Anthony Keidis, Lead Singer of Red Hot Chilli Peppers receives injections of Ozone to keep his Hepatitus C at bay, he reckons he's never felt better...Its the very first chapter of his book...The intro I think...
So there you go.. aye???
ive read that ozonated water works so well that u have to start with small amounts because u can get an upset stomach from all the dead pathogens in ur system after drinkin it....just to think of how many nasty lil critters we have crawling around inside....ewwwwww...i will be drinking some daily for sure..
ps if u drink ozonated water after brushing b4 breakfast you dont get that nasty orange juice-toothpaste taste evry one hates so much as a matter of fact check this out:
1-Home-Air & Water Treatment; Remove Smoke & Second Hand Smoke.
2-Bedding-Sanitize Bedding & Dust Mites.
3-Basement-Remove Mold & Mildew Odor.
4-Fish Tank-Make Crystal Clear Water, Kill Bacteria & Parasites that affect your fish.
5-Kitchen-Remove Food Odors, such as Onion (No Burning Eyes), Spices & Burnt Oil Odor.
6-Dentures & Tooth Brush-Disinfect or Gargle For Gum Health, Sore Throat & Prevent Bad Breath.
7-Daycare Center-Stop the spread of Colds, Flu, Pollen & Allergy reactions.
8-Car & RV Dealerships-Remove Odor 100% permanently & Create New Car Smell to increase the value of vehicle.
9-Dental & Doctor Office & Clinics-Remove Biofilm, Sanitize Air & Water.
10-Hotel-Remove Odors, Sanitize Pillow, Sheets, Draperies from rooms & Hallways.
11-Office Air treatment-Kills Bacteria & Virus, Removes Pollen from your environment.
12-Restaurants-Remove Cooking Oil Odors & Kill Bacteria, Refresh Air, improves shelf life of expensive seafood & meats, vegetables.
13-Restroom-Refresh the Air & Remove the Odors Instantly.
14-Washing exposed body parts with Ozonated Water-Kills Bacteria, Fungus, virus & helps wounds to heal faster.
15-Washing Fruit & Vegetable-Kill bacteria.
16-Washing Baby Bottles-Sanitize baby bottles with ozonated water.
17-Olive Oil-Add Ozone for 2-3 days to make a (Natural Oil) for Lotion that can be used for cuts, sores, infections & rashes, Medical & Dental Application
money well spent