
You need to realize that is a lot of shit! They think your selling, well thats my guess anyway. Why do you need that many plants. You don't unless your selling to the public, and thats why they busted you. I think it should be legalized just like all of you, but the fact of the matter is you had WAY WAY too many plants. Your not helping decriminalization, your hurting it. :bigjoint:

Just doing a quick tally...I've got 7 in flower 7 in veg in dirt...7 more in a glass of water rooting (getting lazy)...I don't sell sh!t...I don't even smoke very much (Hint: if you don't smoke 10 blunts a day...you might actually get high!).

They did not bust him because of anything that they "thought"...they busted him because they are pigs...utterly incapable of forming a thought! Kinda like cats.

Some people do not want to or can't afford to run an indoor op year round...so who are you...or ANYONE to say how much a person needs...It's personal and nobody's bizz...especially the fooking pigs.

The biggest problem with limits IMO is it does not take into consideration the type of grow or plant size...only stick #...6 trees compared to 6 small plants in a closet...there is no comparison.

By the way...for any of the members who want to add up my "sevens" (don't hurt yourselves) or for any swine trolls...My doc has provided me with a letter stating that I should be allowed a total of 36 plants/18 in flower...I am well below my limit:mrgreen:

Just doing a quick tally...I've got 7 in flower 7 in veg in dirt...7 more in a glass of water rooting (getting lazy)...I don't sell sh!t...I don't even smoke very much (Hint: if you don't smoke 10 blunts a day...you might actually get high!).

They did not bust him because of anything that they "thought"...they busted him because they are pigs...utterly incapable of forming a thought! Kinda like cats.

Some people do not want to or can't afford to run an indoor op year round...so who are you...or ANYONE to say how much a person needs...It's personal and nobody's bizz...especially the fooking pigs.

The biggest problem with limits IMO is it does not take into consideration the type of grow or plant size...only stick #...6 trees compared to 6 small plants in a closet...there is no comparison.

By the way...for any of the members who want to add up my "sevens" (don't hurt yourselves) or for any swine trolls...My doc has provided me with a letter stating that I should be allowed a total of 36 plants/18 in flower...I am well below my limit:mrgreen:


Good 4 you! At least you had a note for some sort of proof that you can grow that many. I don't care who you are you don't need that much shit and as long as the federal government say's its illegal you should know that "big brother" is watching you. 60 plants is enough pot to get you through, at least, 6 months you don't have to grow all year round.
Good 4 you! At least you had a note for some sort of proof that you can grow that many. I don't care who you are you don't need that much shit and as long as the federal government say's its illegal you should know that "big brother" is watching you. 60 plants is enough pot to get you through, at least, 6 months you don't have to grow all year round.

Damn you're a dummy..check it out..learn to read, get out of highschool, then come back and use the new skills you learned to actually read the thread, then post an informed, non-ignorant opinion.
Damn you're a dummy..check it out..learn to read, get out of highschool, then come back and use the new skills you learned to actually read the thread, then post an informed, non-ignorant opinion.

Shut up! Just because I disagree doesn't mean you have to be such a fag!:finger:
Shut up! Just because I disagree doesn't mean you have to be such a fag!:finger:

I see I hit a nerve.. huh kid? I didn't say that shit because you disagreed..I said it because you're an ignorant little punk that can't read a whole thread(let alone the first and last page or two) as opposed to reading one post and replying with an uninformed, judgemental opinion of something and someone you know nothing about..

so before you post next time how about you take a few minutes to read at least the first couple pages of the thread..so you don't come off like the ignorant little bigot that you are.

Just remember when you point that finger and call someone fag theres three more pointing back at you, kid.

Now that being said, I'm done with you little boy..go play with your dolls and leave the forums to people that can read...

Okay time to smoke a :joint:
Wow i just read 12 pages of idiocy and 9 pages of great information. . .
to those of you who contributed to the 12 useless pages (you don't know who you are but its okay because those who chose to read the entire thread will probably continue to be helpful by identifying you) i would like to try to convince you to stop posting and go back to vandalizing bathroom walls where you aren't expected to come up anything anything useful. maybe then those of us who are here to learn and gather quality information could read the thread without having to waste time reading the pure poop that somehow fell out of you mind through your hands and somehow made it onto the computer screen infront of me.
445 plants is a lot but if you payed attention when he broke down the numbers then you know that 350 were so he could pick 120 females for his patients backyards and im done explaining because if you were going to read and make an educated opinion page one is the right place to start.

as for filla, best of luck to you. the case seems like it should go your way but that is hardly an educated opinion.
Good 4 you! At least you had a note for some sort of proof that you can grow that many. I don't care who you are you don't need that much shit and as long as the federal government say's its illegal you should know that "big brother" is watching you. 60 plants is enough pot to get you through, at least, 6 months you don't have to grow all year round.

