should we be worried?

i have no problem with the immigrants from their or illegal. my problem is with the laws and law enforcment...if their illegal why are they here? i j walked and got a ticket...Really thats true. their are illegals on my street at the doctors office at the DMV at welfare at home depot everywhere. why cant we ID and deport them on a huge scale OR take down the border and let them come and go and quit calling them illegal and stop wasting my money and stigmitising people the government has chosen to let into the US "illegaly"
Just remember, people who believe that conspiracies exist are uneducated, unemployed bufoons that have an internet connection. You will never find a single intelligent educated critical thinking person believing that there is anything more to a situation than what our wonderful benefactor the US government tells us there is. The USG would never lie or cover things up. Its well documented that they only tell truth and are only looking out for the citizens well being.
sarcasim is free
thanks for asking me to talk on your thread...

i like to zoom out a lot and look at big pictures, because thats how the world leaders think, so if you want to come to peace with the way things are, thats your best bet.

first thing to understand is we are all programmed, by our parents, disney movies, church... and in that childhood programming, we are protected from harsh realities of life. most of us still have easter bunnies in our thought processes and we dont realize it.

the world leaders used to bombard the masses with harsh reality... but the masses never seemed to understand how to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

once upon a time, people werent organized, there were no roads, no pipes, no buildings, no schools... there were people in tribes... sophisticated apes if you will.

Individuals with big imaginations noticed that when people (or any creature) fight, its because they are usually fighting over STUFF, food, water, shelter, etc.

So the pharos understood that if we want enough stuff for everyone.. then everyone needs to work to pull their weight.

After all, we all consume... the only question is do we add to the pie?

People werent smart enough to understand the pharos plan, and didnt cooperate. This is when the whips came out and people were enslaved.

People... still to this day... do not realize that their work benefits them... they see the few individuals who have a lot more and have naive imaginations on how much that person is taking.

The pharos tried to tell the masses that the work they were doing, was benefiting the masses.

The masses didnt see it that way, and took it as slavery, because the pharo had more than they did.

But lets be frank... how much food can one human eat? The pharo wasnt the problem... but the people viewed it that way.

Lets fast forward to today.

Bill gates has 50 billion dollars. Lets say he had 80 billion.. even more than he actually does.

There are 8 billion people on earth.

If bill gates gives all of his money away equally... that means we all get 10 bucks.

Thanks for lunch bill!

And yet.... we still today have so many people who let someone who has more money then them BLIND them into getting upset and jealous, and think they deserve a portion of his money.

And they are too foolish to realize they spend YEARS of political debate siting rich people, and never stop to do the math on what it is they are throwing a fit about.

ONE free lunch.

Now here is where it gets even more mind boggling, and i will lose most people with this next statement.

If bill donates all his money... evenly across the globe...

it actually doesnt change anything.

THe lunch you are about to buy... still has to be made by someone.

ANd if you live in a villiage where you are starving because there is a shortage of food... that 10 dollars doenst actually solve anything... unless you need tiolet paper.

The point is... money is somehwat of an illusion.

If i give you 6 billion in cash, and drop you off in a desert, you can afford one thing... sand. And i can get it for free.

Cash is meaningless, gold is meaningless, silver meaningless... unless you want to show off.

But when it comes time to buy a car, a house, a sandwich, anything...

understand... the tooth fairy isnt the one who makes it.

A human does.

It is super important to understand that peoples work ethic determines how rich we as a race actually are.

It is also super important to understand that peoples willpower to stay peaceful, and not get angry and destructive... also determines how rich our race is.

ww2... we blew up a lot of buildings... food was scarce... and living conditions sucked across europe.... there was no soccer, there was no chuck e cheese, there was no night at the movies... it was hide in a hole and kill the other team.

People sometimes chase money so much they forget money is meaningless if the products and lifestyles vanish.

One can argue that after wars, economies are at their best.

I will agree totally... but also inform you that you have been tricked by an illusion....

The way an economy is JUDGED is based on RATE OF GROWTH.

In other words...

Lets compare Shaq to a 4 year old kid.

And lets say height is wealth.

Shaq is richer is he not?

but the child is growing at a faster rate... shaq is done growing.

Economies are the same.

We say that the best economy is the one growing the fastest... not the one that has the most at the current moment.

THis is very important to understand.

And this illusion... is designed on purpose... to get the rest of the world to not be so jealous of strong economies, and make them believe their little economy that is growing at a quick rate is just as good, if not better than ours.

I challange people all the time to find a better place to live, where you have access to more stuff, more variety, and less polution... than what we have in the US and Canada.

If there is a better place... by all means move.

But theres not.

China has a better economy? better get your gas mask because their air is horrible.

My point behind all this is....

you have to ask yourself what you are ultimately after...

Happiness right?

Sometimes, when we are ignorant, we think the grass is greener on the other side... and once we go explore the other side... we come to find out what we had rocked.

This understanding is what you will learn to chase... the understanding that leads to appreciation.

THe quickest way i have found to appreciate something is to try and accomplish it with my own 2 hands.

Once one does this... it makes you appreciate other people.

I used to be that guy who looked down on people who did low paying jobs.

Now, theres no one i appreciate more...
im going to change gears for a second...

Our brains are relativity machines. They base GOOD AND BAD off of previous experiences.

If you live in a 8 million dollar house and i say you HAVE TO LIVE in a half million dollar house... thats bad.

If you live in a 100,000 dollar house and i say you HAVE TO LIVE in a half million dollar house... thats good.

Its important to understand how we think, and what exactly is making us mad.

happiness... and accomplishment.

its important to get square with yourself on something and answer the following questions...

Do you like having more stuff than other people?


Do you like having more stuff than you did yesterday?

