Ghosts, Spirits and Poltergeists


Active Member
Have you ever seen anything?

I have seen a lot of crazy shit when my mum worked in an old pub. From a monk, to a log book torched for no reason, to chalk covered cellar from wall to ceiling. A girl in a bonnet and knives and forks being picked up like cars in a scrap metal yard and dropped back into the trays.

No one really believes what I say though, I was too you to be high so count that out.

I saw a UFO too with four friends, I don't believe in mass hallucination and if was NOT a chinese lantern.

I am a firm believer in the "paranormal" but I prefer to call it the truth :)
Yeah Ive seen and experienced many, many things like that. Supernatural, metaphysical, paranormal, etc.

Ghosts, UFOs, orbs, auras, poltergeist-like incidents, energy, etc.

Many of these experiences happened while I was with other people and they experienced the same thing. Sometimes I knew these people and sometimes I didnt. Sometimes they already knew about these things, other times they had no knowledge what-so-ever. Its definitely true that there are certain places where they happen more often, but really if you look around and really pay attention these things are happening everywhere. People I know have noticed that these events happen much more frequently when Im around them, Im not sure why that is? My guess would be that Im more "in tune" and connected with the other side than the average person. This has been true most of my life but definitely more in the past 4 years or so, they started happening more randomly, then I finally did research on them and learned a very large amount of knowledge and they happened more frequently and I noticed them more.

But yeah from my experience and those around me there is definitely an "invisible world". The far majority of humans are at the narrow level of consciousness that they dont notice or experience these things, even the true psychics and people more connected to the other side can only get a glimpse at a very very small amount of this invisible world. Theres some people naturally prone to it but I believe that if you put effort and train, most people will be able to sense those things.

Theres other easier ways to get a better glimpse into this other realm, deep meditation, psychedelics (heroic doses especially, DMT), when you sleep (most of the time you wont remember these things though), lucid dreaming, astral projection. Basically any way that you "turn off" in the physical realm you can "turn on" either in this other realm or get a glimpse of it. The deepest and raw version of this place would be the "true" version, AKA the spiritual realm/soul realm/metaphysical ether whatever you want to call it. You will only be able to experience that realm completely when you die in the physical world, and dont worry that wont be long whether its in 1 year or 100 years its really just the blink of an eye in that realm where time doesnt really exist. I believe the closest you can get to that realm while still being physically alive (and coming back fine of course) is when you breakthrough in DMT (this way youll be able to remember some and bring back some with you), things like salvia...ehh somewhat, and also when your deep in sleep (the stuff you dont remember when you wake up, not the main dreams), astral projection if you can breakthrough (the 2nd definition of astral projection, Ive only slightly broke through briefly), which is less intense than a large dose of DMT though. If you look at the 11 dimension string theory, infinite universe, etc its somewhat if not directly related to these realms and where the incidents originate at.
Theres other easier ways to get a better glimpse into this other realm, deep meditation, psychedelics (heroic doses especially, DMT), when you sleep (most of the time you wont remember these things though), lucid dreaming, astral projection. Basically any way that you "turn off" in the physical realm you can "turn on" either in this other realm or get a glimpse of it. The deepest and raw version of this place I suppose would be the "true" version, AKA the spiritual realm/soul realm/metaphysical ether whatever you want to call it. You will only be able to experience that realm completely when you die in the physical world, and dont worry that wont be long whether its in 1 year or 100 years its really just the blink of an eye in that realm where time doesnt really exist. I believe the closest you can get to that realm while still being physically alive (and coming back fine of course) is when you breakthrough in DMT (this way youll be able to remember some and bring back some with you), things like salvia...ehh somewhat, and also when your deep in sleep (the stuff you dont remember when you wake up, not the main dreams), astral projection if you can breakthrough, which is less intense than a large dose of DMT though.

DMT £125.00 a gram where I live, very hard to find, plus I'm apprehensive about taking it, therefore, I've read I shouldn't take it. All my sightings started at about the age of 8 years old.

I used to meditate, then I saw 3 gold flashes and haven't been able to do it properly since. Had a lot of trouble over the last year, think that's the block.
DMT £125.00 a gram where I live, very hard to find, plus I'm apprehensive about taking it, therefore, I've read I shouldn't take it. All my sightings started at about the age of 8 years old.

