Plant Problems--Lowering PH?

Hey all, I posted here before about a problem but I am now having another. Here are my specs.

I am growing two plants indoor with soil from bagseed in my closet in terra cotta pots that are one gallon.
I am using CFL's. I have 5 that I believe are all 100 watt equivalent.
I vegged them for just under two months at 18/6 and put them into 12 hours on 12 hours off light cycle four days ago.
I water about every 3 days, roughly. I poke my clean finger in the soil and gauge from there.

I open the closet door for about 6 hours every day and have a fan to blow into the room (not right onto the plants) to keep the air circulating well. The temp is probably about 75 during the day and 65-69 at night.

I posted awhile ago about problems I was having with yellowing/burning, and people said it was clearly nute burn. So I flushed and flushed and then went back to normal practices for a few weeks, adding no nutes.

The problems got better, but then started getting worse. They have become extremely pronounced even in just the four days since I put into flowering. The leaves are yellowing badly, there are brown spots and there is less growth. New leaves that grow appear relatively healthy and green but not for too long.

One thing other guides pointed to at what might be the problem was PH, so I have been trying hard to lower the PH with water mixed with vinegar. But nothing seems to work. I am watering with water at like a ph of 5 but my soil wont go below 7.5 and then gets back up to eight.

I think the problem might be there is not enough space. They are REALLY root bound, so there is no where for anything to really happen in the pot. If I water them well they stay moist for 4 or 5 days. Only the top dries out.

so here are my questions---am I off on my diagnosing? Any insights? Also, could I repot them to bigger pots or will it kill them from the shock since it is so late in the process? Should I just stick it out and hope flowering goes well? I think they've already started to both bud--I'm pretty sure they're both female (yay!) they have those whispy strands and no balls. I included a picture but I couldn't get it very focused that close. Am I right that it is female? Can anyone tell?

Sorry if this is very general this is my first grow.



Well-Known Member
Your schedule is a bit off bro..should either be 18/6, or 24 hours

So whats with the ph issue?

Your not explain things too well.

Any pics?


Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry it posted before I was ready, real post is there now.
Ok, I would reccomend you transplanting them girls in a bigger container.

You have faded leaves, especially near the bottom which suggests a nitrogen deficiency.

Get some good soil, and while your at it some better nutes.

Something Like Fox Farm and use their feeding schedule.

After that, you will see major improvements within days.

I do not think you have a ph issue.

If you think you do, then get some finely granulated dolomite lime and mix it in your soil before you transplant.

That stuff does wonders, and will keep your ph stable all the way til harvest.

Normally you dont wanna transplant when your plant is in flower.

But in your case, its a "must".

Be gentle with her, and treat her like a lady.

Best of luck dude. CG :)
I re potted them to pots twice their size. We'll see how they do.

Is there anywhere online I can get fox farm quickly?

I'll keep things updated, thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
I am watering with water at like a ph of 5 but my soil wont go below 7.5 and then gets back up to eight.
If you must pH your water when in soil , NEVER BELOW 6.5, below 6.5 will eventually wreck your soil. In picture 3 i can see from the leaves where u have started to fuck around with the ph!

At this stage of flower, i would not have potted up, it will take away from the total capacity of the flowering faze, now that it has new roots to grow.

To me it looks like a Fungal infection probably LSF (especially picture 7).


Active Member
dont use vinegar to do your ph, get nitric or phosphoric acid for ph down and potassium hydroxide for ph up. you shouldnt need much to get your desired ph, it go's fast. ph being that far out will make certain nutrients almost unavailable to the plant


Well-Known Member
dont use vinegar to do your ph, get nitric or phosphoric acid for ph down and potassium hydroxide for ph up. you shouldnt need much to get your desired ph, it go's fast. ph being that far out will make certain nutrients almost unavailable to the plant
Sorry, that's just not correct. That logic works for Hydroponics, but in soil, there is no need to pH your water unless your tap water is below 6.5. giving the plant excess phosphorus coupled with plant metabolizing from "flushing" will give you a poor end result, at best. A more carcinogenic smoke at worse.