Most humans lack the intelligence to think in terms of the second question. Most humans think in terms of the first question.

Thinking in terms of the first question is dangerous... because it means... you will forfeight EVERYTHING as long as everyone else forfeights even more.

So for instance... you have a half million dollar house, and you live in a neighborhood where everyone else has million dollar houses and half million dollar cars.

you feel like you are losing.

In your mind, you will wage war with everyone else, and not think twice about destroying their way of life... and in the end...

if you are left with a 100,000 dollar house, and they are all broke and on welfare... you will veiw that as a win.

If you think in terms of the second question, you realize that you actually lost.... and you are responisble for assisting in everyone elses loss... because you are a jealous person whos relativity computer choses to compare yourself to others insted of compare yourself to... yourself yesterday, yourself today, and yourself tomorrow.

Im not opposed to one way or the other... but its important to figure out which one you are... because the choices and views you have should be inline with what makes you happy.

If they arent inline... you will never be happy.

Unhappy people are what make this world suck.

I dont mind if people are happy to figure skate, or go to war, so long as they do what makes them happy, and become the best that they can be.

What bugs me is when people arent smart enough to get square with themselves and figure out what they want... and then take the steps that move them in that direction.
thanks for asking me to talk on your thread...

i like to zoom out a lot and look at big pictures, because thats how the world leaders think, so if you want to come to peace with the way things are, thats your best bet.

first thing to understand is we are all programmed, by our parents, disney movies, church... and in that childhood programming, we are protected from harsh realities of life. most of us still have easter bunnies in our thought processes and we dont realize it.

the world leaders used to bombard the masses with harsh reality... but the masses never seemed to understand how to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

once upon a time, people werent organized, there were no roads, no pipes, no buildings, no schools... there were people in tribes... sophisticated apes if you will.

Individuals with big imaginations noticed that when people (or any creature) fight, its because they are usually fighting over STUFF, food, water, shelter, etc.

So the pharos understood that if we want enough stuff for everyone.. then everyone needs to work to pull their weight.

After all, we all consume... the only question is do we add to the pie?

People werent smart enough to understand the pharos plan, and didnt cooperate. This is when the whips came out and people were enslaved.

People... still to this day... do not realize that their work benefits them... they see the few individuals who have a lot more and have naive imaginations on how much that person is taking.

The pharos tried to tell the masses that the work they were doing, was benefiting the masses.

The masses didnt see it that way, and took it as slavery, because the pharo had more than they did.

But lets be frank... how much food can one human eat? The pharo wasnt the problem... but the people viewed it that way.

Lets fast forward to today.

Bill gates has 50 billion dollars. Lets say he had 80 billion.. even more than he actually does.

There are 8 billion people on earth.

If bill gates gives all of his money away equally... that means we all get 10 bucks.

Thanks for lunch bill!

And yet.... we still today have so many people who let someone who has more money then them BLIND them into getting upset and jealous, and think they deserve a portion of his money.

And they are too foolish to realize they spend YEARS of political debate siting rich people, and never stop to do the math on what it is they are throwing a fit about.

ONE free lunch.

Now here is where it gets even more mind boggling, and i will lose most people with this next statement.

If bill donates all his money... evenly across the globe...

it actually doesnt change anything.

THe lunch you are about to buy... still has to be made by someone.

ANd if you live in a villiage where you are starving because there is a shortage of food... that 10 dollars doenst actually solve anything... unless you need tiolet paper.

The point is... money is somehwat of an illusion.

If i give you 6 billion in cash, and drop you off in a desert, you can afford one thing... sand. And i can get it for free.

Cash is meaningless, gold is meaningless, silver meaningless... unless you want to show off.

But when it comes time to buy a car, a house, a sandwich, anything...

understand... the tooth fairy isnt the one who makes it.

A human does.

It is super important to understand that peoples work ethic determines how rich we as a race actually are.

It is also super important to understand that peoples willpower to stay peaceful, and not get angry and destructive... also determines how rich our race is.

ww2... we blew up a lot of buildings... food was scarce... and living conditions sucked across europe.... there was no soccer, there was no chuck e cheese, there was no night at the movies... it was hide in a hole and kill the other team.

People sometimes chase money so much they forget money is meaningless if the products and lifestyles vanish.

One can argue that after wars, economies are at their best.

I will agree totally... but also inform you that you have been tricked by an illusion....

The way an economy is JUDGED is based on RATE OF GROWTH.

In other words...

Lets compare Shaq to a 4 year old kid.

And lets say height is wealth.

Shaq is richer is he not?

but the child is growing at a faster rate... shaq is done growing.

Economies are the same.

We say that the best economy is the one growing the fastest... not the one that has the most at the current moment.

THis is very important to understand.

And this illusion... is designed on purpose... to get the rest of the world to not be so jealous of strong economies, and make them believe their little economy that is growing at a quick rate is just as good, if not better than ours.

I challange people all the time to find a better place to live, where you have access to more stuff, more variety, and less polution... than what we have in the US and Canada.

If there is a better place... by all means move.

But theres not.

China has a better economy? better get your gas mask because their air is horrible.

My point behind all this is....

you have to ask yourself what you are ultimately after...

Happiness right?

Sometimes, when we are ignorant, we think the grass is greener on the other side... and once we go explore the other side... we come to find out what we had rocked.

This understanding is what you will learn to chase... the understanding that leads to appreciation.

THe quickest way i have found to appreciate something is to try and accomplish it with my own 2 hands.

Once one does this... it makes you appreciate other people.

I used to be that guy who looked down on people who did low paying jobs.

