Is life worth living without weed??


New Member
And to me yes life is worth living. You just have to make it through the hard times in life. It can be hard but just keep pushing towards your goals in life. We are all lucky to be in America even though its so screwed up. Just be thankful no one has came over here and slaughtered millions. And as for the weed look at the bright side.. if u cant smoke right now or w/e... when u light that next spliff

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ mmmmmmzzz fooood zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mmmmmzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
thx for the words of comfort. Yes, we are lucky to live in a place where the government hasnt genocided us yet, despite the people on this thread advocating for the nazis, to them i say :finger:


New Member
What is your problem man? Chill! U have the right to believe what you want to! Its your life! But it is wrong for u to just say stuff like that no matter what you believe. Because believe or not you hurt peoples feelings when u say that kind of stuff. Ill pray for u and also my plants. If you need a friend man just get out more. Don't have so much bitter and hate inside of you. Enjoy life get out and do what makes u happy.
wtf kind of logic is that...... i cant say something cuz someone might get offended in passing??? thats not how it works amigo

and whats this "if u need a friend just get out there" shit

do i know u or something? oh wait, were complete strangers only aware of each others existence cuz we need help drowin grope, so why r u giving me life advice?



still wanna pray for me?:bigjoint:


Active Member
Life goes on with or without weed.
Is it worse to have money and no weed,
or to have weed and no money?


Well-Known Member
i would rather have weed than money.
like if someone owed me 500 bucks, i would rather have 2 zips then the 500 bucks.


Well-Known Member
hey allover, i suffer from depression as well. except, i live in a very hostile MJ state. :evil: and because of this, having to deal with some legal issues and probably have to stop smoking for awhile. i can be off of it and handle myself, but nothing compares to the quality of life MJ gives me and the happiness it brings to me without changing who i am or being dependent on something. also this is what i dont understand, why they would ok a drug for depression that makes you want to commit suicide? :confused: this has happened in my family and dont want to risk it yet i cant use the one thing that helps.

effing government. they would rather me buy their pills, become dependent on them, and then possibly commit suicide from the very pills that are suppose to make us not fell depressed. bongsmilie :eyesmoke:

sorry a little vent session. oh and on the issue of religion, who cares what someone else believes in. you know what you believe in, and that should be the end of it. hell if someone believes we all reincarnate into MJ plants, let them believe it. no need to throw your beliefs on to them. :blsmoke:

oh and im always down for a good smoke session and some good discussions about religion. all views welcome in my discussions. as long as there is no violence. we are stoners, not alcoholics. dont stoop to their level and become violent. when we succomb to that, we become no better than the people who prosecute and make our precious herb illegal



New Member
ya but if you have weed, you can always get money. but if you have money, you cant always get weed. so id choose the herb.
nah i can always get weed x D

Its actually a provable fact that we reincarnate into weed!

Its also a proven fact that god is made up!:bigjoint:

I am not afraid to admit i am mentally dependent on weed, and physically when it comes to going to sleep (wouldnt be up right now normally)


Well-Known Member
haha well i hope when i die, i get smoked and thoroughly enjoyed and bring happiness to someone. what else could you ask for. well where i am, its not always such a steady supply, or the fact that i dont always know if its safe/ laced with some crap. lots of sketchy people nowadays. thats why i decided i would grow my own meds.

haha allover, i feel like we could have some deep religious stoned conversations. we share a lot of the same beliefs but also disagree on a few. would make for an interesting conversation


Well-Known Member
also allover, what if a mary jane apocalypse happened ( knock on wood, glass, and every other superstitious thing i can think of) then definitely weed.


Well-Known Member
Just read the hole thread. Had a good chuckle at some of the post's on here.

Just sticking my tuppence in. Alcohol kills more each year than all the other class A'B' and C drugs combined but because alcohol is seen as a cash cow by goverments all over the world they put a tax on it and call it legal. Cannabis however has many qualities from medical to making cloth for 3 world countries so that the children can be clothed. And how many time have you seen a cannabis user go out in to town on a night and start a fight. hmmmmmm

A few words on religion. As im not religious in any way, apart from being baptised by my parents when i was a baby. Why ppl choose to become religious ( probably some kind of brain wash ) i would say it was to do with hope. But anyway back to my point. My religious friend once said to me. " God made cannabis plants for the good of the world and humans made alcohol" Which made sense to me in a way. because cannabis is a plant and alcohol is mostly man made. But then science has shown that there is no god, only people who belive there is and that cannabis is an organism as are we......



Well-Known Member
thx for the words of comfort. Yes, we are lucky to live in a place where the government hasnt genocided us yet, despite the people on this thread advocating for the nazis, to them i say :finger:
Read a history book. The Nazis were religiously intolerant (like you), but to the point of being genocidal. You'd have to go a lot further back than that to equate Christianity with facism. How did you arrive at the conclusion anyone is advocating for Nazis?

Serious question though, how come no one is bashing Rastafarians, agnostics, Jews, for doing the same things... why is it the cool thing to fixate on Christianity lately?


