My girls are dying (or may already be dead.. please help :(

I'm a total newbie, and these are my first 2 plants ever. My source took them out of a FoxFarm soilless medium, and I tried to transfer them to an aero system (first mistake).

They were doing well for a day or two, then all hell broke loose. I'm trying to save them, but I don't know how. The pH stays at 5.8, the nutes are around 1000 ppm, and the temp in the room around 75, the water around 72, humidity around 45%.

The roots are being sprayed at a 1 minute on, 4 minutes off ratio. They smell fine, and the main stem looks healthy.

My guy is giving me a free 10" plant today, and is telling me to keep it in the FoxFarm media.. of course I'll listen this time. Any thoughts on what I should do with these before I play Taps? :( Is it too late to transfer them over to grow media also?



Well-Known Member
you can try to put them back into soil. I think that is your only chance! I has a few plants that were dieing in a hydro set up and I put them in Black Gold organic potting mix and one out of two lived. I would never move a plant out of soil and put it into a hydro set up. Good luck!
you can try to put them back into soil. I think that is your only chance! I has a few plants that were dieing in a hydro set up and I put them in Black Gold organic potting mix and one out of two lived. I would never move a plant out of soil and put it into a hydro set up. Good luck!

Okay, thanks. The guy I'm getting the new plant from told me it might be risky to transfer it again. At this point, I might as well. It doesn't look like it'll make it in the areo unit much longer.


Well-Known Member
the roots are knotted and still have your old medium on them they don't get enough air turn you pump on less often and spread the roots out


Well-Known Member
Back off the nutes alot also. Give them a chance to get used to their new surroundings before feeding them that much. I would say though, its probaly time for TAPS....... You may save them, but thats alot of stress they are in right now. I think you would be ahead of the game and start over.


Active Member
massive shock from the whole transplant process. Moving them back to the soil sounds like a death sentence to me but its YOUR call. Id do everything in my power to get them acclimated to where they are at now and not stressed. B1 might help.