Holes appearing on leaves?

BC Budz87

Hey all, my girls are doing great and are roughly 5 weeks old and they're starting to show some holes through some of the leaves, I thought it might be spider mites or something but I see no spiders no where? Also they have a few yellow spots on the few leaves. Note, that the plant look really healthy and have thick fan leaves and rich green colour to them, so they look pretty healthy anyways. Anybody have any tips or sloutions for this? Also, I have a 400wmh/hps, and its a foot away from the top of the plants. I dont think the light is too close? Temp climb around from average 86F sometimes higher but then I just leave the window open and open closet and the temp cools down really fast, I do this couple time a day if I can. So if you guys can help I'll give you +rep. peace

BC Budz87

another thing to know is that Im using Schulz fert with a NPK of 10-15-10. Its all I have currently and I just started using that recently couple days ago


Well-Known Member
Have you thoroughly checked for any other pests??? there are alot more than just the spider mites to look out for.

Thrips can cause damage in leaves which leave holes they are from the eggs that hatch and then drop to you growing medium.

I would start with a flush and just use water for a while and see if the problem gets any worse.

Are you Ph'ing your water????
What is your RH????

If you arent ph'ing anything then you could have the start of nute lock out.


BC Budz87

Have you thoroughly checked for any other pests??? there are alot more than just the spider mites to look out for.

Thrips can cause damage in leaves which leave holes they are from the eggs that hatch and then drop to you growing medium.

I would start with a flush and just use water for a while and see if the problem gets any worse.

Are you Ph'ing your water????
What is your RH????

If you arent ph'ing anything then you could have the start of nute lock out.

I couldnt see any type of spiders at all. I leave water out for couple days before waters, so pH shouldnt be too bad should it? Thanks for the tip! I'll keep my eye open for any insects. thx

PS. Just a quick bit of info too, Im using soil for these plants. just though you guys should know that


Well-Known Member
I couldnt see any type of spiders at all. I leave water out for couple days before waters, so pH shouldnt be too bad should it? Thanks for the tip! I'll keep my eye open for any insects. thx

PS. Just a quick bit of info too, Im using soil for these plants. just though you guys should know that

if you see any little bugs in ur house.. just kill them..
then u no its def not that little motherfucker messing things up..

process of elimination

BC Budz87

if you see any little bugs in ur house.. just kill them..
then u no its def not that little motherfucker messing things up..

process of elimination
Haha,Now that you mention man,I actually do see those fuckers flying around sometimes. They are tiny black flies. I only see the odd one here and there though


Well-Known Member
For plants to react well to nutrients your water solution should have a ph from 5.5-6.5 with some variations around that. The reason for this is that all key nutrients are most available between these ph ranges. Depending on where you live your water even after its been sat out for 24hours will still have a ph value from 7 to 8.1 maybe even higher in some areas leaving it out only removes the chlorine etc.

You need a Ph'ing kit little test dropper ones are fine a couple of bucks in USA or a few quid here in the UK.

Ideally you should be ph'ing at 6.

It is now making me think that you are experiencing nute lockout if you have not been ph'ing your water.

get the ph testing dropper kit

Have you got a thermometer and hydrometer in your grow area to monitor these 2 factors?

also how strong are you nutes that you are using?

I do not test ppm but i will be soon as i am getting a ppm and ec meter (seperates) to be able to fully control the strength that i am giving my girls and to make sure that the electrical conductivity of my nutes is within range.


What are my grow area temperatures???
Night time ??? Daytime ?????
Relative humidity
Day???? Night???????
What is the Ph of my nutrient solution??????

If you can get all this to within the optimum ranges then you should be ok.
make sure you place sticky traps around your grow and clean the area at least once a week with a good grow room cleaner (CITROFRESH etc)

Ranges to aim for.
Temps 18C-28C 65F-82F
RH 35%-65% (the lower the better when you are flowering)
Ph everything you give them at 6

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Haha,Now that you mention man,I actually do see those fuckers flying around sometimes. They are tiny black flies. I only see the odd one here and there though

yeah man those little guys... i didnt think anything of them at first... then i started killing them... and when i looked at my plants lots of times there rright by the dirt on the stem and i just squish em.

i fucking hate bugs... and im gunna hate them moer if i cant get high..




Well-Known Member
You really need to get some sticky traps around the place to try and catch one of the little fuckers if you are having pest problems that way you can identify them using google images.

If you have fungus gnats (scariad fly) then you can get GNAT OFF from your hydro store which contains the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis which produce a toxin that prevents the larvae from feeding. When they are in their adult stage Flying around etc they dont do much damage. the biggest amount of damage from Fungus Gnats are when they are still in the larval stages as they attach the roots and suck all the juices from them thus damaging your plant. This also could be why you are experiencing holes in your leaves.


BC Budz87

For plants to react well to nutrients your water solution should have a ph from 5.5-6.5 with some variations around that. The reason for this is that all key nutrients are most available between these ph ranges. Depending on where you live your water even after its been sat out for 24hours will still have a ph value from 7 to 8.1 maybe even higher in some areas leaving it out only removes the chlorine etc.

You need a Ph'ing kit little test dropper ones are fine a couple of bucks in USA or a few quid here in the UK.

Ideally you should be ph'ing at 6.

It is now making me think that you are experiencing nute lockout if you have not been ph'ing your water.

get the ph testing dropper kit

Have you got a thermometer and hydrometer in your grow area to monitor these 2 factors?

also how strong are you nutes that you are using?

