I don't make many post , in fact I think i've made maybe 2-3 other post. Not cause I don't want too, Just i'm picky about the subjects to talk about for obvious reasons. I understand where some of you come from. And I respect most of you peoples views. I just wanna say this though. Its funny how people will pray to "God" when there in a time of need. And to often forget about God when everything is going great. I'm a Father of 3. I'm in my mid 30's. My youngest daughter at 2 months old contracted Bacterial Meningitis, she spent nearly 8 months in the hospital. And to make matters worse, I threatened to kill a nurse in the hospital because of lack of communication to what was wrong with my daughter. And when I thought it couldn't get worse. The hospital called Children Services and had me arrested (and removed) for neglect and verbal assault, while I was being arrested. Children Services was at my house taking my oldest daughter away from my wife and I. They claimed, we neglected her and allowed her to get sick. I don't want to go into specifics. I would never wish this on my worse enemy. We fault with every thing we had, including money. (I quite smoking weed for nearly 2 years).And at times it seamed that it was pointless to continue to fight. But we did, with the help of a great lawyer and great doctors , we ended up getting our kids back. And as fate would have it, the real reason why my daughter became so sick was revealed...She has a rare disease called Elhor-Danlos Syndrom, and Marfans Syndrom.
Because of her lowered immune system a simple cold fucked her up. That was nearly 6 years ago.It took it us 2 years to get or kids back. When All this first happened I went into like a shock. I couldn't talk for weeks because of the pain and anger. And I couldn't sleep. So I would sit up reading law and health books, and as I sat in my misery, I could hear my wife in our bedroom crying her self to sleep night to night, for months and months. And I broke down and prayed to what ever there was above, And I asked God for change, to have my kids back, my daughter well, but most of all to remove the pain and hurt from my beautiful wife. She of all people never deserved this kind of pain. Some of you will read this and say stuff like this could have been fate,or you had good doctors, blah blah blah,I dont really care what the fuck you call it...I call it divine intervention. I seen death in my daughters eyes, in fact the doctors told us if we had waited just 1 more hour...she would have been dead.
I haven't stopped praying since, And Im on my knees very sunday praising God for giving my daughter and my family a second chance. And my daughter is very healthy for know, and my life is great. Theres not a better feeling then to be vindicated. If any of you have ever dealt with Children Services, then you know, they are soulless bastards from hell, and if you have any pride you'll be destroyed. If you need proof of God, Fall in love, Get married,Have kids (that you love), Then have them taken away for no reason... If you have a conscious I would bet you fall to your knees and pray to what ever you believe God is.