superthrive..Info on this product


Active Member
would be greatly appreciated.I received a bottle of SuperThrive from a friend,but the info on the bottle if kind of ambiguous. Apparently it's composed of vitamins and hormones.9% vit. B, and 48%napthyl acetic acid.I assume the remainder is suspension.Who out there has practical knowledge of this product? Thanks in advance.


New Member
i know that u use very little of it, like a couple drops per gallon

ive never actually seen it work

its just a root booster


Active Member
WHEN-When watering,when soil is all wateringapplied at the same time.Weekly if practical.

HOSE ONTO PLANTS-Put proportioner or "gun" onto hose.

FLOOD ONTO PLANTS-Put empty clean trash tub or large can where needed.Fill, stir,empty over.Then move to new place.

QUANTITIES-FOR MOST PURPOSES...For active developement or resisting stress.1/4 teaspoon per gallon. 1 drop per small cup full and 2-3 drops per large cup full.3oz per 100 gallons.1 tablespoon per 15 gallons in each 15 gallons in a trash can.

FOR EXTRA SOFT DELICATE PLANTS OR DAILY USE- 1-2 drops per gallon.1oz per 500 gallons watering.

BARE ROOT SOAKING-Soak roots about 15 minutes.Roses and tender plants,1 1/2 teaspoons per 5 gallons.Others 2 teaspoons per 5 gallons.

Thats all you need to know for growing cannibis. That came straight off the back of the superthrive package.There are other things pertaining to reviving trees and shrubs but that is irrelevent.


Active Member
i cant say i know much more info than what you already know. i myself have a bottle & use one time during the transition from veg to flower.


Active Member
Theres like 100 threads on superthrive... search is your friend

It's a rooting stimulant, thats all.. everything else in the package is just extra, use sparingly.


Well-Known Member
i used it as a foilar spray for cutting til they root, or at least the first 3 days after being cut. then i add it to the water in the tray with the cubes. i also use it a couple times throughout flowering as well as vegging. on the supernatural feeding schedule it says to use a product called somethingthrive and it says to feed everytime you feed, so im guessing it might be a similar product.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i love the stuff. i've done comparisons and got noticabaly better results with the superthrive. you add it to the nute mixture. watch out though because it's way acidic. i've used it instead of ph down for tiny changes. i refuse to grow without it. I also use a couple drops in the water that i use on the paper towel to germ my seeds. no bullshit i get 98% of my seeds to germ in 3 days with superthrive. the other 2% are dud seeds that are going nowhere anyway.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i'm not gonna say st is junk, but it's def a waste of money. the reason for little to no info on the contents, is because it's a secret, lol. there isn't even m.s.d.s. info on superthrive. i think if they released the actual contents of what's in it, they'd lose most of their customers. it's completely overpriced.
i love the stuff. i've done comparisons and got noticabaly better results with the superthrive. you add it to the nute mixture. watch out though because it's way acidic. i've used it instead of ph down for tiny changes. i refuse to grow without it. I also use a couple drops in the water that i use on the paper towel to germ my seeds. no bullshit i get 98% of my seeds to germ in 3 days with superthrive. the other 2% are dud seeds that are going nowhere anyway.
Totally agree with you. Love the stuff. I had some older seeds that had 50 percent germination. Got 90 percent when I tried superthrive. Made a believer out of me.