Whats Wrong With Miracle Gro Tomato and Vegatable Fertilizer?

Am I Norml

Active Member
It really is all about marketing. I'm one of the suckers that saw the "Nutrient Challenge" video and wasted about $500 on Advanced Nutrients. Not only was it not as good as cheap and simple MG, it was a pain in the ass to mix up. I felt like a fricking chemist. The absolute best ferts is Dyna Gro. There is no super snake oil or rocket fuel specifically for MJ; it's all an attempt to seperate you from your money.
i hear ya man...its one of those old sayings...a fool and his money are soon parted... i think they prey on the noob's really :-(

Am I Norml

Active Member
You do need to have some sort of decent genetics to start with in seed or clone. If you set up your soil correctly, you are halfway there. Fert's add a dimension, but most of it from there on is up to the grower and weather conditions.
oh i agree completely ...if you toss in a bag-seed ..well.. your gonna get whatever the last guy screwed up..

start out with good genetics and the plants potential is always there you just have to figure out how to tap into it... :bigjoint:


Active Member
I grew my first outdoor off MG done great.Had some Mg taste thow.That was last summer.Have a different plan for this year.It works but there are so many ways to grow.Not always best option.


Well-Known Member
i hear ya man...its one of those old sayings...a fool and his money are soon parted... i think they prey on the noob's really :-(
They do a good job of that. I often wonder how many rave testimonials for XXX products or your plants will produce bunk are shills for the mail order and hydro shop trade. Every weed forum seems to have them in abundance.


Sector 5 Moderator
Yes, that was funny. I had one where a worker was in the HR office of Pepsi; the HR guy says "Bob, we're going to have to let you go; you tested positive for Coke."

Grow some

Active Member
MG is fine to use. I used it for one season and my plants reached about 7 1/2 ft outside. I would advise getting some advanced nutrients budding ferts when it is time for the plant to bud.
I completly agree with you. For the veg stage it works really good, but ya switch to some good fert when its trans into the flowering stage.

I use Osmocote Flower & Vegetable 14-14-14 smart release plant food (it can't burn them). it feeds up to 4 months and I swear it works really good, especially for guerilla growing. it works from 1 week old until flowering all you have to do is water them.


New Member
Now I don't know about store bought Osmocote, but I use Osmocote Pro, which is designed for professional nurseries. The blend is 17+11+10+2MgO+TE and is a 2nd generation release fert. This means that it releases a larger percentage of Nitrogen in the beginning, and then shifts to greater P/K later. It is the top of the line fertilizer, and more than likely you will never see it in a store.
Put it in the container/ground and FORGET it.

Potpimp.... :lol: That sounds like a great pic.... I chuckled just imagining it.

Am I Norml

Active Member
Now I don't know about store bought Osmocote, but I use Osmocote Pro, which is designed for professional nurseries. The blend is 17+11+10+2MgO+TE and is a 2nd generation release fert. This means that it releases a larger percentage of Nitrogen in the beginning, and then shifts to greater P/K later. It is the top of the line fertilizer, and more than likely you will never see it in a store.
Put it in the container/ground and FORGET it.

Potpimp.... :lol: That sounds like a great pic.... I chuckled just imagining it.
i gotta git me sum of dat !!! :bigjoint:

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Great product, outrageous price. $140/50 lbs. and there is no info on the time release.

I buy a 10-12 month encapsulated food from Plantex at less than $1.00/lb. delivered. It is a 18-4-9 with chelated micros. This firm is out of Canada so you Canadians ought to take a look at it, it is very high quality. If you're in Canada, get a 6 month release product, if you're down south get a release with a longer term.



New Member
I think it was 114 UB, not 140.

But it goes a long long way. It's very efficient. I have used it for years for my commercial nursery. Of course I get a much better price....about 85.

I will look at your suggestion. I am always looking for good fertilizer. I buy for my business and whatever I have bleeds on to my weed plants. The Osmocote pro has worked well.

I'll google up Plantex...thaks!

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I think it was 114 UB, not 140.
You forgot shipping, which brings it up to $140.

Post edit - wrong company, it's Harrell's that I use - http://harrells.com/

But it goes a long long way. It's very efficient. I have used it for years for my commercial nursery. Of course I get a much better price....about 85.
I too use Polyon commercially and it's much cheaper. I pay about $47/50 lb. delivered. I stopped using Osmocote because of the high price plus Polyon will only release based on temp. It releases when your plants need the elements and not before hand. I use the 10 month in the field which is expensive by many grower standards - it's more of a nursery product where you blend it in with your soil mix or top dress a pot. It's the bluish pellets you see in such potting soils as Schultz. The correct name for it is Polyon, used on golf courses, nurseries, etc. I plant a seedling, toss a handful of Polyon on the ground, scratch it in with my foot and move on. I'm good for the year and then some. ;)

I'm curious, who is your supplier? We use Helena, Estes, or BWI. BWI's catalog is about an inch thick with probably 10,000 items, everything from the stock items you see at feed stores, nurseries or Walmart to greenhouses and such. They only deliver in tractor-trailor trucks. :D



Well-Known Member
I started some plants in mg soil and some in regular soil and the MG ones are bigger than the others but they both look good. I wont use MG fertilizer, I use messanger and bloom booster but I remember fluffy buds that gave you a headache was supposedly grown with miracle grow, but idk for sure....I will probably use different soil or goto hydro for the next grow but not sure yet...


New Member
UB....can you throw a link up???

I've looked through Goo but have only come up with a liquid fert company.

Yah, I did forget about the shipping..... mine is delivered locally at no cost. Always buy local if you can with any heavy items, no matter what it is.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
UB....can you throw a link up???

I've looked through Goo but have only come up with a liquid fert company.

Yah, I did forget about the shipping..... mine is delivered locally at no cost. Always buy local if you can with any heavy items, no matter what it is.
I did via an edit. I'm getting my foods mixed up, sorry.