i wanna get more invloved but i'm a little paranoid about IP adresses, witch hunts, paper trails, etc... anyone know?
i wouldnt worry about it. just dont grow on your own property yanowadimean?i wanna get more invloved but i'm a little paranoid about IP adresses, witch hunts, paper trails, etc... anyone know?
no its not safe!!! i'm in an illegal state and they are all around me!!! get out while you still can !!!! LMAO!!!!i wanna get more invloved but i'm a little paranoid about IP adresses, witch hunts, paper trails, etc... anyone know?
theres no real good answer to thisi wanna get more invloved but i'm a little paranoid about IP adresses, witch hunts, paper trails, etc... anyone know?
theres no real good answer to this
it kinda grey area
i ve never herd of anyone being busted because of being online
but i'm sure if you are busted they would prolly use all that they fine in your grow house agaisnt you
but then again if you get busted first, what they find on your computer is the least of your consern
think of it like child porn (not advocating it just useing it as an example) these guys live on them sites constently uploading and downloading shit , but there not busted untell they touch some kid or something like that then you find out that they have millions of pics all over there house and hard drives full of the shit. they didn't get busted because of the internet but because something else that will out way there internet use
just becarefull who you befriend never let your guard down
man up
to late to start crying when the dogs start barking
allways remimber anything you say or do in life is strickly voluntary legal or not. it can AND WILL BE used, not in you favor in a court of law against you
Paranoid much?Yeah sure. US Government is running this site. It doesn't get safer than that![]()