Well-Known Member
As the Freak Brothers say "Weed will get you through times of no money better then money will get you through times of no weed". I can sympathize bud- There is nothing worse then being out of weed and not having any way to get more quickly.


Well-Known Member
The Nazis were religiously intolerant (like you), but to the point of being genocidal
sable, that genocide came about not from the nazi's, but from hitler. he told the german people that the reason they were in the state they were in was because of the jews. Propaganda soon spread against the jews, making them look like monsters, desensitizing them, and making it to where the german people and the Nazi party to grow agaisnt the jews. at first they were put in concentration camps, much like we did with the japanese during the same time. the only difference is hitler during the war, came up with a new way to deal with the jews and this was the death camps. it was not the Nazi's who persecuted the jews, nor the germans. but it was hitler's ideaology that was infringed on the nazi party. originally the nazi party was a good thing. the nazi party never had any intentions of persecuting jews. it was when hitler came to power when this started happening. remember, a LOT happened that lead to the war. if hitler never came to power, it is very unlikely WW2, atleast on the german front would have never happened.

so when you say the Nazi's persecuted the jews, it isnt entirely as seems. the soldiers and officer did what they were told. if they didnt, they would be taken out by the SS. many of the soldiers at the concentration camps only did what they did because they thought it was the right thing to do. this is exactly why the German people would help .

now i am in no way of saying nazi's are good. they are and were very misunderstood. if hitler had never came to power, the original nazi campaign may have even helped germany for the good. hitler was an evil, maniacal, and manipulative monster.

and now to the religion issue. religion is a way for the masses of people to explain phenomenon and give people faith. without some kind of faith in someones life, particularly speaking about the masses, society could not function. if there was no mystery for what happens to us in the afterlife, while keeping the moral compass pointing true north. religion is a way for people to follow a set of codes or rules i.e. ten commandments, eating Kosher, and all of the many stupid catholic rules. duck they cant do shit.

this is my view on religion, i believe in a god and that alot of these "rules" were made by man. catholicism, by having a "pope" can use the authority of god to change these religous principals and its a way to have a more distinct hierarchical order within the church i.e bishops, arch bishops, haha alter boys



New Member
sable, that genocide came about not from the nazi's, but from hitler. he told the german people that the reason they were in the state they were in was because of the jews. Propaganda soon spread against the jews, making them look like monsters, desensitizing them, and making it to where the german people and the Nazi party to grow agaisnt the jews. at first they were put in concentration camps, much like we did with the japanese during the same time. the only difference is hitler during the war, came up with a new way to deal with the jews and this was the death camps. it was not the Nazi's who persecuted the jews, nor the germans. but it was hitler's ideaology that was infringed on the nazi party. originally the nazi party was a good thing. the nazi party never had any intentions of persecuting jews. it was when hitler came to power when this started happening. remember, a LOT happened that lead to the war. if hitler never came to power, it is very unlikely WW2, atleast on the german front would have never happened.

so when you say the Nazi's persecuted the jews, it isnt entirely as seems. the soldiers and officer did what they were told. if they didnt, they would be taken out by the SS. many of the soldiers at the concentration camps only did what they did because they thought it was the right thing to do. this is exactly why the German people would help .

now i am in no way of saying nazi's are good. they are and were very misunderstood. if hitler had never came to power, the original nazi campaign may have even helped germany for the good. hitler was an evil, maniacal, and manipulative monster.

and now to the religion issue. religion is a way for the masses of people to explain phenomenon and give people faith. without some kind of faith in someones life, particularly speaking about the masses, society could not function. if there was no mystery for what happens to us in the afterlife, while keeping the moral compass pointing true north. religion is a way for people to follow a set of codes or rules i.e. ten commandments, eating Kosher, and all of the many stupid catholic rules. duck they cant do shit.

this is my view on religion, i believe in a god and that alot of these "rules" were made by man. catholicism, by having a "pope" can use the authority of god to change these religous principals and its a way to have a more distinct hierarchical order within the church i.e bishops, arch bishops, haha alter boys

i stopped arguing with that guy theres just no point X D:peace: sticking up for nazis is where i draw the line. hey i have an idea, lets kill 6 million jews.... i got the idea from smokin pot!


Well-Known Member
im not condoning the nazi's nor do i approve of them. they should have stood up for what was right, instead of being little bitches. the nazi's suck, but should not be blamed entirely for the genocide of jews. oh and they killed around 11 million people total. not just jews but christians too.i think lke 1 mil christians were killed


New Member
im not condoning the nazi's nor do i approve of them. they should have stood up for what was right, instead of being little bitches. the nazi's suck, but should not be blamed entirely for the genocide of jews. oh and they killed around 11 million people total. not just jews but christians too.i think lke 1 mil christians were killed
ya i know. they killed all minorities. im talking about that other ignorant DBag not u:joint: , talking about how im religiously intolerant like a nazi what a shithead

but ya, that 6 million jew bit was a joke on family guy thats all.


Well-Known Member
haha i know. i hate it when people impress their religious views on people. and i know you werent attacking me. its a;; in good discussion.