Now, theres no one i appreciate more...
do you think their is enough work to be done or will they try to thin the population...and i mean somthing mare drastic than what we are seeing now...might they round us up on a large scale or make us sick...or are we ok as long as we follow rules...what is Alex Jones talking about and are his movies fact?
so what does all this have to do with this thread...

the thread says are WE in trouble..

my question is who is WE?

and who do you want WE to be?

Here comes some more inconsistant programming, that people dont realize they have....

Is everyone in your country your friend? You have enemies on your street? You have rapists that if they raped a family member, youd still call them a friend?

Lets call a spade a spade, and get real.

Groups based on skin color or territory are for the birds.

Its a good thing to teach kids, so that they give everyone around them a chance and arent paranoid that the things in life they dont like are people's faults within their community.

instead, we allow the blamers to point blame... but point it at a far off land, or at another leader.

This allows peace to remain in the communities... and allows people a chance to snap out of their BLAMING.

Once a person turns 18.. a magical thing happens. True free agency.

And a chance to join the military, and go attack the other team they are so convinced is behind all their problems.

THe economy not good enough for you? And you dont want to work to solve it and you want to point blame at someone else?

Rest assured, the world leaders do not want to hear your complaints.... so they create an illusion... where they trick the dumb people from this side of the globe, into facing off with the dumb people of that side of the globe.

Skin color, place of birth, language you grew up learning....

these are all illusions for the people who WANT TO BLAME, and dont want to UNDERSTAND.

If you look past peoples skin color or where they were born... and start to put a list together of important qualities...


will you kill people if they are short?

Will you kill people if they have a low iq?

Will you kill people if they are born in the wrong spot?

Will you kill people if they have the wrong name for god?

Or... will you look for something that people have control over....

Lets say... people who search for understanding, and thus appreciation for what they have, and the world in which they live.


People who search for someone to blame, and refuse to admit that there is no such thing as perfect, and there is always room for improvement?

you see... we are born knowing nothing. And the day we die is the most we will ever know.

Knowldege is infinite. Numbers are infinite. Genetic mutation is infinite. Ideas are infinite. Problems are infinite.

To pretend that you are in no need of improvement and that you have the right answers as you sit... is an ape instinct to try and look important.

And it might work on the idiots... and you make a baby with some stupid chic who falls for it...

but understand... the people who want to understand whats going on... are the last people to pick up a gun and get violent.

And thus... this is why the opposing team concept is kept in tact... it allows idiots who think they have life so figured out... that they have the right to kill another human being...

face off with a mirror image of themself... from another team... and kill eachother.

And while in the desert, with no freedom, in a 120 degree tank, eating spam...

if it ever dawns on that soldier... that they HAD a GREAT economy, and the choice they chose put them in a shitty situation, surrounded by people where it becomes poinless to build anything, for it will just get destroyed....

it might finally dawn on that person to come home and choose to smile, and appreciate life...

and know that porducts dont just fall from the sky.

Are we in a bad economy?

Relative to the rest of the world? Not at all.

Relative to where we were 10 years ago? Absolutely.

First, lets define an economy.

You can use a bunch of big words and confuse the hell out of everyone....

but i think ive figured out a great definition...

An economy is... how hard and long do you work in a day, how much do you produce and serve.... and then the pay you recieve... how much does that allow you to purchase?

in other words..

how much do you produce, compared to how much you are allowed to consume.

In a great economy, you dont have to work much, and the pay you receive allows you to afford, and thus consume all kinds of stuff.... far more than you produced that day.

In a bad economy, you have to work a ton, produce a ton, and the pay you receive, doesnt allow you to consume much at all.

Here is a little harsh reality to life...

when people in other countries work in sweat shops to produce abercrombie clothes and other random stuff we enjoy... and then they arent paid much...

this is to americas advantage.

Because instead fo the people who make the shirts being paid enough to purchase them from their own factory... they cant.

And thus there are more shirts for us... allowing more of us to afford them and not have to work as hard to produce shirts... someone else already has.

Not saying this is good or bad... just saying... this is an important part to understand about global economics...

if our economy is to get better... and we not work any harder then we already are...

understand someone elses economy has to get worse... where they have to work harder, and arent allowed to afford to consume the product, but instead it comes our way.

I dont mind someone who wants our economy to get better... as long as they realize they have to produce more to make it happen.

I dont mind someone who wants our economy to get better, and doenst want to produce more... but i hope they understand... that without the tooth fairy... the only other option is sweat shops in asia, where people dont get paid, and we get the goods for cheap because no money is waste on labor fees.

What i cant stand are people who want our economy to get better, want to work less, and want to punish the bad guys in asia running the sweat shops.

This person may as well have stepped on an elevator with me... pushed both the up and down buttons... and then complained that the elevator went up, or down, and that they wanted to go the other way.

This is an obvious sign of ignorance and retardation.

It is important to understand there are many world leaders who feel the same way... and this is why they have no problem hanging idiots out to dry... who prove they dont have the brainpower to understand cause and effect... and instead just want to complain regardless of which direction the elevator goes because in their mind, they believe they live in a universe where everything is possible, and its someone elses responsibility to make it happen.

When the reality is... they grew up on the coat tails of a generation who had been to war, understood that work has to be done, and thats why we had the great economy we used to have... because people used to enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to pull their weight.

These days... we have the easter bunny, aka insterest rates, national deficit, fed reserve conspiracies, stock market levels, and whos in office.

And guess what. None of these things, not obama, not the interest rates... make another plasma tv.

People still have to make the tv, or make the robots that make the tv.

It doesnt matter where the interest rates are... whos in office.. and where the stock market is...

if theres 3 of us, and one sandwich... understand... 2 are going to go hungry, UNLESS SOMEONE GETS OFF THEIR ASS AND MAKES 2 MORE SANDWICHES.

