wonder how often you should use it? Every feeding or just a couple times like the Triacontanol.