The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeah it easily adds up m8, n i no what ya talking about m8 ive thought the same for yrs lol everytime u hear a chopper do u honestly think its got a the heat seeker malarky going on??? is it even a police chopper? if so whos to say they aint looking for a crim? it just a paranoid mentality m8 cause ur doing sumfing illegal n it wont go away n never should cause then u get sloppy, for yrs ive been finkin the same n if it ever dus happen so fucking what il do some community service at most or ava month or 2 away from the missus no more than that.
i think the same mate the risk is worth the gain all day in my opinion and like you said worse case senario a hol from the misses and maybe lose the house because it rented neither poses a prob that i can see lol i don't worry about the choppers now mate i did though but now it is about all the time i'd have a breakdown if i worried everytime i heard it, the prob with the attic i'm using is there's not alot of the houses converted round here because they're pretty small and it won't take long for the heat to build up once it's full but like you said hopefully it'll blend in with the rest of the legit conversions around when it's done the only thing i think will let me down is the heat exhaust i've been rackingmy brains on how to vent without the heat showing up at the mo my exhaust vents out of the tent through 2m of ducting into the carbon filter which is in a fish tank on the floor next to the tent


Well-Known Member
nar m8 they were breeding under the pots i never actually saw ne in the soil n there was bugs flying around im not even that sure they were thrips??? but thats what a friend said they were n the predetor mite scoffed them all lol after i put the sachets on the plants it was funny cause all the flying bugs moved away from the plants to the other side of the room lol n over the 2days the 1s breeding under the pots disapeered???

all i was trying to say m8 was that not all the predetor mites r like in the vids on youtubes ladybugs etc you honestly wouldnt even fink there bugs in these sachets it just like sawdust??? but they chomp up the thrips which must be double maybe 3x there size???
Cheers for the info


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a goooood no. mate and i couldn't imagine spending that sort of money on drugs i get messed up on not much at all when it comes to the class A's the sniff does horrible things to me after a couple of lines a little bit of the fast keeps me up for days straight e's spin me out K i only tried once but really liked it spaced right out loving the night club lights lol and i avoided almost everything else couple diff tabs but not the best feelings i think a couple of k a month would finish me lol
im not proud of it m8 it was a long time ago now n i could have brought a house with that £££ but no point crying over spilt milk or whatever, i would order benzos n morphine pills online like the stuff that killed jacko lol oxys,percs,vicodin then top all that shit up with copius amounts of white n crack it aint hard to spend 2g a month on drugs. Sad n pointless but not hard lol


Well-Known Member
i think the same mate the risk is worth the gain all day in my opinion and like you said worse case senario a hol from the misses and maybe lose the house because it rented neither poses a prob that i can see lol i don't worry about the choppers now mate i did though but now it is about all the time i'd have a breakdown if i worried everytime i heard it, the prob with the attic i'm using is there's not alot of the houses converted round here because they're pretty small and it won't take long for the heat to build up once it's full but like you said hopefully it'll blend in with the rest of the legit conversions around when it's done the only thing i think will let me down is the heat exhaust i've been rackingmy brains on how to vent without the heat showing up at the mo my exhaust vents out of the tent through 2m of ducting into the carbon filter which is in a fish tank on the floor next to the tent
If u have a chimney breast knock a brick out an vent it out threw that or a caverty that joins u to next door because then they don't no witch house just a thought

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
im not proud of it m8 it was a long time ago now n i could have brought a house with that £££ but no point crying over spilt milk or whatever, i would order benzos n morphine pills online like the stuff that killed jacko lol oxys,percs,vicodin then top all that shit up with copius amounts of white n crack it aint hard to spend 2g a month on drugs. Sad n pointless but not hard lol
i can imagine now with that shopping list mate lol and defo no point in crying over the shit we done i wasted a small fortune on a couple of years hard drinking and etc over a couple of years not as much as you but quiet alot and i think if hadn't have waisted it while it was coming in fast i would have probably done something silly with a large amount of saved money being single and living at home at the time, i've come close to making a few bad desitions


Well-Known Member
im fucking shit at construction lol my oldman when he wasnt being a crim was a plasterer and tried to teach me many time but if u aint interested u wont learn, im pretty useless at everyfing come to fink of it lol

neway what about venting that heat below back into the house we cut hole in the ceiling all the time n vent upward why not down?