This harsh reality... is not something ANY politician has any reason to explain... because what it means is... he cant help you... his help is an illusion.

Once you realize that... he just lost control of you... he has nothign left to bribe you with.
do you think their is enough work to be done or will they try to thin the population...and i mean somthing mare drastic than what we are seeing now...might they round us up on a large scale or make us sick...or are we ok as long as we follow rules...what is Alex Jones talking about and are his movies fact?


who is us?

let me put it this way...


But i think that anyone who has the capability to do what you are talking about... also has the intelligence to know that if a person is working, and appreciative of the world around them...

they wont march on washington, they wont protest, they wont go to war, they wont sit around and talk shit about the other party...

they will realize... the only person we have control over is ourselves...

and if we want to make the world a better place... and arent out for our own image and ego.. then we wont even want to sit around and debate...

we will want to try and solve the problem with our own 2 hands.

people who want to solve the problem with their own 2 hands.. its very hard to hate them.

I guarantee you know some... who dont complain, who when they see a problem, they do their best to try and fix it and dont sit around and try to point blame at whos fault it is because they know there are no time machines...

there is now. And there is solve or dont solve.

And these people... if you become one of them... and then say... us...

i doubt you have much to worry about.

But if you are a person who thinks that just because you had a good ride on the coat tails of the previous generations, ant that means you DESERVE a better and better life every day, and that the easter bunny is going to show up with obama and hand it to you...

and if they dont hand it to you, you are going to throw a big fit...

understand, the world leaders dont have the energy to spank you and put you in time out.

They do have the capability to trick you into going to war and killing yourself unless you wise up and come home and appreciate what youve got...

and they do have the capability to do EVERYTHING alex jones claims is possible... AND MORE.

Intelligence is always king.

If in the back of your mind you know there are people who are smarter than you... i often wonder why people dont let the smarter person take the reins and not question their judgements...

if you think you are smarter than someone else... i always encourage people to prove it

not with words, with actions.

If bill gates is an idiot, and you want money, and thus you deserve more money... then make more than he does fair and square.

But the harsh reality is... we probably arent smarter than him.

And if bush is such an idiot, and obama is such an idiot... i always tell people to take the necessary steps to become president... but they dont... they dont even try.

And once you realize... that the people who are in big places... didnt just fall into them... they still had to try.

We dont get EXACTLY what we deserve... but life gets pretty close.

The more you hand away your responsibilities... the more you make your death a beneficial thing for society.

The more you take responsibility, the more you make your death a loss for society.

There are no guarantees in life... but there are odds.

And odds are a powerful thing... they make casinos millions every night.

Do your best, and figure out what you can do to make the world a better place...

and youll have better odds than the casino of moving to higher places.

In this life... when there is a winner, there are always 30 or more losers right behind him.

Thats the fact.

Dont get caught up on the fact that you lose... youre going to lose way more than you win.... its a mathematical certainty.

30 race cars in a nascar race... and if life was fair.. that would mean everyone only wins 1 time in 30 races, and the other 29 lose, and 27, dont even make the podium.

Thats reality. Dont get caught up on what walt disney told you that you deserve...

understand... you dont have the short end of the stick....

if bill gates gave us all his money wed get one free lunch.

I will buy you a free lunch if it gets a person to snap out of the blame game.

FIgure out what makes you happy... and work to earn it...

And if you do that... youll have a fullfillment... a happiness... that no one can take from you.

If you take bill gates, donald trump, and warren buffet...

steal all their money,

put them in the street naked...

and tell them there is no god and to be selfish as hell...

guess what?

id bet my life savings NONE of them would rob a ladys purse, or steal someones clothes.


that to get where you want to be in life... all you have to do is figure out how to help other people...

whthere its write a program, make a casino and a tv show that entertains, or help people make the best investment choices...

it all takes work and intelligence.

If you dont have intelligence... i guess things would be tough... i consider myself pretty intelligent, so i dont know what its like to live in a world and not have a clue whats going on around me...

so i really dont know what to tell you at that point... i think you just gotta still do your best and understand that the people with gifts are going to earn the big bucks, and keep searching for your nitch where you can make the most positive difference possible...

every song
Every road
every tv show
every painting
every house
every computer program and web site
every car

Was created by a human.

WIthout those humans... our money and interest rates and political parties and skin colors... would mean nothing... wed all be poor as hell.

Understand... being productive is being part of the solution.

Joining a team is not going to make you automatically win at life.

It doesnt matter what team you are on... it matters what you choose to do with your day.

We are all going to die sooner or later...

the question is what did we give back before we hit the dirt?

If everyone thought this way... we would have more stuff on this planet than you could ever imagine....

the poorest people would have more than bill gates has right now...

just as we have more right now than the pharos of egypt did.

there is no slavery or conspiracy...

once you realize work has to be done...

we can either be tricked or forced into doing it and complain and fight about it.

or we can WANT to be part of the solution and die knowing we made the world a better place for the next generation as our parents did for us.

for me... the second choice makes a lot more sense.
this is the last thing i have to say....

if i had to put my finger on one problem i want changed with humanity...

it would be to get real, and learn t accept a loss, and understand that competition is fun...

competition is sports, racing, olympics, x games, our economy vs their economy...

and competition is a carrot we can chase...

but the ultimate outcome of competition is the reward...

and that reward is that as each of us compete in different fields... we become more than what we were yesterday.

I think the reason competition and people who dont join competitions and get in on the fun... exist...

because their egos are to scared to admit they lost.

They are so stupid, they think they can fool everyone with their words... and SAY they belong to a winning team...

but anyone with half a brain sees through this BS...

anyone with half a brain can see a whiney loser a mile away...

and this is when the never ending debates start...

when you get a couple losers who are too scared to put their money where their mouth is...

because... they are too scared of loss.