I do not test ppm but i will be soon as i am getting a ppm and ec meter (seperates) to be able to fully control the strength that i am giving my girls and to make sure that the electrical conductivity of my nutes is within range.


What are my grow area temperatures???
Night time ??? Daytime ?????
Relative humidity
Day???? Night???????
What is the Ph of my nutrient solution??????

If you can get all this to within the optimum ranges then you should be ok.
make sure you place sticky traps around your grow and clean the area at least once a week with a good grow room cleaner (CITROFRESH etc)

Ranges to aim for.
Temps 18C-28C 65F-82F
RH 35%-65% (the lower the better when you are flowering)
Ph everything you give them at 6

Hope this helps.

I have a ph meter coming in the mail but wont be able to buy those other gadgets you were mentioning until my next payday. Thanks man for all that good info, Im sure its really going to help. +rep bro

BC Budz87

yeah man those little guys... i didnt think anything of them at first... then i started killing them... and when i looked at my plants lots of times there rright by the dirt on the stem and i just squish em.

i fucking hate bugs... and im gunna hate them moer if i cant get high..


I was looking mainly at leafs but that a good point.. I'll start looking at the surface of the soil and see if I find anything that shouldnt be there

BC Budz87

You really need to get some sticky traps around the place to try and catch one of the little fuckers if you are having pest problems that way you can identify them using google images.

If you have fungus gnats (scariad fly) then you can get GNAT OFF from your hydro store which contains the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis which produce a toxin that prevents the larvae from feeding. When they are in their adult stage Flying around etc they dont do much damage. the biggest amount of damage from Fungus Gnats are when they are still in the larval stages as they attach the roots and suck all the juices from them thus damaging your plant. This also could be why you are experiencing holes in your leaves.

From hearing you guys comments Im starting to think you guys might be right with the bug theory, or might be ph problem. But will find out soon I guess because ph meter should arrive soon!


Well-Known Member
Where on the plant are the leafs with the holes? Are the holes mostly along the veins of the leafs?

You don't need a pH meter to find out your water pH, just contact your supplier & they will be more than happy to tell you. Unless the pH of your water is below 6.5, you don't need to adjust the pH of your water when you grow in soil. Your soil is a great buffer & can handle way more than anything your tap can ever throw at it. A nute lockout in soil is very rare occurrence if you feed correctly.
Maybe i should put this next sentence, in my signature, because i cant believe the people who just say things to be heard!
IF YOU MUST pH YOUR WATER, NEVER BELOW 6.5! Below 6.5 will damage your micro flora & more than likely wreck your soil.

Fungus gnats or larvae wont do that to your leaf's, unless you are infested with them. To be sure, cut a potato slice & press it into compost, look at it 12-24 hrs later & don't forget to look inside the slice too. You wont miss them if they are there, they have little black heads. The adults are lazy fliers & lay their eggs in your compost. This is the cycle you must break if you want to eradicate them. The best thing is neem cake or fertilizer in your compost for the eggs & larvae & fly traps for the adults.

If you have a 30x-60x mag, can you see if the holes are damaged/dry stomata?


Well-Known Member
If this is the case why do i have a table in URBAN GARDEN MAGAZINE that gives the best availability range of all the nutrients needed for plant growth which is between 5.5 and 6.5?????

I am under the assumption that they would not print this if it wasnt the case.

I will try and take picture of the actual table for you.

There are other tables out there too which you can google that show all the key elements and their availability at ph ranges.


BC Budz87

Where on the plant are the leafs with the holes? Are the holes mostly along the veins of the leafs?

You don't need a pH meter to find out your water pH, just contact your supplier & they will be more than happy to tell you. Unless the pH of your water is below 6.5, you don't need to adjust the pH of your water when you grow in soil. Your soil is a great buffer & can handle way more than anything your tap can ever throw at it. A nute lockout in soil is very rare occurrence if you feed correctly.
Maybe i should put this next sentence, in my signature, because i cant believe the people who just say things to be heard!
IF YOU MUST pH YOUR WATER, NEVER BELOW 6.5! Below 6.5 will damage your micro flora & more than likely wreck your soil.

Fungus gnats or larvae wont do that to your leaf's, unless you are infested with them. To be sure, cut a potato slice & press it into compost, look at it 12-24 hrs later & don't forget to look inside the slice too. You wont miss them if they are there, they have little black heads. The adults are lazy fliers & lay their eggs in your compost. This is the cycle you must break if you want to eradicate them. The best thing is neem cake or fertilizer in your compost for the eggs & larvae & fly traps for the adults.

If you have a 30x-60x mag, can you see if the holes are damaged/dry stomata?
Yes, they mostly appear near the veines and mostly seem to start from the outer edges of the leaves. There is also couple yellow dots here and there, not many but enough to notice. Checked my dirt like you guys reccomended and seen no spiders there either. Why would I be getting little yellow dots on some leaves. They look pretty healthy too, just those yellow dots and holes here and there but besides that their looking REAL good for 1st time.


Well-Known Member
yeah you gotta post some pics .. im no expert . but also it seems like your temps are a bit high... are the holes in the higher or lower leaves?? i have that problem from light burn but i'm also growing with cfls.
do you see any bugs .. gnats anything???
whats your method of growing?
could also be the dreaded ph issue....