*east coast* also NORTH CAROLINA that's why i'm a GOODoleBOY but neway's to my point (get's cold here also) idk why or how but it's already snowed 3 times here lol usually we're lucky to get 1 snow a year but it's alway's between freezeing and the low 50's during winter usually linger's round 40 though
but i was able to get my temp's to 84 with just some manuevering of the fan's (plan on adding one more 6in fan). do u guy's think if i just raise that MH a lil bit that it'll cool down??? cause heat rises just a thought oh and if you're wondering how i know it's 84 there's a thing that read's the temp on that dual fan thing in a lil while my homie is comeing over and he's gonna bring his digital temp/humidity/wtf ever else it does lol but he doesn't have a cam i can try and take some pic's with his phone though lol there gonna be really crappy though. oh and another thing alot of the heat is comeing off of the cfl board because i turned the mh off overnight (all the light's are in one big closet and i mean a big ass closet) and the temp went from 84 to 81 lol so idk what to do here should i uncover the window and put the fan in there cause with the heat even if it get's really cold it should be fine with all that heat. noone live's behind me just wood's so no worries with the light but it'll only be a temporary fix cause i'm gonna have to go 12/12 in 2-3 weeks. but i will say this much although it's warm in there the plant's are still growing just fine the fastest grower is the LR by far that WW is only a day younger and it just is starting on it's second node the LR is starting on it's third or fourth. but let me stop typeing and wait till my bud get's here and i'll get back at yall peace and thank's for sticking around/helping
oh on a side note i'm just happy it's not as hot in there as it was in my buddy's new room (all new setup) he went from a 400watter to 2 600watter's and the temp was 118degrees farenheit that's right one hundred and eighteen degrees. i know just like you're thinking i said holy shit lol so to say the least he had to go to just one 600 watter but i might be getting the other one (fingers crossed) if i do i'll take all the light's out besides the one cfl that's on the clones (there still looking good) . but peace now for real lol