I wish everyone would really think about something.

When 2 nba teams step on the court, does either ever lose?

We would say yes...

but theres an illusion that we stupid people cant see past.

you see, EVERYONE on the court is getting paid. Everyone on the court is getting tv fame. Everyone on the court is getting their excersize for the day. Everyone on the court belongs to an elite team. Everyone on the court prob has a hot wife, and a nice house...

and most important... everyone on the court learns a little bit more what to do, and what not to do... to improve and succeed.

Now lets look at the people in the stands.

Half of them after the basketball game scream WE WON!!!

but lets look at the facts... they didnt win shit.

They lost 150 bucks for tickets, they drank a couple beers and got fatter, they spent 10 bucks on a hotdog, they sat in a tiny seat for 2 hours,

and they didnt improve at anything.

Most people in this world would rather pretend they are on a team... a winning team...

then actually get in the game... because they dont want to be called a loser.

But what they dont realize is...

by not getting in the game... they stay a loser...

and the only one who doenst see it is them.

And they minimize their chances to improve as an individual... because they hide from competition and improvent...

because they are so scared to lose.

Losing is the key to winning.

As stated before...

in this life... you are going to lose a lot more than you win.

If you let the disney movies and the books your mom reads you shape your reality and make you hide from failure...

you will never become... what you wish you were.

I wish people would do their best, and not get bent out of shape if they lose, but instead get focussed on the next competition.

If people did this... this world would be a much better place.

You can always sit around and smoke weed after the game :)

But if you smoke weed your whole life... understand if everyone was just like you...

nothing would ever get done... and there would be a MAJOR FOOD SHORTAGE :)
Complete side note.... (you can thank me later) ....

Results 1 - 10 of about 13,800,000 for canadian premiere goes to florida. (0.27 seconds)

Google is amazing..... .27 seconds.
The EU (European Union) is a prime example of the NWO's ideology of a borderless North America.

IMO if the forces that be decide we are f'd than we are f'd.... Where do you hide? How do you escape from limitless cash and weapons,
may it be nukes, Bio weapons or weather manipulation.

It can happen, anything is possible and we all know that.
Blind faith and blind trust is dangerous, free thinking and objectiveness is a true strength.
sheriberry's posts were amazing. they broke down the real issues into simple philosophies that some of the ignorant naysayers could understand. if any one says sherri needs to take medication, well your just a blind diluted fool who needs to view the world around them

back to the original question; should we be afraid?

hell yes, but it wont do a bit of difference to be afraid. the world we know is crumbling around us and most of us refuse to accept it. terrible things happen every day, its true, but throwing money at it is not the answer. and no one of us can do a damn thing to stop terrible things from happening.

for a while i diluted myself into thinking i could somehow do something to get everyone to change. i wrote a story at age ten that resembles the comunist manafesto or utopia. now that im grown up ive realised, like sherri said, there are no easter bunnies and toothfairys that will make the world better. i cant rally the world into protecting the enviorment or getting off of our oil addiction. i cant stop people from raping their little cousins or stop child soldiers from being given cocaine and AK-47s. theres nothing i can do alone and no one will help me

its easier to forget the problems of the world and try and enjoy an ignorant life than to muse over all these things you can never change. the first is what i try to do now, but maybe thats why some people view me as a drug adict. maybe i am, but its easier to forget and be happy than to brood over things you cant change
oh and for all of you who are setting up doomsday rations; good job. i wish i could afford to be one of you "lunatics", because you seem crazy and paranoid now but when shit hits the fan you will be kings.

hey nodrama, you should build a will around your land because everyone is going to want in. another thing you should stock up on is seeds. not just marijuana or food seeds, but plants that that can be made into medicines like poppies and the such
oh and for all of you who are setting up doomsday rations; good job. i wish i could afford to be one of you "lunatics", because you seem crazy and paranoid now but when shit hits the fan you will be kings.

hey nodrama, you should build a will around your land because everyone is going to want in. another thing you should stock up on is seeds. not just marijuana or food seeds, but plants that that can be made into medicines like poppies and the such
Check this shit out::mrgreen:
ive seen it

i hope theres something similar for natural animals. yall have heard about the thanksgiving day turkey right?

"As their name implies, Broadbreasted White turkeys are valued for their large, meaty breasts, which breeding has enhanced though the process has rendered them virtually infertile. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, without artificial insemination performed by humans, this variety of bird would become extinct in just one generation." Safran

dont get me wrong, im an environmentalist and a hippie, but i wasnt a vegetarian untill i started reading about all the fucked up things we do to an animal. i still enjoy eating meat(with the exception of hotdogs), but i worry about all the growth hormone and chemicals. its the same as when a shitty grower adulterates bud so it weighs more, all these people are interested in is dollar signs
sherriberry is the antichrist.... as far as publishing goes, hes got a story that has been building for the last 10 years. Hes going to lable it as fiction, and change everyones names.

Story exposes a lot of stuff that "might" have happened, and be happening in reality... crimes by people in high places, etc.

Problem for people in high places is that if they try to come after sherri for slander, they are admitting that the story is true, so their only real option is to pray that the public is indeed so stupid that they cant put it all together.

Sherri has the real footage of what hit the pentagon, and is using that as blackmale to stay alive for if he dies, then 911 gets opened up and war starts.

Only thing that has stopped sherri in his tracks is that the world leaders he confronts, threaten that if he exposes their plans on how they manipulate the masses, and how they keep the wars going.... then they will use all media outlets to blackball him as the antichrist.

They claim this is evidence that all religion, including christianity is man made.... otherwise... why would being a good christian, and trying to help the world, end up screwingyou over and make you a bad guy?

