Could I have your opinion, is it Female?


Well-Known Member
This is 1 of 4 Lemon Skunk I grew from Jordan of the Isle seeds in Vancouver,

12/12 for the last 6 days, is it too early to tell or is it a girl?

Thank you everyone who has helped with advice and knowledge in the past, this site is so great to get information and meet some really kind folks who know allot!

All pictures are of the same spot on the same plant.




Well-Known Member
damn, i forgot about the size limitations on uploading photos, the original pictures are bigger and you can see more details up close, I will try Flicker or something in a bit.


from them pics it looks like new plant growth maybe one hair there but cant be sure dont look like male pods from the long have you been in flower?


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the response!
They have been in flower only since last Sunday so about 6 full days of 12/12. vegged for about 5 weeks then I fliped them.
I saw 1 male 3 days into 12/12 so I pulled him (no pics to show, I had 2 friends confirm this onsite)


Well-Known Member
i think i see a pistil in there, my money is on female.

edit: yup thanks to the larger picture, its definitely female.


Well-Known Member
How did you work that out if the plant is not showing sex? A wild helpless guess?

It will take another week i'd say, sit tight.
Not a wild helpless guess.. I actually took time and looked and I see what appears to be a pistol, but because its the only one showing I agree it is too early for a definate awnser. I was just giving him or her an actual answer for the question they asked. Hater.


Well-Known Member
id say your probably ok... mine showed little tiny hairs after4 days... yeah it was new growth.. but its like a teen going threw puberty...
they got new growth too
id say your set