I used to meditate, then I saw 3 gold flashes and haven't been able to do it properly since. Had a lot of trouble over the last year, think that's the block.

What were the 3 gold flashes do you think?

I havent been able to get all that far with just meditation. You really have to get in the setting and situation where you can block everything else out and just concentrate on the meditation itself, which is difficult. If you can reach that level in meditation its better because youll still be somewhat physically conscious (as in a DMT trip) than you can learn and bring some of those events back to the physical world. In astral projecting and lucid dreaming more so youre entering a level of sleep so you wont be able to bring as much back but you can get further, and its a thin line between that and blacking out all together which youll come back with little to nothing.

These things are great to experience but you have to keep a balance, you get too deep and you start ignoring the physical world and problems can come up. Im learning how to maintain my life more in the physical world and have fun here while still being able to venture and experience this other realm. Working out pretty well so far and its getting better.
What were the 3 gold flashes do you think?

I havent been able to get all that far with just meditation. You really have to get in the setting and situation where you can block everything else out and just concentrate on the meditation itself, which is difficult. If you can reach that level in meditation its better because youll still be somewhat physically conscious (as in a DMT trip) than you can learn and bring some of those events back to the physical world. In astral projecting and lucid dreaming more so youre entering a level of sleep so you wont be able to bring as much back but you can get further, and its a thin line between that and blacking out all together which youll come back with little to nothing.

These things are great to experience but you have to keep a balance, you get too deep and you start ignoring the physical world and problems can come up. Im learning how to maintain my life more in the physical world and have fun here while still being able to venture and experience this other realm. Working out pretty well so far and its getting better.

I have no idea, but it wasn't that long after I saw a UFO with my mates.

I used to fly in my dreams too. I haven't had that dream since I was young. It would only be around my house too but it was so vivid I'll never forget it

Woke up to a monk in my room 3 times.
Can one of you guys PLEASE detail your most realistic experience for me?
I have no idea, but it wasn't that long after I saw a UFO with my mates.

I used to fly in my dreams too. I haven't had that dream since I was young. It would only be around my house too but it was so vivid I'll never forget it

Woke up to a monk in my room 3 times.

Theres 2 different types of astral projection, or rather 2 different levels. The 1st level is being able to fly around freely in the normal physical world, theres more rules in this level. The 2nd level is pretty much a literal breakthrough to other dimensions. That world is very different. If you are actually astral projecting you will be somewhat conscious, as opposed to normal dreaming when youre all the way asleep. For the 1st type its less intense to get into, you might just find yourself there after a slight buzzing sound. For the 2nd type its more intense, you should start noticing a buzzing/slightly electrical/frequency sound continue to get louder until your engulfed by it and your whole body should feel like its vibrating. After that you should feel like your moving through a room and its all white with symbols and geometric shapes around, once you break through this its hard to describe.

Ive done the 1st type randomly but havent gotten that far. The 2nd type Ive just recently been able to get past that room but my nerves still get to me when I try to go any further. Its a very odd, yet somewhat familiar feeling. Its a completely different feel from normal dreaming and lucid dreaming. Those seem to just be places and situations that your mind made up while astral projecting is like these places really exist and are accessible to all humans.

I never experienced anything like monks appearing. You mean they were physically there out of nowhere?
Can one of you guys PLEASE detail your most realistic experience for me?

Well, mine started when I was 8 or something, I'm 22 now but I still remember pretty much all my experiences like they were yesterday. That much so, that when I type about or talk about them I get quite emotional and my hair stands up. No idea why, but it's mad.

My first experience was when I was 8, when I moved to a new house next to an old church. After a few nights in my new room, I woke up to a monk. I went back under my covers and shouted my Mum, just like any other 8 year old would. My Mum said I was dreaming. Happened again and again and again I would shout my Mum, basically to the point where I didn't sleep in my room for a few weeks. The Vicar at the Church said that there were tunnels underground surrounding the church, used for various reasons, such as helping priests escape during the religious wars in our country.'s_Church,_Warrington

Most of my other experiences happened in a pub next to the church. The first one I remember is when my Mum and I were in the dining area, we were the only people down stairs. We heard footsteps,,so we shouted Andy, who was head chef at the time. No reply, all of a sudden, a couple of orbs picked the knives at forks about a foot out of the plastic cutlery tray and let them go. Me and my Mum had no explanation.

