slabhead's 2010


Well-Known Member
Slabhead thats too funny, but hey you seriously have to do what you ot to do, they cant be gobbleing up all your kind. Dig them holes and get em!! Haze


New Member
Where in the world did you find that? lol
Hear the 1 girl clap and holler when no one else does? Thinks she's aliittle against it?


Active Member
don't buy stealth hydro bubbleponic system. It's poorly designed and very expensive. It was a harsh lesson. I beleived the plugs I read on this forum and forked over the dough. Man it's been non-stop work modifying the system to make it decent. and ......... still.....the net pots are way too small.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
Well it snowed around his parts and I'm sure anything outside isn't going to be too happy about the weather the next couple of days. What sucks is it's been over 60 for the last few weeks then BAM, snowstorm for today.


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable, granny always said "wait until after easter before planting" and "if snow stayed on the ground 3 days, it would snow again." alright, sure glad I was paying attention.

So better do something inside today.

More clones! :weed:



Well-Known Member
If you find that your raft rooter roots are staying to wet you could try to raise it off the water a bit, maybe put another layer of that board or even a couple of pieces underneath the other one to give the roots a little a bit more of an air pocket before they hit the water. But Im glad to see your getting roots and everything is going good. I got 60+ already rooted and in cups and another 60+ on the way. It should be one crazy summer :bigjoint: I can't wait!!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You got any pics of that VK? Did you try cloning it? Was is successful?
hey dub, I took 10 more cuttings from the VK today. The others have been slow to root but only lost a couple of them. Those are in the aero tubs. I put the 10 today in Rapid Rooters. I'll get some new pics of the Violator Kush. She's looking pretty dank. You can see her in the corner of that one picture.:peace:

If you find that your raft rooter roots are staying to wet you could try to raise it off the water a bit, maybe put another layer of that board or even a couple of pieces underneath the other one to give the roots a little a bit more of an air pocket before they hit the water. But Im glad to see your getting roots and everything is going good. I got 60+ already rooted and in cups and another 60+ on the way. It should be one crazy summer :bigjoint: I can't wait!!! :leaf:
Hey Nick, yeah man this past week has been something else. Spring break and tons of other things going on around here. Busy busy busy...
I'll try jacking up the float some more. CPH mentioned that but I have just been so busy. It does look like the rooting is taking place in the air pockets above the water line. The Mondi dome & Rapid Rooters are putting out lots of roots though. I lost a few there but better ratio than the tubs. I started 38 more today. Dairy Queen, Violator Kush, and CinJack.

Still got the boys going at a safe place and been collecting pollen from a select few.

gotta run bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I transplanted the clones that had rooted. Not sure of the total number some might not still make it.

The Violator Kush today

The VK clones that were in the bubble tub. It might be a strain hard to clone.

I got a few Jack The Ripper clones and a Dairy Queen back there.

These are from the bibble tubs

The moms are getting fat. I need to trim them up some and water them. I culled out a few to spread these 16 out. The culls are already outside.

I went ahead and watered these after I took the pics, :cuss:

Here's the new batch of Dairy Queen.

I was looking at the boys today. All 17 of them, lol. I'd sure hate to get busted over a garage full of males. hahaha
But I see about 7 that look like they are gonna make the cut. The other 10 I'll just mulch. There is one JTR male that is so short and bushy I'm gonna use him. Same with the short fat Violator Kush male. Blondie will be servicing the Bubblelicious girls. And there are 2 Dairy Queen boys I'm gonna hang onto for now. And one CinJack is really squat looking.
I'll get some pics of them tomorrow. :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good!! I bet those males are getting BIG! I would've gone with short indica males too, easier to hide in the bush.

Thanks for the updates!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You can take clones of your males that you want to keep so you dont have to keep the big fathers... I think this would be the better option anyways so you don't have to lug huge males to a spot, just a couple small clones you could hide anywhere till there needed.

Just a thought bongsmilie :peace:


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good!! I bet those males are getting BIG! I would've gone with short indica males too, easier to hide in the bush.

Thanks for the updates!:bigjoint:
Thanks C, things are coming along. The males really aren't big (yet). I may not ever let them either. So far I've fucked with their light cycle so much they don't know if they're coming or going. ha But yeah that was my logic on the short males. Didn't have any choice on the DQ though. Tall lanky sativas all right. But one of them has this sweet fruity smell and another has these purple streaks that are so pretty. lol

You can take clones of your males that you want to keep so you dont have to keep the big fathers... I think this would be the better option anyways so you don't have to lug huge males to a spot, just a couple small clones you could hide anywhere till there needed.

Just a thought bongsmilie :peace:
I might do that on a select few before they go. Right now I just chopped 10 of them. Shredded up into the vermicompost bin. I decided at the last minute to save the tall Violator Kush for now. It has a more sativa trait to it than the short bushy indica one.

So right now, I'm saving these 7 males.

2 Violator Kush
2 Dairy Queen
1 Jack The Ripper
1 Papaya
1 Bubblelicious

The rest

Yeah, that left me with the ones I will try some breeding with and made the group a lot more manageable.

More pics at my bucket

If it wasn't so windy today I'd start giving the clones a little sun to start hardening them up.

Better run got the bong waiting...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You mean the females right? The Dairy Queens and Jack The Rippers are so fruity smelling already. The Bubblelicious might be my favorite smelling. The Papaya is so sticky already. The Violator Kush looks like it's going to be dank. Hard to say right now bro, worm damage and smoking will point me in the right direction.

Funny my fingers are sticky from shredding up those high dollar


Well-Known Member
One strain from this planting I was dissappointed in was the Bubble n Squeak. Granted I only planted 3 seeds. Only 2 came up. Both were males. The male I was thinking about keeping hermied on me.

With 7 beans left I'll try it again the next chance I get.



New Member
sorry to hear about your loss (a moment in silence............................................................)


Well-Known Member
Healthy looking boys! Bummer on the hermie. Better now than later though!

Can't wait to see Slab's army deployed! lol