THeir reason is that they know what the guy who takes them down... will have to do... and thus, thousands of years ago, they started blackballing him before he shows up... whoever that person is.

Sherri has the potential to bring down all the secrets... that make this matrix of a world tick.

Past 7 years have been very rough. But now sherri is finally on good terms with the world leaders, and their claim is that the world needs to be ran the way it is due to many harsh realities of life, that the vast majority of humanity cant handle... and thus are sheltered from via manmade lies to keep the masses from having to face these paradoxes of life.

In other words...

world leaders say that they do the masses a favor by letting them stay in ignorant la la land, and that the ones who can handle the truth... like sherri... search for it relentlessly, and thus earn it.

So this world is kind of like a filter.

Meanwhile, sherri is letting it all soak in, and is starting to come to peace more and more with what they are saying.

If sherri was forced at the current moment to make a decision, he would probably roll the dice and expose whats going on.

However, as long as the world leaders agree to postpone the big war they have planned, sherri keeps his mouth shut on what is going on and what is about to happen.

World leaders and sherri are in a cold war checkmate. If either advances, they are screwed by the other party.

They both have eachother in a holding pattern.

THeir point to sherri is to understand, no one is perfect. Our fathers do their best, we do our best, and we hope our kids do their best... thats human progression.

Having big wars and destroying all that we have build and created only takes us backwards.

At the same token, humanity, like all species, need competition. We need to man up and have competitions where the winners get rewarded and the losers are not... this is a necessary reality of darwinism.

Sherri supposedly has more power to start more problems than anyone in quite sometime.

Sherri came across the 911 footage of the pentagon, because his partner was an ex cia agent who distrusts the cia due to the fact that his team was marched towards their death on purpose. Originally sherri worked for him, and this man used his cia abilities to tap phones of people in high places... and thus "heard" about 911 before it happened.

So on 911, this man put up a few of his own cameras, and captured the reality of the events on his own cameras, that the fbi didnt know existed.

Problem is, exposing these tapes only brought "america", and thus millions of inocent americans... into the blame of other countries... who would have surely reacted in anger as they found "america" attacked itself to gain access to more war...

when in reality its a few very intelligent individuals at the top who orchestrated the plan.

America would get hung out to dry, just like the german public, for the crimes the nazi elite commited... and the nazi elite simply escaped to america post ww2, and got top paying jobs here, and in russia.

In other words... the individuals who keep starting all the problems... dont get busted... the masses within that territory get the blame.

This is why 911 hasnt been exposed yet... the outcome is counter productive, if a person is trying to make america/americans better off.

Sherri is in the middle of a big paradox to say the least.

And the worst part is... the world leaders say they do these thigns to favor america in the long run.... and that the only other alternative is to get americans to choose to work harder.... which in turn is the definition of a worse economy... because people already complain about how hard they have to work not to make ends meet now, let alone if they have to work harder.

So they basically tell sherri quit throwing a fit and wanting to go in 2 oposing directions simultaneously.

And to join them, and help make the world a better place by tricking the masses via games that appeal to ape mentality.

So sherri is in a holding pattern.

But the world leaders wont let sherri keep everything in a holding pattern forever... because they say earth doesnt hold infinite people... and the longer we go without big war... the more people start to realize that killing has to occur.... and if all of society decides killing has to occur, humanity has a grim chance of survival... because if you make killing fair, and only let everyone kill only 1 person, thats still 8 billion minus 8 billion... = 0

So step one to eternal life for humanity remains ... dont kill.

As of right now, peoples phobia of killing keeps humanity in tact, and the only acceptable exception to killing is world leader monitored "war" where they control the floodgates, and keep tabs of what all sides are up to.

The world leaders are more of referees than anything... they keep things ballanced and keep any one team from winning out.

If there is no oposing team, because we eliminate them all... then there is no one left to blame when we get in bad moods.... but ourselves.... at which point, voilence becomes present in the community. Instead of team work and love for our team.

The system... is global. The nwo... is a concept.. that has been in tact for the past 15,000 years, devised by the pharos.

WHen people learn too much, world leaders impliment dark ages. This erases knowledge. Nikola tesla and einstein both admit that relativity was understood by the anchient greeks.

Bible talks about the super weapon, ark of the covenant.

World leaders dont like super weapons... it gives one suicidal nut the capability to eliminate all of life as we know it.

Energy is a weapon. Muscles... gun powder, atomic. The free'er energy becomes for the masses, the more individuals can cause destruction when they get mad.

We complain we want a better economy.. yet we still feel like destroying things and skilled people when we get mad. These are in direct contradiction with eachtoher.

This is what humanity has to somehow wake up from.

This is what sherri and the world leaders have an agreement to let sherry give a shot... to try and help the masses understand why they have to be played as fools, because the masses essentially step on an elevator and press the up and down buttons, then cry when it goes one way and not the other.

And if sherri fails... the world leaders eliminate a lot of people via war and a virus they have the antidote to.

One can blame sherri, as im sure many will. But the thing to understand... the world leaders already had the rapture planned long before sherri showed up. Sherri is postponing it. And the world leaders have convinced sherri that if he gives it his best shot to try and wake people up, and they genetically dont have the brain capacity to do so... then the world leaders are right... the only way to make humanity of tomorrow think on a higher level is to eliminate the bad dna of today.

Sherri simply hopes that the test or manny in which the world leaders decide who dies and who lives... will be as fair as possible... so that anyone, from any corner of the globe has a chance to make the right choice... and is not just eliminated without a chance to prove they are capable of making the better choices.

The garden of earth is about to be weeded.

Its predeicted... because its planned.... from day one.... over 10,000 years ago.

