500watt hps grow Lil Ganja Princess


Well-Known Member
Update Day 69 (Bloody long time)

the only one left in ma tent the AI

sorry if this pic appears twice i couldnt see it when i posted ^^^^^^^^^^

i no she looks a sorry state i feed her shortly after the pics. but i cant believe it she sprawled out everywhere
lol she looks a bit thirsty how long she got left?

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
ill be happy with half an oz from here. im realli wasnt expecting alot from this grow as it was ma 1st proper grow. but i did hope to get more that ma last attempt which weighed in at just under 4oz. which i fink ive done so anything now is realli a bonus

mr west

Well-Known Member
its ten times better than the ai i grew lol so thats a bonus but ill never get any more them seeds.


Well-Known Member
It looks like one of my super silver hazes. It was hard to dry coz it dried too quick coz it was airy and it was almost unsmokeable, it was sooo harsh, too dry with mostly sticks coz the pistils and calyxs just turned to dust. Dry it slow lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
we thought of hanging it in the tent with the fan on it for a few days, its not warm so itll still take a good wile lol. None of this 48 hrs dry as a bone leave it on back of the ;light dry lol. I liked ur ssh I think i gave me some to try lol bin bed since then and going bed now lol catch ya laters oscar mate

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
looks like its on its last lgp!? whats the temp like in there? looks well thirsty
i have no idea what temps are like but i know its not that hot in there mayb a bit cold for them when the lights are off but i will sort that out for ma nxt adventure with the tent.

when all four where in ma tent i noticed that the AI like to drink. even the other could go 2 - days without a drink but this one was always dry as fuck. thurst girl


Well-Known Member
IMO it'll drink more now its on its own coz the air/heat can get all around it. Also IMO i wouldn't have the fan on it while its drying. It is a huge fucker init

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
heya people its day 78, and ive chopped the AI.

here are some pics, shes a sorry site coz i hurd that not feeding a few days b4 ya chop increases resin production so it was a bit of a trial thing for me anyway.

the buds look really wispy like a haze, but there is quiet alot of them. it smells awsome i wish smellavision existed.

