Super Lemon Haze - Week 1 Flower - Possible Burn?


What up everyone ...
Questions for a second time grower..
Been obviously doing alot of research and have done other hydro grows but this one is alittle different...

5 Super Lemon Haze (SLH) Plants (from seed)
1 week into 12/12 under 1000w HPS
5 week veg 18/6 under 1000w MH
Distance to canopy ~12"
Lucas Formula Nutes
Adding 1 T H202 per week
PH - 5.9
PPM - 1200
Rez Size - 55 gallon (using around 35 gallons)
RO/DI Water - PH Adjusted after nutes
Ebb & Grow setup
Feeding 3 times (30 min each) during lights on, 0 times during lights off

So everything is rocking but started to notice the plants directly under the light starting to yellow on top and slightly curl under.. just concerned about the yellowing tops and I think i have one pic of possible nute burn or maybe a nute deficency ???

I use no other nutes besides Lucas Formula with GH - just switched to 0-8-16 for flower

Should i be adding CalMag?
Floralicious ???

Here are some pics but the yellowing didn't really show up...



0-8-16 has no N, you need N in your nutes to keep the leaves healthy.

0-8-16 refers to the Lucas Formula
G-M-B (Grow-Micro-Bloom) (ml of Nutes)
0-5-10 - For Vegetative cycle
0-8-16 - For Flowering cycle

The Lucas Formula is essentially
Flora Micro 5-0-1 +
Flora Bloom 0-5-4
Which Equals 5-5-5 (Plenty of N)

Anyone else have experience with Lucas in Hydroton??????


So I think it might be light burn because 3 of the 5 plants that are affected are the directly under the light while the 2 that look fine are on the outside.
Sooooo I rasied the HPS to around 18" above the canopy and will see how they react.
Anyone else have a recommended distance from 1000W HPS?