what bug is this?


Well-Known Member
its fairly small almost shaped like a lady bug. it is a mix of brown and black with a whitish stipe or somthing seperating the black and brown. its prolly the size of a #2 pensil tip after its dull.



Well-Known Member
no pictures? try typing "common plant insects" into google and see if you can figure it out. does it have wings or alot of legs?


Well-Known Member
no pictures? try typing "common plant insects" into google and see if you can figure it out. does it have wings or alot of legs?

just edited with a pic. wasent going to post it at first cuz its so fuzzy but its the best pick i would get and relized bad pic m,aybe better then no pic


Active Member
I have the same, I think they are carpet beetles, apparently they are more dangerous to your clothes/furniture than your plants


Active Member
its an east indian big brown bottom dung beetle from the high plains of the tootikommon hillside. realy though...no clue.