This is why over enlightened/illuminati/secret society doorwars, there is a latin phrase, that simply states...

"Rapture must come again."

Imagine you are born a weed tho? How is that your fault if its bad dna? This is where the world leaders say people would blame god... and thus lose their nice image of god i their mind.

People idolize and mimick power and success.

If people think god is a dickhead, they will aspire to become dickheads.

If we want people to be nicer, world leaders say that they have to be lied to about reality and thus god... which is why dna and genetics have to be kept as secret as possible.

Sherri isnt so sure that dna and random genetic mutation means god is an asshole... and has a belief that this is a better alternative than to other options... and we might just be too ignorant to realize it.

Oddly enough, world leaders agree, but they claim that it takes a level of intelligence to more accurately understand the real god... if there is one...

and that the vast majority of humanity, frankly, cant. THey prove it every time they flunk a high level science test, or fail to understand some super difficult concept.

But again... sherri says we at least have to give people a chance... and that if we are going to kill a bunch of people for being ignorant idiots... at least figure out who is capable of making the right choices prior to doing so.

Sherri is starting to embrace the antichrist title rather than run from it.

Its complicated, but sherri knows if an individual jumps to negative conclusions quickly... as those will who cant think for themselves and just want to kill the antichrist asap without thinking things through.... this is a filter.... and the world leaders like filters... to find out who can think and give people and new ideas a chance... and who cant, and just wants to get violent anytime they hear something that contradicts what they were tuaght growing up.

If we always got violent every time something contradicted what we were tuahgt growing up... the world would never advance in any way shape or form.

Its finding the ballance to build on the knowledge out parents gave us, and activating our minds to continue to improve on this world.

the antichrists symbol will be 666.... but not in the form you might think.

other religions teach that the "antichrist" is not a bad thing... since they are anti christian... such as budism, and muslim, they actually talk about the antichrsit being helpful to their peoples.

Councidentally... if sherry exposed the crimes elite american world leaders pull, it would reduce americas lifestyle compared to how little we work, and start rewarding individuals around the globe who do work hard, and are not paid much in return.

Its all perspective.

Regardless... 2012 is going to be a busy year, whether sherri speaks, or doesnt.
what are everyones opinions on the N.W.O the fedral reserve, NATO, NAFTA, FEMA , bilderberg, illuminati, georgia guide stones? why are old senetors all worked up about getting 1000 page bills to sign on christmas eve? what is really going on? how worried should a regular joe be? how real are these threats? i dont consider myself a conspiracy nut and im seeing hearing and reading a lot of stuff that sounds really bad.

Yes you should - we are watching you through your computer. :evil:
sherriberry is the antichrist.... as far as publishing goes, hes got a story that has been building for the last 10 years. Hes going to lable it as fiction, and change everyones names.

Story exposes a lot of stuff that "might" have happened, and be happening in reality... crimes by people in high places, etc.

Problem for people in high places is that if they try to come after sherri for slander, they are admitting that the story is true, so their only real option is to pray that the public is indeed so stupid that they cant put it all together.

Sherri has the real footage of what hit the pentagon, and is using that as blackmale to stay alive for if he dies, then 911 gets opened up and war starts.

Only thing that has stopped sherri in his tracks is that the world leaders he confronts, threaten that if he exposes their plans on how they manipulate the masses, and how they keep the wars going.... then they will use all media outlets to blackball him as the antichrist.

They claim this is evidence that all religion, including christianity is man made.... otherwise... why would being a good christian, and trying to help the world, end up screwingyou over and make you a bad guy?

THeir reason is that they know what the guy who takes them down... will have to do... and thus, thousands of years ago, they started blackballing him before he shows up... whoever that person is.

Sherri has the potential to bring down all the secrets... that make this matrix of a world tick.

Past 7 years have been very rough. But now sherri is finally on good terms with the world leaders, and their claim is that the world needs to be ran the way it is due to many harsh realities of life, that the vast majority of humanity cant handle... and thus are sheltered from via manmade lies to keep the masses from having to face these paradoxes of life.

In other words...

world leaders say that they do the masses a favor by letting them stay in ignorant la la land, and that the ones who can handle the truth... like sherri... search for it relentlessly, and thus earn it.

So this world is kind of like a filter.

Meanwhile, sherri is letting it all soak in, and is starting to come to peace more and more with what they are saying.

If sherri was forced at the current moment to make a decision, he would probably roll the dice and expose whats going on.

However, as long as the world leaders agree to postpone the big war they have planned, sherri keeps his mouth shut on what is going on and what is about to happen.

World leaders and sherri are in a cold war checkmate. If either advances, they are screwed by the other party.

They both have eachother in a holding pattern.

THeir point to sherri is to understand, no one is perfect. Our fathers do their best, we do our best, and we hope our kids do their best... thats human progression.

Having big wars and destroying all that we have build and created only takes us backwards.

At the same token, humanity, like all species, need competition. We need to man up and have competitions where the winners get rewarded and the losers are not... this is a necessary reality of darwinism.

Sherri supposedly has more power to start more problems than anyone in quite sometime.

Sherri came across the 911 footage of the pentagon, because his partner was an ex cia agent who distrusts the cia due to the fact that his team was marched towards their death on purpose. Originally sherri worked for him, and this man used his cia abilities to tap phones of people in high places... and thus "heard" about 911 before it happened.

So on 911, this man put up a few of his own cameras, and captured the reality of the events on his own cameras, that the fbi didnt know existed.

Problem is, exposing these tapes only brought "america", and thus millions of inocent americans... into the blame of other countries... who would have surely reacted in anger as they found "america" attacked itself to gain access to more war...

when in reality its a few very intelligent individuals at the top who orchestrated the plan.

