health care disaster, take two

jeff f

New Member
now here is where you bend over and kiss good by to your freedom. may god be with you all if this stupid thing ever gets legs. reember what several of us have been saying, follow the it comes and guess who is gonna pay for it? anyone who is making a penny. weve seen this before in the 70's and then reagan cut their funding and just about closed them down. well we havent seen an irs built by a progressive yet. prediction; if this bill passes it gonna get ugly early

edit go past the article and read some of the comments. there are a lot of pissed off people. its gonna be a massacre in nov. a serious massacre. watch for them to launch some kind of wag the dog moment.
even if the repukes regain control of congress this historic moment will have occured.

suck it up.

the bill reduces the deficit, extends coverage to millions of people, and might just get the US health care system on track to be a la par with the rest of the industrialized world.

when you say it it seems so negative..... geeeez.......
there are plenty of folks naive enough to believe that this is about the health of the nation, but anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together has always known it was just another ploy to expand the reach of government into the marketplace and the lives of the people. nothing about this bill does not concern itself with control. there is nothing of compassion about it, there is nothing of fairness or any of the other buzz words so beloved by the liberal agenda. this is about the belief that we are too free and that the people are incapable of deciding their own destinies. the liberal establishment has created the monster and we are all now sufficiently scared of it to allow them to scapegoat business.
the bill reduces the deficit
just keep drinking that kool-aid and believing in the power of the omniscient government.
extends coverage to millions of people
don't you mean forces the people to both purchase and subsidize a product that their increased regulations will make unaffordable for many, all the while penalizing the productive to make up for government waste.
and might just get the US health care system on track to be a la par with the rest of the industrialized world.
oh boy, mediocrity at gunpoint here we come.
just keep drinking that kool-aid and believing in the power of the omniscient government.

I was driving today and saw a bumper sticker. It said 'Which one are you drinking?' and had a picture of a tea bag on one side and a pitcher of Koolaid on the other. Obviously, the bumper sticker is creating a false dichotomy, namely you are a tea bagger or you are drinking the Koolaid.

This is exactly what you and your hyperolic doomsday rhetoric attempt to achieve. Either you want health care reform and are thus for 'drinking the kool-aid' and 'believe in the power of omniscient government', or you oppose it and thus should be commended for being such an independent thinker (or however the fuck you picture your exalted self. Question: Do you masturbate in front of a mirror?).

In either case, you can oppose this bill and be a sheep, and it is also possible to support this bill and be an independent thinker. The fact is that many of those that oppose fixing the most expensive and worst health care system of any wealthy nation in the world are 'drinking the kool-aid'. Any fuckhead with half a brain gets beyond this simpleton view.

Hell, I was impressed by Johnny O's support for community clinics. That is a great idea and the type of thing that WILL reduce costs in the long run.
i was not even aware until a short time that all health or almost is private in the US and i found that shocking... wtf happens to the elderly and sick in there if they dont have money or health insurance package? much more fair to put the money for health care for all instead bombs to fuck up people and country's in other parts of the globe...
This is no longer about healthcare and hasn't been for some time. Now this is entirely about saving the Obama presidency. Much like when Hitler sat in his bunker waiting for his army to come save him. Hopefully Obama will shoot himself in the head, too.
in 15 years, when getting sick will no longer bankrupt the people of this nation, i think you will realize how wrong you were.

and undertheniece

we are not on the 'way to mediocrity' we are at mediocrity NOW. spending more on health care and getting a lot LOT less.....

we're trying to rise out of that damn mediocrity......
The problem is, no-one trust Obama anymore. The Indonesians certainly don't, This bill is about helping Obama and no-one else just like stimulus was about stimulating the government not the economy.
Would that explain why the stimulus is sending $500+ my way in tax refunds?

Anyone who works gets $400 (making work pay)...pretty great stuff
Would that explain why the stimulus is sending $500+ my way in tax refunds?

