Is life worth living without weed??


Well-Known Member
Yeah we'll see if you end it or just continue in your hypocrisy another day in another way. Don't guess you'd stop talking shit even in your avatar - so I'm doubtful. But the end of my input in this thread... sure I'll stop.


New Member
Yeah we'll see if you end it or just continue in your hypocrisy another day in another way. Don't guess you'd stop talking shit even in your avatar - so I'm doubtful. But the end of my input in this thread... sure I'll stop.
oh i will and im sure ull get offended by nothing another day another way peece


Well-Known Member
this convo brings to mind 2 things : 1 a comedian i saw on TV talking about how all his god loving friends talk about nothing but god, and there athiest frineds always spend there time bashing god and bashing ppl that wash time preaching about god. then comments how all his friends are the same since both sets are always preaching about SOMTHING (eather loving god or hating god) you 2 guys are alot alike. also brings to mind the southpark where cartmen frezzes himself to get the wii faster and goes forward to like 2500 and all that, those who seen it know what i mean im sure. point of the story is allovher and sablesen are the same in that both are ranting for no reasonr


New Member
this convo brings to mind 2 things : 1 a comedian i saw on TV talking about how all his god loving friends talk about nothing but god, and there athiest frineds always spend there time bashing god and bashing ppl that wash time preaching about god. then comments how all his friends are the same since both sets are always preaching about SOMTHING (eather loving god or hating god) you 2 guys are alot alike. also brings to mind the southpark where cartmen frezzes himself to get the wii faster and goes forward to like 2500 and all that, those who seen it know what i mean im sure. point of the story is allovher and sablesen are the same in that both are ranting for no reasonr
cept some of us front, some of us are straight shooters:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wasn't offended or upset. Just giving my input to YOUR topic and YOUR words - assumed you wrote what you wrote to get input from others.

Remember you started the topic, you started talking shit, you became the self-proclaimed victim of other super mean people like me?

Hope you feel better with that attention you got and will continue to get more if it helps you.


Again, I'm not Christian. I didn't make Christians the center of the discussion - I made intolerance of others the center of my discussion, and why some people feel the need to get attention by also playing the poor, oppressed, intolerant victim. But it appears some people are so closed-minded they'll disregard stated fact and assume I must be. Leave these topics and comments in the correct area of the forums and I won't have any input at all. Put them in my face and I might respond, sure. But this is the only time I have and probably will.


New Member
Wasn't offended or upset. Just giving my input to YOUR and YOUR words - assumed you wrote what you wrote to get input from others.

Remember you started the topic, you started talking shit, you became the self-proclaimed victim of other super mean people like me?

Hope you feel better with that attention you got and will continue to get more if it helps you.
yap yap yap time to take-o el snoozo:sleep:


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to fight here, and I'm not trying to make people on this website see me differently but I'm gonna state my opinion here. As a grown man that believes in faith and believing in a greater figure of man, I don't believe in god. And I just find it ridiculous how religion keeps same sex people from marrying, but I also hate the atheists stand on the corner and rant and rave about how we are living our lives wrong. ITS OUR LIVES, LET US LIVE IT THE WAY WE WANT. In other words, don't judge someone by their religion or what they don't believe in.


New Member
I'm not trying to fight here, and I'm not trying to make people on this website see me differently but I'm gonna state my opinion here. As a grown man that believes in faith and believing in a greater figure of man, I don't believe in god. And I just find it ridiculous how religion keeps same sex people from marrying, but I also hate the atheists stand on the corner and rant and rave about how we are living our lives wrong. ITS OUR LIVES, LET US LIVE IT THE WAY WE WANT. In other words, don't judge someone by their religion or what they don't believe in.
in a live and let live world, i would agree with you

but thats not where we live

i mean, we have to hide plants underground to stay out of jail for christ sake (pun intended)
and god is the last motherfucker thats gonna take my rights away just cuz some redneck is afraid to die


Well-Known Member
Well I'm blaming you and Sable for not letting us live in a world like that. If religion nuts would shut the fuck up for 5 minutes we could all get along. And by religion nuts I mean anti-religion nuts to. But I'm gonna stop arguing with you before it even starts.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to fight here, and I'm not trying to make people on this website see me differently but I'm gonna state my opinion here. As a grown man that believes in faith and believing in a greater figure of man, I don't believe in god. And I just find it ridiculous how religion keeps same sex people from marrying, but I also hate the atheists stand on the corner and rant and rave about how we are living our lives wrong. ITS OUR LIVES, LET US LIVE IT THE WAY WE WANT. In other words, don't judge someone by their religion or what they don't believe in.
Exactly - spoken more eloquently than I could say it.


Well-Known Member
Damnit, now I am starting to get upset. lol

I'll state it again - I AM NOT CHRISTIAN. Don't "blame" me for being Christian when I've stated I am not multiple times, please!


Well-Known Member
Damnit, now I am starting to get upset. lol

I'll state it again - I AM NOT CHRISTIAN. Don't "blame" me for being Christian when I've stated I am not multiple times, please!
My bad man. I wasn't saying you personally, I was saying people that fight for religion LIKE you. I didn't mean to offend anyone.


New Member
and i would like to state that i was born xhristian, practiced for 18 years, went to the seminary

so i know what im talking about to some degree, and not just talking shit with no grounds

i know first hand the damage religion causes and i like to preach out against it

trust me, i am 100% live and let live despite my views on religion

when 9/11 happened, i was one of the few people not waving a flag and expressing to people that our country sends robotic missles to their country on a weekly basis and we are not innocent americans

but when evangelicals openly hate on gays and, well, education, i have to openly preach out against them 2


Well-Known Member
That is what I'm trying to get at. If both sides would literally shut the fuck up we could all get along and smoke a joint together. And I grew up devote christian and I also personally seen the damage but on the other side, I have seen a group of atheists beat up a preacher. So you can't say that only one side of religion causes damage.


Well-Known Member
No worries. lol

It's just that, damn, if I were Christian I would be upset. I can understand their side even more based on the responses in this thread that assume I am - and then degrade or start to lay blame for things I would of had no control over in the past. And then they act like they are the victims? Crazy hypocrisy going on here. It's like the people that talk to a German national and assume they must be Hitler supporters based on nationality and what happened in the past...


New Member
That is what I'm trying to get at. If both sides would literally shut the fuck up we could all get along and smoke a joint together. And I grew up devote christian and I also personally seen the damage but on the other side, I have seen a group of atheists beat up a preacher. So you can't say that only one side of religion causes damage.
its true

but did they mention they were only beating that preacher for burning down a planned parenthood?


New Member
No worries. lol

It's just that, damn, if I were Christian I would be upset. I can understand their side even more based on the responses in this thread that assume I am - and then degrade or start to lay blame for things I would of had no control over in the past. And then they act like they are the victims? Crazy hypocrisy going on here. It's like the people that talk to a German national and assume they must be Hitler supporters based on nationality and what happened in the past...
that sux, and if u can point out a specific person that I victimized thru my words, i will back down. but since u cant and i only bashed god and jesus, u have nothing and i could care less about what u find offensive, and as for responses on this thread, I see that no1 called ME a Dbag ; )

:fire: so ill CU in hell!


Well-Known Member
that sux, and if u can point out a specific person that I victimized thru my words, i will back down. but since u cant and i only bashed god and jesus, u have nothing and i could care less about what u find offensive. :fire: so ill CU in hell!
So you believe in god? No god=No hell. Think before you speak buddy.