New leaves coming in yellow


Well-Known Member
ok first round of pics.

this is the aerogarden, fist pic is the access door closed and the second is open

i can only fill the water about another 1/2 before it overflows. The cutout for the door takes off about 2" of overall depth.



Well-Known Member
Next we have roots

First pic is off all of them

Second pic is roots of a plant thats been 100% aerogarden

The last pics are of the converts roots.

it was pretty hard to get any sort of definition on the pics, there are root hairs! but just not a shitload. they are much easier to see flowing free in the water.

Some of the early soil roots are a little dingy from the soil, but that is only the case in the upper parts. These roots are a lot thicker than the aerogarden roots.

Id say as a whole my roots are looking like the color or Ramen noodles, no joke. Like an off white, cream-ish color

if you need more pics let me know, ill have more time instead of cramming all this in on my lunch break



Well-Known Member
Hi storzbickel - i'm sorry hear you are still having issues. The roots look healthy enough to me - let's try to get the green back into your plant. Let's start back at square one, OK?

1) What is the pH of the water?
2) What is the PPM of the water?
(both readings should be taken after adding nutes to water)
3) can you see the bubbles from the air-stone?
4) Tell me reservoir and ambient temps again, please?

I'm really not sure what the problem is at this point. What i would do is clean out my reservoir and fill it with properly pH'ed water and nothing else (no nutes) to see how the plants react. I'd wait a day (maybe two days) to see if the new growth was looking any better. If the problem continued, i would add Grow nutes until my PPM was around 3-400 and see what happens. If the plants perk up then great - if not - i would then be at a total loss as to what to try next - other than adding more nutes - though not enough nutes is unlikely to be the problem.


Well-Known Member
Hi storzbickel - i'm sorry hear you are still having issues. The roots look healthy enough to me - let's try to get the green back into your plant. Let's start back at square one, OK?

1) What is the pH of the water?
2) What is the PPM of the water?
(both readings should be taken after adding nutes to water)
3) can you see the bubbles from the air-stone?
4) Tell me reservoir and ambient temps again, please?

I'm really not sure what the problem is at this point. What i would do is clean out my reservoir and fill it with properly pH'ed water and nothing else (no nutes) to see how the plants react. I'd wait a day (maybe two days) to see if the new growth was looking any better. If the problem continued, i would add Grow nutes until my PPM was around 3-400 and see what happens. If the plants perk up then great - if not - i would then be at a total loss as to what to try next - other than adding more nutes - though not enough nutes is unlikely to be the problem.
Right on the money but I would give them a good flush with RO water 1st.


Well-Known Member
ok emails/canna. i can tell you the info as of about an hour ago, im back in my office after being home for lunch.

1. i lowered the ph a little bit, as you suggested before- 5.5
2. ppm of nute solution is 500ppm.
3. air stone is bubbling away, i posted some pics, which are on pg 3.
4. ambient 74.7 , res temp 67.0

now as i was taking pics of the roots it loosened up the dirt that was still sticking to them, and i dont like that shit floating around the res, so tonight i am going to flush the res.

Should i fill it with just pHed water like you said? and should i go back to my normal pH (about 5.8-6.0) or keep it a little lower like i am now? (5.6)


New Member
I don't like the look of the roots... not so much the way they look, just the amount of root there is. I feel there should be more. These plants are almost 3 weeks old.

His ph is fine, his ec is fine, his res temps are fine.

I'm pretty positive this is an oxygenation to the roots problem. Aero works by constantly spraying oxygenated feed onto the roots. Either the nozzles are blocked, or you need to redesign the thing into a dwc, if possible.

It's been a while since I grew in DWC, but i'm pretty sure the root development would be far more extensive by now... and in aero, these things should be exploding in growth by now, but they're not.

Another thing though too, the aerogarden isn't suitable for more than one plant. It only has a 1 gallon res'... trying to grow too many plants in there will lead to roots tangling and fighting for space. You could lose out a lot.


Well-Known Member
Everything looks great on paper. Very frustrating. i agree that the roots look small but what is there looks OK (a little dark but not moldy/slimy).

Sounds like he already did everything necessary to make them better. I would probably either give it another day or two with the new aero-stone or clean out the res and just put properly pH'ed water (no nutes) and see what happens.

What do you think SKH?


Well-Known Member
so do we think that these plants can have a turnaround? or do i need to just scrap it and start over?
you may end up having to start over - but now is when you're really going to learn your system and plants. I would hold out a bit longer to see if you can revive them.


Well-Known Member
im going to hold out. i hope you guys continue to offer help!

this was a little project and im not wasting any good beans on it- its all bagseed. but i want to see results from this aero like others on here have.

so i am going to flush tonight and fill with phed water. the airstone is pumping away, and ill wait til fri or so before i re-evaluate


Well-Known Member
nice thing about hydro is you should see results in hours (or a day or two). the old growth probably isn't going to get better. But we want to make sure new growth is healthy and green.


Well-Known Member
i also think im going to clean the pump and nozzles just in case.

SKH mentioned they might be clogged. i think thats very feasible due to the fact that there were some dirt clods floating about.

it cant hurt!


Well-Known Member
I saw you jumped on an aerogarden thread - good thinking. I would PM the most knowledgeable folks to see if they can help you too. They may know aerogarden-specific tricks/tips that SKH and I don't know about.


Well-Known Member
i know i really would have liked to jump on the older threads with Teknique70 and Vandewalle.

i read thru hundreds of pages on their threads, and thats what sold me on the aerogarden.


Well-Known Member
you can PM (private message) them and ask for help. worse they can say is no.

my first hydro system was called the PC Planter from sunlight sheds. l learned a lot but i still wish i had my money instead of it :-)


Well-Known Member
i tried tek last week. he didnt respond but in one of his threads he said hes kind of skeptical about PMs.

is there a way to link to this thread in a PM?


Well-Known Member
ok a bit of an update

not much progress. new growth is weak and scraggly, BUT slightly green.

the good news is the roots- there has been an obvious increase in the number of root hairs since i put the aerator in there.

they are in 001ppm water, pHed. hopefully ill have some better news in a couple days.

i ordered the fox farm nutes and will never advocate or advice anyone to use Advanced Nutrients. their feeding shcedules are all over the place.

by the time i get those nutes if this crop hasnt turned around, im scrapping and starting over.