Well-Known Member
The program I mentioned on BBC three called secret garden think he's on about that.
think he needs to learn how to use the quoate button then cause we was talking bout that ages ago bobby?

i watched it m8 n just thought another programme full of scare tatics!

fear is a powerful tool which the goverments of today use in many ways! just imo

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
If u have a chimney breast knock a brick out an vent it out threw that or a caverty that joins u to next door because then they don't no witch house just a thought
cheers mate i have a chimney breast to work with so i have a couple of options, the cavity idea causes to many possible long term probs with the neighbours because it would cause damp patches behind any hot spots they might have, the biggest prob is not having a direct source of cold air to help cool the room the only window in there will buried under 4 layers and it's a lot of meter's to run ducting down out the hatch to a bedroom window, there is gonna be away around it i just havent figured it out yet lol


Well-Known Member
cheers mate i have a chimney breast to work with so i have a couple of options, the cavity idea causes to many possible long term probs with the neighbours because it would cause damp patches behind any hot spots they might have, the biggest prob is not having a direct source of cold air to help cool the room the only window in there will buried under 4 layers and it's a lot of meter's to run ducting down out the hatch to a bedroom window, there is gonna be away around it i just havent figured it out yet lol
Get ur air in from the chimney breast that will be fresh air


Well-Known Member
this is my lowryder ak47, gown outdoors in the uk . but its been harsh recently and the plants real droopy have a look, what can i do to spring her back to life? shes inside under a 15w fluro for a couple days now . how can i bring her back to life!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
im fucking shit at construction lol my oldman when he wasnt being a crim was a plasterer and tried to teach me many time but if u aint interested u wont learn, im pretty useless at everyfing come to fink of it lol

neway what about venting that heat below back into the house we cut hole in the ceiling all the time n vent upward why not down?
lol i'm not very good either ok it works but it aint pretty i'm sure that's a quote lol and i had thought of venting down into the house via the hatch and using the chimney as air in but i'm not sure how stealthy it'll be with the noise if i don't have the hole in the hatch you should be able to stand underneath it with out being able to hear anything i was planning on filling the large gap with insulatin the hatch is like a rectangular box already filled with insulation i've already beefed up the floor and hatch could look into making some sort of noise reducing box system


Well-Known Member
this is my lowryder ak47, gown outdoors in the uk . but its been harsh recently and the plants real droopy have a look, what can i do to spring her back to life? shes inside under a 15w fluro for a couple days now . how can i bring her back to life!
1st off them auto aint up to much imo secondly the other night it was -5c in my area what do expected? carnt really be puttin nefing outdoor in the uk till end of april or when the frosts have totally stopped.

best advice i could giv would be to start some new fem or regular seed now so they are ready for the end of april, dunno what ya gonna get from that auto if anything? even in optimum conditions they only yield an oz+ lol


Well-Known Member
this is my lowryder ak47, gown outdoors in the uk . but its been harsh recently and the plants real droopy have a look, what can i do to spring her back to life? shes inside under a 15w fluro for a couple days now . how can i bring her back to life!
A better light an keep her warm for a bit


Well-Known Member
Hi fellow uk growers, greetings from oop north. Been lurking and learning stuff on the site.
Decided to register and just posted details of my grow with a couple of pics in the introduce yourself section.

Doing cheese for my first grow as the clones were available at the time, i have smoked a fair bit of this stain before
and its evil shit for real!

Cheers for reading. CW
is that exodus cheese ya growing m8? n welcome to riu n the uk thread, stick around theres some funny people in here n lots of good info.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Hi fellow uk growers, greetings from oop north. Been lurking and learning stuff on the site.
Decided to register and just posted details of my grow with a couple of pics in the introduce yourself section.

Doing cheese for my first grow as the clones were available at the time, i have smoked a fair bit of this stain before
and its evil shit for real!

Cheers for reading. CW
alright mate good and your cheese are hear to join us what strain is it?