Anyone who works gets $400 (making work pay)...pretty great stuff

How much money do you give to the Fed every year? $500 gives you a happy feeling in your pants? Enjoy your scraps. kiss-ass
My tax rate, after all was said and done, is a couple of percentage points lower this year than before, about 20% vs. 22%. I would have no problem giving that 2% right back if it took away the ever present fear of losing everything should my fiancee or I get seriously ill. And $500+ dollars is not scraps for me, that is what we call eating for a month.
Would that explain why the stimulus is sending $500+ my way in tax refunds?

Anyone who works gets $400 (making work pay)...pretty great stuff

That is great that you got an extra $400 just because you have a job. What about the MILLIONS of people who are unemployed because of this fabricated recession. And how does your $400 compare to the bailout that AIG got.

Anyone who has or has had Kaiser Permanente health insurance will know exactly what the new gov't run healthcare system will be like. Minimal services for maximum profit. You can also expect to see that those who do have pre-existing conditions won't be denied coverage but will have to pay a higher premium to offset the cost of thier treatment. You will also see premium changes based on your lifestyle choices, that is until they are all outlawed because it will be determined by the powers that be that americans aren't responsible enough to know what is good for them.

If you think healthcare reform bill is controversial wait a few weeks because immigration reform is around the corner and is going to really stir things up.
I'll spell it out for you AMNESTY, and NATIONAL ID.
I was driving today and saw a bumper sticker. It said 'Which one are you drinking?' and had a picture of a tea bag on one side and a pitcher of Koolaid on the other. Obviously, the bumper sticker is creating a false dichotomy, namely you are a tea bagger or you are drinking the Koolaid.

This is exactly what you and your hyperolic doomsday rhetoric attempt to achieve. Either you want health care reform and are thus for 'drinking the kool-aid' and 'believe in the power of omniscient government', or you oppose it and thus should be commended for being such an independent thinker (or however the fuck you picture your exalted self. Question: Do you masturbate in front of a mirror?).

In either case, you can oppose this bill and be a sheep, and it is also possible to support this bill and be an independent thinker. The fact is that many of those that oppose fixing the most expensive and worst health care system of any wealthy nation in the world are 'drinking the kool-aid'. Any fuckhead with half a brain gets beyond this simpleton view.

Hell, I was impressed by Johnny O's support for community clinics. That is a great idea and the type of thing that WILL reduce costs in the long run.

If it is the worst how come a year ago 80% of people who had health insurance liked their coverage and care.:confused:

And it makes a lot of since to penalize people who can not afford health insurance.:confused:

Plus it will be the same ole thing with just a new wrapper on it.:roll:
LOL @ whoever said it would reduce the deficit


starting a 900 billion dollar program is some how going to reduce the deficit

you belong in politics my friend... you would go well with the others
LOL @ whoever said it would reduce the deficit


starting a 900 billion dollar program is some how going to reduce the deficit

you belong in politics my friend... you would go well with the others

And that would be Redivider that said that......:lol:
If it is the worst how come a year ago 80% of people who had health insurance liked their coverage and care.:confused:


I am one of those 80% of people who is happy with their insurance. But I am also fortunate enough not to be one of the millions of people unlucky enough to have a pre existing condition and facing 4 figure monthly premiums with 5 figure deductibles if they can get insurance at all. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't last very long should I ever face such.
That is great that you got an extra $400 just because you have a job. What about the MILLIONS of people who are unemployed because of this fabricated recession.

If you are getting unemployment, the first $2,400 of unemployment is not being taxed, again thanks to the stimulus package. Considering tax on UI is 10-12%, that makes for about $250 savings. No unemployed people are going to get too mad about that one.
\And it makes a lot of since to penalize people who can not afford health insurance.

WTF? Are you on crack? How is it beneficial to leave your fellow citizen one serious illness away from losing everything? How does that make 'since'? You're going to have to explain that little doozy....
starting a 900 billion dollar program is some how going to reduce the deficit.

A stitch in time saves 9.

You want to blow up the deficit? Leave healthcare exactly how it is. Check back in 10 years. Then stick your foot in your mouth.

By that time, premiums will likely double, millions of your fellow citizens will have gone bankrupt and/or lost their homes due to medical debt, and hundreds of thousands will have died from preventable/curable health issues.

It boggles the mind that some can't fathom the difference between spending and investing.