Sorry, but did you pull the number 60 out of someplace dirty?...that would last me a couple of years! But you still miss the point...cuz you don't do this...an arbitrary # like it is a number of pills on a script of poison is meaningless when growing INDOOR meds. Some people grow with little household light bulbs...they have a whole club here (easy there...I use them sometimes too!)...some people think they are space men and grow with Lite Brites...Some grow for those who can't and use 1000's of watts.

You could be fooled into thinking that the little rooted clones that you bought can go straight to flower...and after 2 months of high electric bills, mild paranoia and altered sleep schedule...get a whole ounce and a half (some strains and mythical yard art growers can do this, but others need more time!)

OR! your same legal 6 plants could be started indoors, finished outdoors and yield between 100 and 300 ounces...Now I aint that sick...but who the hell are you...or anybody to say how much relief someone who is dying needs? The poison that is prescribed to treat symptoms just create problems elsewhere...that another drug can take care of...pills are safe right?...well beyond an aspirin here and there, I would say NOT!

Just a little hint...the midwest is a little behind (I lived there for 20 years)...but "Fag" is no longer in vogue...some more sensitive folks take a bit of offense, whether it was directed at them or not!:bigjoint:

Holy buttload of outdated morons and people who CAN'T read in this thread.

Good luck to ya. Any real grower knows you had several moms. You also made at least twice as many clones then what you would use in order to ensure the strongest go turn into the 60 sacrificial lambs so by my count...

60 flowering.
At least 120 clones (only half would actually be used...) plus you may have had another 150+ clones to keep for future flower and potential moms depending on the quality of the medicine they produced in your co-op.
60 vegging - being prepared for the flower cycle
10-20 moms.
+ 30 which were being setup for the outdoor grow this year.
Seems reasonable to me.

With your patient count (10) and 17k watts (I'm sure not all was for flowering) you are only getting 20 lbs every 2 months... that's 1# per patient per month.

For you morons who want to get stupid with the details, go for it. For those of you which realize it's not only legal but also reasonable keep buying your shit on the street.

With your post count and join date, I'm sure you can ignore some of the morons on this thread, especially all the ones that say you are over your plant count.

Good luck!

Any real update from court?
court update: was scheduled to go this thurs. the senior partner at the law firm i am using is going to be at the courthouse i am going to. three hours from his office on wed. the district attorneys office was notified on fri. and was told that no charges had been filed and that if they were going to file they would accomodate the day prior. so, everything being what it is they have 2 days to make up their mind and file or not. i suppose that they still have up to a year from my arrest to file the charges but thats where im at right now!

thanks for the support!
thanks, i hope it works out too. i am not a drug dealer and i am not trying to get rich! i just want to be able to have enough medicine and take care of my friends too. we need to ban together so the law doesnt keep coming through the door and robbing us!

with 445 plants, I think you planned on keeping your stash box full for a good long time.
Perhaps the DA figured witht he designated grower for 10 peeps he is now treading on thin ice.... but as I mentioned before make sure you keep your ducks in a row.... then they can fuck off and die... Medical MJ is a God given solution... check out Genesis 1:12.... Chemo drugs are nasty things... I know from first hand experience.... the sick and dying should have affordable access... to quality meds.... they should not have to act like felons for something that they have a legal right to if they are a med mj user...
court update: was scheduled to go this thurs. the senior partner at the law firm i am using is going to be at the courthouse i am going to. three hours from his office on wed. the district attorneys office was notified on fri. and was told that no charges had been filed and that if they were going to file they would accomodate the day prior. so, everything being what it is they have 2 days to make up their mind and file or not. i suppose that they still have up to a year from my arrest to file the charges but thats where im at right now!

thanks for the support!

This is pretty good news...:clap:...Any further attempts by the DA's office to take this to court would be wasting the people's money!

Somewhere in the same county...someone's car is being stolen...someone's home is being invaded...someone's child is being molested...all while doughnut glaze crumbs are falling between the khaki and the badge of some uniformed miscreant...It's kinda like curing cancer, If they did their jobs...we would not need so many of them!

I hope that they decide that this would be a waste of time and valuable resources that could be better spent protecting the community from bad guys.

It just occurred to me...I assume that all of your patients know and are OK...as they may be waiting to file charges until "further investigation"

good news. i bet they grew your plants for you, and even topped them, to get you a little more yield, and plan on choping and curing them for at least a month. they're going to be mad when you take them away because i bet they had big plans for them. lol
It's people like you who ruin it for everyone else !!!!
The MAN gives you permission to grow, and you can't even follow his simple rules.
Your getting what you deserve !!
Some of the posts in this thread are out of order,the guy was growing it for people with cards,I'm not from the states but if I was I would be supporting this guy all the way!It doesn't matter how many plants,it wasn't for profit if it was a commercial grow by triads then fine you had it coming but he's just a gardener like the rest of us.Not guilty all the way buddy hope you beat it!!This shit makes me shake with anger,I can walk up the road and get heroin no problem or crack if you prefer,but weed?Nooo the police have busted all the weed dealers while fuckin smackheads are stealing anything thats not chained down.