First Micro Grow - stavlen


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. 4 days ago I planted 6 germinated seeds, today I find that 4 are sprouting, I am going to keep 2 of the plants that look the best and grow them until I can see the sex.

42 watt cfl = to 150 watt? I think the package said. So, I think it will do me ok for a bit. its on 12/12 cuz i want it to be in that stage asap and leave it there the whole time. I have 2 fans cooling the light, keeps it cool enough to touch.

I will soon be adding a 23 watt cfl too. Just dont want the heat to be too much of an issue but anyway here is some pics.

Day 4



Well-Known Member
I think those cups are perfect for this stuff... just cut a drainage hole and your all good... the little black things I made with some plastic sheet and electrical tape... haha.
thanks for commenting.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to rollitup stavlen, looks like you're on your way, however I'm thinking you shouldn't start out on 12/12 light cycle, try 18/6 or if you want faster growth go with 24/7 also you might want to change their soil, it appears to be backyard dirt, other than that looking good, Oh pretty crafty them noodle cups or whatever thay are I used yogurt cups myself...

Good luck to you and your grow!


Well-Known Member
^ yea doesnt the soil look horrid? but its miracle grow, thats all i could get a hold of at walmart, and it had a hole in the bag so im sure it soaked up a lot of 'goodies' haha. I am trying to keep it small as possible. I seen someone grow from 12/12 with only a 23 watt bulb from seed to harvest and it totaled at about 8" tall. I think I am going to keep it on 24/7 until I get a full set up leaves, then will switch it to 12/12. Another thing, does tying it down actually force it to grow width instead of height? and wouldnt that cause problems with the lower leaves getting some rays?


Well-Known Member
That explains the soil, if you continue to use that soil might want to break it up better and ad some perlite that will help in many ways, if the 12/12 cycle right the bat works go for it, I for one would love to see this take place...

I'm thinking the lsting or training/tying is to control room in height and achieve a higher yield, it would appear to grow out more rather than up however it will continue to grow up, maybe some one with more experience can explain it better...

Good luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
^ dude thanks a lot. you are a very helpful member... And going through your journal nearly made me cum... I need to get the girl over here.

I will try tying on one of the 2 i decide to keep.


Well-Known Member
No problems glad to be of help, thank you for the comments, got any extra girls I could use one. lmao.


Well-Known Member
Day 6

3 of them are open, 1 is retarded, looks kinda deformed, and that one is stretched aswell. the other 2 are growing decently. the other 2 are trying to open up. I killed one off and will probably kill the stretch one off... remember I am only keeping 2 of the plants... the 2 that look the best...

watered them today, the soil was looking dry.
added soil, so it reduced the stretching appearance.

You can see the stretched retard in this top one

The Retard Up-Close

these 2 are taking for ever



Well-Known Member
word...totally understand...i'm still cleaning up after reading his journal...ahhahahaha....a there's a plan! :blsmoke:
^ dude thanks a lot. you are a very helpful member... And going through your journal nearly made me cum... I need to get the girl over here.

I will try tying on one of the 2 i decide to keep.


Well-Known Member
Day 6 - Continued

Some box modifications, added some fans... the one on the inside has 3.
got it from an xbox 360 cooler. haha gettin ready to add another 42-er and my outlet thing can recommends 100w so no problems... only thing with the circulation since
my plants are up by the light is that the soil dries out often, but s'all good.

and there is a ps2 fan sucking the air out of the box.



Well-Known Member
LMAO @ tahoe, thanks for the encouragement, stavlen I would figure a way to grow all them sprouts, it's not a good idea to pick through them and hope to get a girl or two, what If the ones you pick both end up male? .. BOOM! wasted time/money.. very creative on the box btw, why not make another to keep all sprouts alive?

Food 4 Thought!


Well-Known Member
Tara might possibly strecth, try to keep them all even distance to the light in order to prevent this. Other than that looking good, and yea keep the light on 24/7 man.


Well-Known Member
nice girls !!!what kinda light u gonna use to flower. u can get a 70 watt hps at homedepot for 60 bucks if ur low on cash. have fun


Well-Known Member
yo thanks a lot for the comments people. I really appreciate the tips and advice.

robbie... very observant. :) she is already stretched and i rotate them all the tim during the day so the grow straight up...

and i have hundreds of seeds... all bag seed, but seed none the less...


Well-Known Member
Day 7

got a splitter and another 42w. any ideas on how i can set up the circulation for the best air flow? I have 5 fans total. 3 of which are put together... It just seems like it will get hot hot. and no one is home for 8-9 hours a day.... help?



Well-Known Member
you could get a 4 inch inductor fan at homedepot for about 25 bucks, it moves air like a motherfucker


Well-Known Member
Day 8 - Morning - Problems

so i go to check on the girls this morning and guess what i see? the bulb I JUST BOUGHT for 8.50 isnt working. and it doesnt work at all tested it in other sockets... had to put the 27w in its place, wont that fuck up things? or will the 2 spectrums be good? I know I will probably be doing more rotating... i was hoping to avoid that some with that bulb i bought, but lucky me.

on another note all the plants but tara (had to replant because of stretching) have new leaves coming in the middle...

so my questions for today is... will the 2 bulbs work ok together? is it ok for the plants? and can I raise these under the bulbs I have until I can recognize the sex?


*** this one also is a darker green then the others, and the leaves are half the size as my other plants with the new ones coming in. this must be a different strain? like... its growing same speed just at a smaller size...


Another thing, ever since they sprouted 2-3 of the plants on the tips of the leaves look like they had nute burn, and if i look at the tips, its yellow like the ends didnt grow. I marked the above pics with a *** to the right of what im talking about... its not hurting the plant just want to know what it is