The UK Growers Thread!

is that exodus cheese ya growing m8? n welcome to riu n the uk thread, stick around theres some funny people in here n lots of good info.
Cheers for the welcome, I'll deffo stick around.

As for the exact strain i'm not too sure, lol.
Its ruinous though i can tell you that much

Thanks again dude its great to be able to have like minded friends to chat with, secrecy being such an issue an all that shit.



Well-Known Member
1st off them auto aint up to much imo secondly the other night it was -5c in my area what do expected? carnt really be puttin nefing outdoor in the uk till end of april or when the frosts have totally stopped.

best advice i could giv would be to start some new fem or regular seed now so they are ready for the end of april, dunno what ya gonna get from that auto if anything? even in optimum conditions they only yield an oz+ lol
I Was giving this plant this morning my mate got about 50 from some guy and he gave me one, he just put em all in his garden for the last couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the welcome, I'll deffo stick around.

As for the exact strain i'm not too sure, lol.
Its ruinous though i can tell you that much

Thanks again dude its great to be able to have like minded friends to chat with, secrecy being such an issue an all that shit.

Watz goin on mate ya learn alot round here

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
the secrecy thing does suck but like sambo said there's good people here on the uk thread which defo makes it easier mate


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the welcome, I'll deffo stick around.

As for the exact strain i'm not too sure, lol.
Its ruinous though i can tell you that much

Thanks again dude its great to be able to have like minded friends to chat with, secrecy being such an issue an all that shit.

thats it m8 ur weedy friends online r much safer n most of the time much more helpfull than the real friends lol

falling out with m8s n birds is the quickest way to get raided.


Well-Known Member
hey sambo you ever think you'll swap from soil mate?
i think bout it all the time m8 but when ya getting the yields consistantly like weve been gettin from our strain in soil then why change somefin that aint broke???

i dont feel its so much about hydro or whatever medium but more about LIGHTS aslong as you control temp n humidity, im using 1450watt for 9 plants n i still dont fink thats half enough???

av been seriously lookin in2 silent generators conected to a 45gal drum n then running as many lights as i want just need a fucking garden lol

ava look on this site a guy got 21kg from 10 fucking plants! ok he had 4000watt of light on each plant lol but u see what i mean?
thats it m8 ur weedy friends online r much safer n most of the time much more helpfull than the real friends lol

falling out with m8s n birds is the quickest way to get raided.
Your second sentence has a scarey ring of truth about it m8, fingers crossed and all that.
Just had the chopper overhead for like ten mins, not heard it for months either. Seems to have fucked off to the m6 now so thats good. I suppose it might crash, shame that would be eh?


Well-Known Member
pb is 13oz from 2 blueberry clones vegged for 6-7wks with a blue cfl 250 then flowered with a 600hps, 600hps for 2 plants isa lot of light think that had a lot to do with the good yield.


Well-Known Member
Your second sentence has a scarey ring of truth about it m8, fingers crossed and all that.
Just had the chopper overhead for like ten mins, not heard it for months either. Seems to have fucked off to the m6 now so thats good. I suppose it might crash, shame that would be eh?
fuck the chopper m8 95% chance they were chasing some smack ed ina stolem car n filming it for road wars lol


Well-Known Member
pb is 13oz from 2 blueberry clones vegged for 6-7wks with a blue cfl 250 then flowered with a 600hps, 600hps for 2 plants isa lot of light think that had a lot to do with the good yield.
oh and that PB will be broken in 4wks time 2 of mine r monsters lol over 5ft tall n bushy as hell one of the monsters i topped n it has 13 top budsites! dont wana count chicken b4 they hatch n all that but if they give up nefin less than 7-8 a plant ill be disapointed.


Well-Known Member
pb is 13oz from 2 blueberry clones vegged for 6-7wks with a blue cfl 250 then flowered with a 600hps, 600hps for 2 plants isa lot of light think that had a lot to do with the good yield.

Av got my clones under a 250 cfl an 4 flowering under a 600 hps they are lovin it the buds are but some of the leafs fry a bit but the buds produce thc very quick am just over two weeks in an there's bout an ounce on each little nugz there gettin realy frosty. if your gettin yeilds like that dnt change dnt now how messy soil is but that's the only reason I use coco it's a bit better to clean up off the carpet lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i know what you mean about adding extra light but ditching the soil is another prob i'm faced with my back garden is nearly all patio with 1 tiny garden bed i'll get away with dumping on it for a couple of grows but not for long any ideas because this does cause me head aches thinking about it so far i'm down to filling builders bags with it and then in the middle of the night taking it out and dumping it?


Well-Known Member
Av got my clones under a 250 cfl an 4 flowering under a 600 hps they are lovin it the buds are but some of the leafs fry a bit but the buds produce thc very quick am just over two weeks in an there's bout an ounce on each little nugz there gettin realy frosty. if your gettin yeilds like that dnt change dnt now how messy soil is but that's the only reason I use coco it's a bit better to clean up off the carpet lol
soil is only messy when ya repotting really m8, ive never used nefing else just dont see the point of changing sumfin that aint broke?

leaves shouldnt really be dying off in the 1st 2wk of 12/12 im at the end of wk 5 n all still green n healthy?
fuck the chopper m8 95% chance they were chasing some smack ed ina stolem car n filming it for road wars lol
Lol thanks mate, plenty of them round here.
If they wanna bust me for four plants good luck to em.
Growing to avoid driving around in cars with drugs and money, nearly as risky i think especially if you factor in the areas visited an associated risks.
just one 600 so not too bad really. Had a bit of an odour prob till today but bought a new carbon can and invested some gaffer tape in extra sealing. Seems to have done the trick whih is good considering the strain.
Power to you for the reassurance though. CW


Well-Known Member
i know what you mean about adding extra light but ditching the soil is another prob i'm faced with my back garden is nearly all patio with 1 tiny garden bed i'll get away with dumping on it for a couple of grows but not for long any ideas because this does cause me head aches thinking about it so far i'm down to filling builders bags with it and then in the middle of the night taking it out and dumping it?
at the end of each grow dragon i bag up my soil n just take it too the dump in black bags at my local dump u just park the car nxt to the right skip n chuck it in? i had a guy ask 1 time whats in the blck bag i just said soil n he told me the right skip to dump it in.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
at the end of each grow dragon i bag up my soil n just take it too the dump in black bags at my local dump u just park the car nxt to the right skip n chuck it in? i had a guy ask 1 time whats in the blck bag i just said soil n he told me the right skip to dump it in.
cheers mate i didn't think of the tip :dunce: i'll do that lol