albino weed?

years ago a friend of mine planted some feminized seeds in his garage and forgot about them. 8 plants grew for roughly a month with very little light, just a 100 watt light bulb that was prob used for 10 minutes a day. well the plants actually grew pretty good and were about 10 inches tall, but completely white, leaves, stems, everything.

my friend found them this way and stuck them outside for sunlight, and the lil white girls started to get slight hints of light green in the leaves, but they stayed mostly white.
he veged them for a month and flowered for another month, the buds came out whitish green. it kinda reminded me of the silver sewer myth, of all white bud growing in NYC sewers.

anyone else ever see or hear of anything like this? pics?


Well-Known Member
hiya folks.. i had posted this in another thread but i'll show another pic or two here... the leaves there that show white/green split down the middle vertically are defidently albino and i have the same trait on a yumbolt 47 but this was vegged quite normally under about 400 watts of 6500k and 2700k fluoro light.


btw... the 2nd pic shows a closeup of one of the only buds that have both white leaves and a few white calyxes!



Well-Known Member
here I just thought I had screwed up the nutes or ph or both.. and it could just be a white plant???... just kidding, I'm pretty sure I have some noobie damages here... but never heard of it.. out of curiousity, does it happen often or just a freak thing?



That 5hit

Well-Known Member
please dont miss this op. to start a hole new gene line try to isolate this gene and keep it growing people would pay top $$$ for this they would clame the smoke is superior!! you could call it Aryan Kush or ku klux kush
funny but true
please dont miss this op. to start a hole new gene line try to isolate this gene and keep it growing people would pay top $$$ for this they would clame the smoke is superior!! you could call it Aryan Kush or ku klux kush
funny but true
Ku klux kush...that's some funny shit.


Well-Known Member
Pretty interesting. i wonder if the entire plant was whit if it could make it. i also wonder if there is any energy production from the white leaves.


Well-Known Member
If marijuana plants were white all the time and someone had a "green" one, you guys would jump on the wagon for that as well without even researching the mysterious "green" plant.

This is why I got into makes for an easy pay check because people are dumb and will buy anything, lol.

No offense guys, I just couldn't help but point it out :)

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Aryan Kush

you would prolly have to tak a clone from where it is the most white
then make it a mother then take more clones and self and bread it untill you isolate the albino trait people would pay 100 a seed or clone for that


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah that would cool i had blackberry bush in my yard that was white the berries and everything but tasted just the same as the reg 1s i have only ever heard of it in a mj plant tho neevr seen it in real life

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Aryan Kush

you would prolly have to tak a clone from where it is the most white
then make it a mother then take more clones and self and bread it untill you isolate the albino trait people would pay 100 a seed or clone for that

funny shit