Dank from bag seed?



will do but i heard its pretty rare to find his beans:bigjoint:

yeah heard right hahahahaha. when they do come around they sell out in minuetes.. glad i actually got my pre 98 bubba from him in 2000 off overgrow.com.....:bigjoint:


yea overgrow was were its at.. everything else is just spinoffs. icmag is prolly the next biggest but there mods are bitch made!!! except for babba bud and mrs. baba


Well-Known Member
shit yeah last bag seed I planted got in a Gram of bud I got from a buddy, shit was bomb as hell was stoked to find a beaner in it...ened up growing that thing, and cloneing it...well the seed turned out Delicious, it was better than the afghan kush that was ordered online ha....yeilded more, more potent, yummmm!!!!!


No it's not 50/50. Bag seed can yield killer stuff. It just takes a little more care to ensure you don't pollinate your whole garden; and if you have several phenotypes, it takes a bit to figure out which is your keeper. Beware of people trying to give advice who don't know wtf they're talking about. (not speaking of chitown; he's right about genetics). When in doubt, read the stuff written by older, established breeders: bog, DJ Short, Shantibaba, Reeferman, subcool, sonic, etc. You can google their names to find their work. Peace


Well-Known Member
No it's not 50/50. Bag seed can yield killer stuff. It just takes a little more care to ensure you don't pollinate your whole garden; and if you have several phenotypes, it takes a bit to figure out which is your keeper. Beware of people trying to give advice who don't know wtf they're talking about. (not speaking of chitown; he's right about genetics). When in doubt, read the stuff written by older, established breeders: bog, DJ Short, Shantibaba, Reeferman, subcool, sonic, etc. You can google their names to find their work. Peace
absolutely right, I agree!


Well-Known Member
what a stupid thing to say... just wow!!! GENETICS BY FAR PLAYS THE MOST IMPORTANT ROLE
That's much dumber to say, think, or believe than what DD said. Even the best "genetics" can be easily ruined by careless growing, or thinking that because it's some fancy high priced seed it will be good. Care of the grow FAR outweighs any genetics.


Well-Known Member
My first grow was a bagseed, that fucker was 6 foot tall under a 250w it was def. a almost pure sativa. Flowered it for 13 weeks before i finally got tired and cut it down.


Well-Known Member
Main thing about "bagseed" is that it depends what bag it came out of!

If the contents of the bag are excellent, chances are what's grown from the seed in the bag will be excellent too.

But even seeds from "schwag" can give good results. I've seen some excellent stuff grown from Mexican schwagg brickweed. Not only was the bagseed grown stuff was considerably better than the brickweed in terms of flavor and potency, but the difference was so pronounced you probably wouldn't even recognize the two side-by-side as coming from the same genetics.

The thing is the genetics of the Mexican schwagg plants can actually be reasonably good; the real problem is that the plants aren't really grown to their full potential. The plants are grown in huge fields without all the males being culled out, so they all get seeded, reducing potency. Then the plants are cut down at once perhaps not at peak potency, barely manicured, cured rapidly and pressed into bricks for easy smuggling. The bricks may sit for months before they're eventually crumbled into chunks for street sales. All these things erode the potency of the final product.

If you take the exact same plant, but grow it seedlessly with good care, harvest it at its individual peak, and then cure it properly, there will be a world of difference.

The biggest "knock" against bagseed is that you may not have any idea what the growth characteristics of the plant are before growing. For example, you may end up with a slow-flowering, hermie-prone, stretchy, low yielding sativa plant. If your bag contains offspring of two hybrid plants (and thats definitely possible), then twenty different seeds grown from the same bag might yield 20 different phenotype plants!

your not gonna find a landrace with 20% plus thc content... something like that doesnt just happen naturally..... that take breeding and time...
Well, if by "landrace" you're referring to what might be termed "heirloom" strains that have been growing for generations outdoors in places like Thailand, Mexico, Afghanistan, Columbia, etc, these strains have all been selectively bred by people for hundreds if not thousands of years, for various characteristics, including (and especially) potency. All of those strains, have been selectively bred MUCH longer than any of the modern hybrids with the fancy names and ridiculous ad copy, and in fact all of the modern strains ultimately derive from the landrace genetics.

I assure you that the famous landrace strains like Columbian Gold/Santa Marta, Punta Rojo, Afghani, Thai, etc are plenty potent, at least as good as what you can find on the street. I wouldn't at all be surprised if the best of these grown right will absolutely stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the modern hybrid strains. The big issue with the landrace strains is that they are all, by definition, highly acclimated to growing in their specific natural habitats outdoors. They're generally not amenable to indoor growing under artificial light for any number of reasons, including really long flowering times in some cases up to 18 weeks.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
anyone get any good results from ok bag seed weed:eyesmoke:
All I grow with is dirty mexican cartel brick bagseeds... It IS possible to get a nice plant from them however they are going to be almost 100% tall lanky sativas, When a grower in mexico decides to plant a huge field, they wont just toss some random beans in the ground, they know what type will work best in the area outdoors, which are native Sativa's (not saying they put much effort into the gardening, just saying they're out for money and they want their crops to survive until harvest w/ minimal care/max yield) They are heavily crossed within their own lines and highly inbred... without care of who/what is crossing. So you end up with a crop that can be planted and left alone until harvest, that is chock full of seeds at the end. If you get lucky and germ a real female, you sure can grow some good dank bud if you give it the right care, but its a crapshoot with the males and hermies. I just germinated 15 bagseeds and 13 were either male or hermie. even one or two little tiny hermie flowers can ruin your whole crop. I used to think I could monitor a plant and pick off the sporadic male flowers if I saw them cuz I didnt want to kill my "girl" that was flowering so pretty... ruined several harvests due to a single flower I missed that opened and pollinated everyone. If you pull a seed from a bag of KIND bud... uh yeah, sure it can grow up nice like its mom you just smoked was. If its mexican dirt weed, its gonna have all kinds of variations in its genetic history and will generally have a higher rate of males/hermies.

dont think you can salvage a hermie! if you find one flower, pull it!

just killed this one last night :( flowering nicely then I find 3 randomly spaced little nuts...