Mom found garden, selling starters.

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Hey everyone. Today my garden was found in the closet of the room I am staying in. I have no other place to move them or keep them, so I am going to sell these 5 lovely 6"+ starters. This strain is "ICE" from Nirvana seeds banks. They germinated in under 24hrs, so these are fresh, good genetic carrying seeds. This is a quad cross hybrid according to the info from Nirvana's page. They are all sitting in 1Gallon nursery pots and are super bushy, supremely green and pest/disease/etc free. If you live near oceanside, CA or vista feel free to shoot me an email [email protected]. I would rather these go to someone who keeps a grow log on here so I can see what the would have been. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks bro. I realy doubt anyone will buy though. Maybe giving them away but I doubt anyone will risk it for starters at that. Give them to a friend or find another place for them.


I have a few people I am asking with prop 215 cards. This is my mother in law, and she had a bad experience with an ex-husband in the past. And she still believes all the myths that were created about cannabis. She is very uneducated in the up-to-date studies. All in all, I stood my ground, I am legal, but it is her house. And well, you can't argue with that. Only on day 21 under some 4' floros and they are looking amazing, I just want to see what comes of them. I planted 5 of the 10 seeds, so going with the male/female theory, there should be at least 2 ladies in there. I know the cross that they are will produce some pretty good smoke. Skunk x F1 x Northern lights x afghani If I am remembering right. Does anyone living near me want to give them a good home and keep me updated on how they turn out? or possibly hook me up with some end product? I figure in another week they could be sex tested and flowered. She doesn't want me to destroy them, just doesnt feel like they should be here.


I live close and am very interested I have room right now and we could definitely work something out.
Awsome. They are on a light routine right now of, 5am-11pm. And just being updated or being able to stop by or hang out and see what they turn out like and maybe a little of the end product would be enough for me to put them in good hands. I just want anything but to not have to destroy them. They are thriving right now. I started them on a 50/50 mix of miracle grow soil and some kind of soil that claims it is hard to over/under water. So hopefully this will all be acceptable. My intentions were to find out which were female and keep them in soil mums and just take clones. Shoot me an email and we will work out transferring them to your room.
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