1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Sweet bong man, you got a good deal, looks to be a solid hitter.

The fan leaves are so nice man, very healthy.

So glad the DQ turned out good mate. I like the heart thumping feeling.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i actually told him i wanted to tape some bubble wrap round its more vulnerable bulges but he thought it was a rubbish idea - that was a couple of breaks ago tho lol
just had a smoke off the last girl i chopped, nice n high lol
i'm gonna give one of my trainwreck a crack in the old dwc - should be interesting. i want a fancy new bong AND a volcano lol
at least theres no chance you can smash a volcano eh! lol
Sweet bong man, you got a good deal, looks to be a solid hitter.
The fan leaves are so nice man, very healthy.
So glad the DQ turned out good mate. I like the heart thumping feeling.

oh its a smooth hitting piece alright! like a velvet hammer

just when life is on the up some c@nt has kicked the back of the motor in fucking dent the size of a football im fuming. the fucking thing already cost £350 to get through the mot this month.


Well-Known Member
Nice Bong Mr Don.

Motors eh, pain in the arse. Bloody vandals even worse!!

That monster HDF is something else.


Well-Known Member
Some c*nt nicked the wheel trims off my Mrs' car a while back and i felt like killing the little bastards. Fucking country is fucked, little tracksuit wearing turds going around fucking with your shit and theres nowt you can do about it coz you'll get your collar felt. Its all wrong

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Nice Bong Mr Don.
Motors eh, pain in the arse. Bloody vandals even worse!!
seriously its been no end of trouble this year. i wish i could have caught the scrote hed have 10 broken fingers
That monster HDF is something else.
aye its no where near finished at just over 10 weeks not a great deal of crystal and it smells earthy like old skunk not fruity!? but theres plenty on it.
Some c*nt nicked the wheel trims off my Mrs' car a while back and i felt like killing the little bastards. Fucking country is fucked, little tracksuit wearing turds going around fucking with your shit and theres nowt you can do about it coz you'll get your collar felt. Its all wrong
ive done my raging, walked into town this morning to clear my head. seriously this is the crowning moment we had all 4 hubcaps nicked the back ford sign dissapeared its been keyed twice now some twats kicked a panel in.
i reckon its because its a ford ka (girly motor) and my lass reckons its cos we live in a dodge area ( even tho we dont really ) i dont see any other motors getting kicked in down our road...

bring back national service, thats wot i say teach the scrotes some dicipline and give em a gun lol.
champion till they leave the army as trained scrotes. bring back the birch i say


Well-Known Member
Fuckin eh Don, sounds fuck up what they did.

I got in my car one morning to go to work. As soon as I got in the car, heard a loud bang. Some asshole had stolen my passenger side tire and left the car sitting on a jack.

Looking at how awful people can behave, sometimes I almost feel ashamed to be a human. Although most animals don't have a code of honor or such either. Tell you what, plants are the best, we give them so little and they give us so much.


Well-Known Member
The government should give us the right to protect our stuff properly and by that i mean kick the living shite outa 'em lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Fuckin eh Don, sounds fuck up what they did.

I got in my car one morning to go to work. As soon as I got in the car, heard a loud bang. Some asshole had stolen my passenger side tire and left the car sitting on a jack.
thats fuckin mental ive not seen anything that bad
Looking at how awful people can behave, sometimes I almost feel ashamed to be a human. Although most animals don't have a code of honor or such either. Tell you what, plants are the best, we give them so little and they give us so much.
dude the indifference of man will be its downfall.
The government should give us the right to protect our stuff properly and by that i mean kick the living shite outa 'em lol

well todays been no end of fun. i was on the bus home and my lass phoned to say the police were coming round at 6 pm. i shit bricks. she had kittens but we kept it together and they didnt twig tho they were feet away from the op.

and the toon won 3 -0

Don's stealth 1 hawaii 50- 0


Well-Known Member
nah Don i'll be wrapping the feckin volcano in bubble wrap, then a blanket, then some more bubble wrap lol it'll be hard to use but i'm not dropping over 500 bickies on something only to turd it up

why on earth did the fuzz come for a visit?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
the plod were here cos some swine had booted the motor n put a dent in it, i was well surprised they cam out looked at the print n said actually its a kanny print well get socko out to take picstures.

socko i ussume must be the csi types ?! they took a gel imprint of the hoof print n said if it matches anyone weve had in the cells recently we'll get back to you.

the missus is still having palpatations thinking they'll come back. its a bloody good job they didnt come a week previous when i had all the dairy queen hanging up or things could have been well FUBAR


Well-Known Member
haha i had ten 2 week old seedlings when we got burgled last year. fecked things right up lol had to put them in a box and move it to the boot of my car during lights on, take the hps and the batwings apart and hid them. coppers were all over


Well-Known Member
yeah it's a bitch act all together. makes ya feel yuk for ages. i found the fella, can't really go into details but one of the items he took enabled me to find his details as soon as i had access to certain systems, looked him up on facebook lol quality scrote trackies tucked into sports socks kinda prick, feckin burberry cap


Well-Known Member
oh lordy i'm so ripped i'm gonna have to roll to bed. proper squinty me like lol

i'm gonna go watch alice in wonderland, i decided if i was going to enjoy it at all i would have to commit to an epic stone lol wish me luck, it looks a bit shite

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah yeah were away to see it saturday night at the stupidly big screen at the metrocenter, a mate said it was a bit tim burtion being werid for weirds sake but i like tim burtons weird so i reckon it will be mint