America would get hung out to dry, just like the german public, for the crimes the nazi elite commited... and the nazi elite simply escaped to america post ww2, and got top paying jobs here, and in russia.

In other words... the individuals who keep starting all the problems... dont get busted... the masses within that territory get the blame.

This is why 911 hasnt been exposed yet... the outcome is counter productive, if a person is trying to make america/americans better off.

Sherri is in the middle of a big paradox to say the least.

And the worst part is... the world leaders say they do these thigns to favor america in the long run.... and that the only other alternative is to get americans to choose to work harder.... which in turn is the definition of a worse economy... because people already complain about how hard they have to work not to make ends meet now, let alone if they have to work harder.

So they basically tell sherri quit throwing a fit and wanting to go in 2 oposing directions simultaneously.

And to join them, and help make the world a better place by tricking the masses via games that appeal to ape mentality.

So sherri is in a holding pattern.

But the world leaders wont let sherri keep everything in a holding pattern forever... because they say earth doesnt hold infinite people... and the longer we go without big war... the more people start to realize that killing has to occur.... and if all of society decides killing has to occur, humanity has a grim chance of survival... because if you make killing fair, and only let everyone kill only 1 person, thats still 8 billion minus 8 billion... = 0

So step one to eternal life for humanity remains ... dont kill.

As of right now, peoples phobia of killing keeps humanity in tact, and the only acceptable exception to killing is world leader monitored "war" where they control the floodgates, and keep tabs of what all sides are up to.

The world leaders are more of referees than anything... they keep things ballanced and keep any one team from winning out.

If there is no oposing team, because we eliminate them all... then there is no one left to blame when we get in bad moods.... but ourselves.... at which point, voilence becomes present in the community. Instead of team work and love for our team.

The system... is global. The nwo... is a concept.. that has been in tact for the past 15,000 years, devised by the pharos.

WHen people learn too much, world leaders impliment dark ages. This erases knowledge. Nikola tesla and einstein both admit that relativity was understood by the anchient greeks.

Bible talks about the super weapon, ark of the covenant.

World leaders dont like super weapons... it gives one suicidal nut the capability to eliminate all of life as we know it.

Energy is a weapon. Muscles... gun powder, atomic. The free'er energy becomes for the masses, the more individuals can cause destruction when they get mad.

We complain we want a better economy.. yet we still feel like destroying things and skilled people when we get mad. These are in direct contradiction with eachtoher.

This is what humanity has to somehow wake up from.

This is what sherri and the world leaders have an agreement to let sherry give a shot... to try and help the masses understand why they have to be played as fools, because the masses essentially step on an elevator and press the up and down buttons, then cry when it goes one way and not the other.

And if sherri fails... the world leaders eliminate a lot of people via war and a virus they have the antidote to.

One can blame sherri, as im sure many will. But the thing to understand... the world leaders already had the rapture planned long before sherri showed up. Sherri is postponing it. And the world leaders have convinced sherri that if he gives it his best shot to try and wake people up, and they genetically dont have the brain capacity to do so... then the world leaders are right... the only way to make humanity of tomorrow think on a higher level is to eliminate the bad dna of today.

Sherri simply hopes that the test or manny in which the world leaders decide who dies and who lives... will be as fair as possible... so that anyone, from any corner of the globe has a chance to make the right choice... and is not just eliminated without a chance to prove they are capable of making the better choices.

The garden of earth is about to be weeded.

Its predeicted... because its planned.... from day one.... over 10,000 years ago.

This is why over enlightened/illuminati/secret society doorwars, there is a latin phrase, that simply states...

"Rapture must come again."

Imagine you are born a weed tho? How is that your fault if its bad dna? This is where the world leaders say people would blame god... and thus lose their nice image of god i their mind.

People idolize and mimick power and success.

If people think god is a dickhead, they will aspire to become dickheads.

If we want people to be nicer, world leaders say that they have to be lied to about reality and thus god... which is why dna and genetics have to be kept as secret as possible.

Sherri isnt so sure that dna and random genetic mutation means god is an asshole... and has a belief that this is a better alternative than to other options... and we might just be too ignorant to realize it.

Oddly enough, world leaders agree, but they claim that it takes a level of intelligence to more accurately understand the real god... if there is one...

and that the vast majority of humanity, frankly, cant. THey prove it every time they flunk a high level science test, or fail to understand some super difficult concept.

But again... sherri says we at least have to give people a chance... and that if we are going to kill a bunch of people for being ignorant idiots... at least figure out who is capable of making the right choices prior to doing so.

Sherri is starting to embrace the antichrist title rather than run from it.

Its complicated, but sherri knows if an individual jumps to negative conclusions quickly... as those will who cant think for themselves and just want to kill the antichrist asap without thinking things through.... this is a filter.... and the world leaders like filters... to find out who can think and give people and new ideas a chance... and who cant, and just wants to get violent anytime they hear something that contradicts what they were tuaght growing up.

If we always got violent every time something contradicted what we were tuahgt growing up... the world would never advance in any way shape or form.

Its finding the ballance to build on the knowledge out parents gave us, and activating our minds to continue to improve on this world.

the antichrists symbol will be 666.... but not in the form you might think.

other religions teach that the "antichrist" is not a bad thing... since they are anti christian... such as budism, and muslim, they actually talk about the antichrsit being helpful to their peoples.

Councidentally... if sherry exposed the crimes elite american world leaders pull, it would reduce americas lifestyle compared to how little we work, and start rewarding individuals around the globe who do work hard, and are not paid much in return.

Its all perspective.

Regardless... 2012 is going to be a busy year, whether sherri speaks, or doesnt.
Awsome post Sherriberry is the man