Second time, the Manageress at the time, June, brought her log book down stairs. It was leather bound and kept in a safe all night. She said she had something to show us (My Mum and I). June opened the book and the leather cover was fine, the first paper page was fine, every page after that was scorched, except for the last paper page and leather cover.

Another incident I remember is the cellar being covered in strange writing in chalk, which was weird and freaked me out a bit. I didn't like being in the cellar at all.

My Mum and I also witnessed a girl in a bonnet walk through some tables, we were used to it by then though.
I don't know what apparitions are but Ive witnessed a few. Do you guys think the younger we are the more susceptible we are to it? I lived in a house when I was 15 where a boy had always been beaten by his dad and one day he shot him twice in the neck and they never saw the boy again. Anyway all kinds of strange things happened the cupboards would all open for about an hour then close. A few times I heard a child crying in my room. Things would always move and the tv would turn on and off. A bay window shattered randomly and there was always foot steps upstairs. I'm still weirded out by it and from time to time I feel "visited" does anyone else experience this?
Damn I'm glad I have a skeptical mind. None of that stuff scares me at all. Complete freedom.
i've had countless paranormal experiences. i'll write a few of them in here...

so when i was a bit younger, late teens, this happened. and it freaked me out so much that i've never forgotten it. i was downstairs in our basement one day looking for something on a shelf. while i was standing there, i felt a really hard whack on my finger...i didnt know where it came from because nothing fell...but i had serious pain in my finger, and my finger nail had a dent right in the middle of it, and i couldnt explain how that happened.

about a week ago, i was sitting at the computer and heard a breath. it was right in front of me, clear as day. it sounded like a "hah" sound, like when you exhale a little to check your breath, lol or when you're trying to see your breath in the cold. it sounded like it came from the small space in between my monitor and my face. so it was really close. i have no idea what caused it, i was home alone. i had a fan on, so i immediately turned that off to try and search for the source of the sound, but i couldnt find anything.

when i was young, probably in high school, i woke up one night to a shadow by my bed. it was a small shadow, and it looked kind of rectangular, and it was right beside my bed. so i assumed that my pillow had just fallen down throughout the night and was leaning against the bed. but when i reached over to grab it, my hand went right through the shadow. another night i woke up and there was a tall shadowy figure of a man in a top hat standing right next to my bed. like, it was a discernible outline of a guy...male figure...and the shape of the top hat was really clear. i turned over and faced the wall...trying not to freak out.

i hear sounds outside my bedroom window all the time. usually around 3am. like one night, i heard something clanging around out near where the recycling bin i immediately looked out the window to see if it was an animal, or a person who had cut through our back yard...but there was nothing there, so i went outside to take a look and i didnt see anything. the recycling bin didnt even look like it had been disturbed at all.

thats all i can think of right off the top of my head...those are the most memorable i guess. but i've had a large number of weirdo things happen. i just try to search things out to see if i can explain it...and if i cant explain it i classify it as paranormal.
Damn I'm glad I have a skeptical mind. None of that stuff scares me at all. Complete freedom.
it doesnt scare me as much now as it used to. i've gotten used to weird things happening around me...but i have to ask, lol. have you ever had any of these type of experiences? ever seen a ghost, or a ufo?

oh, lol. that actually reminds me of another incident. i was walking home with a friend one afternoon/early evening and we saw this black round thing in the sky. we thought at first that it was probably some type of weather balloon, but after a moment it just sort of ascended and disappeared. it was very strange indeed lol.
IVE had a UFO like thing chase me in a lonely country rd when i was coming home one night from Amarillo tx i was swerving a bit and i looked in my rearview mirror to make sure no one was behind me a cop or whatever well i look and there was a motorcycle light on the ass of the car i though oh shit its a cop and he is going to pull me over as a was looking at this ball of light that seemed to be a motor cycle light it turned a red oranghe color and them slowly turned black it just vanished i was like cool i pulled over because i thought maybe i was dreaming or something and i made my wife drive i didnt tell her i saw nothing i just told her i got sleepy well like 30 min into her turn she wakes me up crying saying a red ball of fire was chasing her down the road and she was going 90 on this lonely one lane country rd after she said that then i told her that the light had been following me but i thought i was seeing things i came home and told everyone about it ive been wanting to go back to see if i see it again but i hadnt had a chance
it doesnt scare me as much now as it used to. i've gotten used to weird things happening around me...but i have to ask, lol. have you ever had any of these type of experiences? ever seen a ghost, or a ufo?

