Hello Folks,
Was sick and tired of the wrong co2 levels..
It was getting real hectic to set the timer to go off and on at the right times..
So, I was browsing my hydro stores co2 equipment.
And noticed a Brand new item that made its way on their store list.
Its a Hydrogen Co2 Monitor/controller.
It regulates the amount of co2 into the growspace automatically for you.
You can set it to various levels.
At default it turns on the co2 tank until the levels reach 1500 ppm then turns off the co2 regulator.
I can set it to go on or off with a digital timer, so that my exhaust fans can come on a few times throughout the day.
After I seen my co2 levels up past 3000 ppm today(1500 is considered max), I had to go out and buy this device.
Im happy I got it.. Makes growing with co2 too easy.
What an important tool, but rather expensive..
I like to do things right, fuck the guessing games.
I may of spent $350, but Imagine losing a crop due to too much co2??
Its a done deal and works great!