is three oz too much to expect off my ak-47's


Well-Known Member
haha you always speak the truth closetgrwth. im still a newb but learning as much i can as fast i can, while trying to spread the knowledge. i dont have much of a life so i just research all day and tend to my plants. oh dont forget the multiple bong rips a day. ahahha


Active Member
ive been researching for years i know about how much im probably gonna yield i just like reassurance from all you seasoned growers it just sucks the only way i get any attention is being a asshole. sorry for being a dick but thanks to the people that helped. its gonna be four hours direct sun normal schedule of nutrients plenty of h20 i hope no bugs or fungi and plenty of love and tlc:) so cut me a break i think everybody has bad days the only thing i want is some estimates of my babies. ive been growing indoors for a couple grows just never outside i grow aero and dwc but not a lot experience outside.


Active Member
there not auto's either there from serious seeds im thinking of putting about 10 outdoors and there all indoors vegging and getting cloned theres been some recent heat on me and a friend so i have a good dear friend on riu getting them ready and watching my ladies for me at the moment till im ready 2 put them in the ground


Well-Known Member
Maybe you will get a gram maybe you will get a pound. Its all up to you!
With years of research you should have your answer by now!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
ive been researching for years i know about how much im probably gonna yield i just like reassurance from all you seasoned growers it just sucks the only way i get any attention is being a asshole. sorry for being a dick but thanks to the people that helped. its gonna be four hours direct sun normal schedule of nutrients plenty of h20 i hope no bugs or fungi and plenty of love and tlc:) so cut me a break i think everybody has bad days the only thing i want is some estimates of my babies. ive been growing indoors for a couple grows just never outside i grow aero and dwc but not a lot experience outside.
Everyone has bad days, but patience is a virtue. Eventually these comments would have started to flow...just give em' a chance!

Guesstimating yield is always a tough concept to fully grasp as there are MANY variables that will affect your grow. According to the info I found for you, 4 hours direct sunlight is enough to grow large, productive plants outdoors.

If you sow them earlier in the season, they'll have longer to veg, which means they'll be larger, which means a higher yield. I've never grow serious AK47 but it looks like a pretty solid yielder, so 3 oz per plant is probably a conservative estimate.

But as I said, many variables contribute to your final yield, just as they do when you grow indoors...

Hope that helps. Let's all chill on the negativity for a minute and be happy...IT'S ST. PATRICK'S DAY...a day where everyone wishes they were as GREEN as us growers:mrgreen::weed::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'd hate to make my first post a flame, but oh well... You ask a vague question and a hour later you give up all hope because no one has answered yet? Thats kinda a douche move. You can't expect an answer when you come off as a dick and give absolutely no info. Next time give amount of plants, location, weather, soil, nutes, and how long they will grow for. Then once you've stated that don't rip on people and PATIENTLY wait for an answer.


Misguided Angel
If you don't haved the patience to wait 2 hours for an answer you don't have the patience to grow in my opinion. But best of luck buddy.

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
I grew Serious AK 47 this winter indoor. It's some killer smoke! I wish I could have kept a clone, but had some heat on me and had to chop and lay low for a while. Depending on how long I vegged and what method of trimming and stem manipulation i used, i usually harvested 1 to 3 ounces per plant. You should be able to double that at least, if not more, weather and all other conditions permitting. They are easy plants to train, and i got really good at keeping them low and compact. I had some problems with early yellowing and fan leaf loss during budding. Probably due to some nute deficiency problems I never quite figured out. Here is some pics, PM me if you have any other AK47 questions.