oh, lol. that actually reminds me of another incident. i was walking home with a friend one afternoon/early evening and we saw this black round thing in the sky. we thought at first that it was probably some type of weather balloon, but after a moment it just sort of ascended and disappeared. it was very strange indeed lol.

I've experienced things that I didn't know what they were. But I've never came to the conclusion that it was a ghost or an alien. There's just not enough evidence to jump from "what the fuck was that?!" to "that WAS a ghost/alien!".

It always seems like these kinds of things happen to people when they're either in bed or were really young, and I'm aware of how much our perceptions can influence our thoughts, how memories shouldn't be used as evidence, etc...
ONe time i got high as ive never gotten i was 14 maybe 15 and i was trying to sleep i couldnt all of a sudden i feel like im falling and falling but i never hit the ground i open my eyes and im on the wall and i look down at myself i freak out then i try to wake up but i was awake then i fall and fall and i open my eyes again and im on my bed but my body doesnt want to work with me i try to scream for help but im only whimpering and i still cant move i tried making a load noise but i cant it sounds like im whinning finally my body kicks in and i jump up and turn on the light it felt like some one was holding me down that was a crazy crazy experince
I've experienced things that I didn't know what they were. But I've never came to the conclusion that it was a ghost or an alien. There's just not enough evidence to jump from "what the fuck was that?!" to "that WAS a ghost/alien!".

It always seems like these kinds of things happen to people when they're either in bed or were really young, and I'm aware of how much our perceptions can influence our thoughts, how memories shouldn't be used as evidence, etc...

this is a theory of mine, but i wont take credit for coming up with it on my own because im positive i've heard this before somewhere lol. i think that the reason most people have these experiences when they're either sleepy or really young, is because they're more perceptive. when you're sort of half awake, you're not exactly thinking with a hardened skepticism, you're just perceiving the things around you without bias, seeing things for what they are. and same with younger people. they're not as skeptical because they havent developed any type of personal bias yet. they just simply notice the things around them, the way they appear.
this is a theory of mine, but i wont take credit for coming up with it on my own because im positive i've heard this before somewhere lol. i think that the reason most people have these experiences when they're either sleepy or really young, is because they're more perceptive. when you're sort of half awake, you're not exactly thinking with a hardened skepticism, you're just perceiving the things around you without bias, seeing things for what they are. and same with younger people. they're not as skeptical because they havent developed any type of personal bias yet. they just simply notice the things around them, the way they appear.

In other words, show someone something they don't understand (or aren't capable of understanding) and they'll come to their own conclusions. Agreed.
In other words, show someone something they don't understand (or aren't capable of understanding) and they'll come to their own conclusions. Agreed.
hehe yep. and aint it funny that people around the world have been coming to the same conclusions about things for centuries without ever knowing one another? i find that fascinating :mrgreen: i know im gonna get railed for this...but i personally believe that the need to always know and figure things out, is a response to some type of anxiety. we cant just accept things as they are, because it makes us nervous. so we have to know exactly how everything works...the world is less intimidating that way. and i dont mean that in any offensive way, so i apologize if my comment is misinterpreted. but thats just what i think...
hehe yep. and aint it funny that people around the world have been coming to the same conclusions about things for centuries without ever knowing one another? i find that fascinating :mrgreen: i know im gonna get railed for this...but i personally believe that the need to always know and figure things out, is a response to some type of anxiety. we cant just accept things as they are, because it makes us nervous. so we have to know exactly how everything works...the world is less intimidating that way. and i dont mean that in any offensive way, so i apologize if my comment is misinterpreted. but thats just what i think...
i think thats why science was invented