The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
good morning to all you happy sparkly people out in hashy haze cyber land........yes, this fuckin sobriety seems to be havin a weird effect on me, i'm a happy chappy today(mite be becoz i actually manged to sleep last nite without twitching like a somalian whores pussy) only thing thats gettin to me really is the medication im using(actually prescribed from a REAL doctor....oooohhhh spoooky, although the doc did remind me of dr nic from the simpsons....strange considering she was a woman!)this ant abuse(dysulfrum) leaves yoo a bit fuckin goofy for your first hour or so though.....driving the kid to school was a bit mario kartish and then trying to buy cigs on the way home was fuckin just plain silly...had to stare at a handful of coins for 5 mins b4 i worked out i had enuff to pay for them. even managed to get a crisis loan from the dole as well, i keep on wantin to say really smart arse stuff when they ask me fuckin obvious questions but you know you gotta hold back in order to get the cash...e.g can u get money from any where else? first thoughts; balaclava, claw hammer, corner shop. answer no. next question ; are you from a foreign country? well as i dont know the fuckin nationallity of the foreskin blister i'm talkin to then i cant truthfully answer that. ....ah well fuck it cunts given me £105.36....yes i know, why dont they just round it up or down. they actually asked me when was the last time i had eaten??? i'm standin there, phone cradled between neck and ear, cig burning in ashtray, cuppa coffee in hand and mouth half full of mini cheddars....and i really, reallly,really wanted to say i had just eaten my bird out 30 mins before.....i'm now goin to set fire to a celtic fan reason.

mr west

Well-Known Member
are you from a foreign country? well as i dont know the fuckin nationallity of the foreskin blister i'm talkin to then i cant truthfully answer that.

SUch a funny cnut lol gota clean the tea off the moniter again u barstard lol


Well-Known Member
oh and we called really thin roll ups either spiders legs or barlinnie thinnies, when i was last in the big porridge factory i could actually get around 35 rollies from a half oz(no shit)....and sambo as for intelligence mate i went to both university and jail(number of times!!), i'm still fuckin positive that my second choice has provided me with more work skills and a greater chance of surving an economic meltdown mate.......and one things for certain the people in the concrete palace were usually more well balanced.....maybe not all of them though!!!!
good morning to all you happy sparkly people out in hashy haze cyber land........yes, this fuckin sobriety seems to be havin a weird effect on me, i'm a happy chappy today(mite be becoz i actually manged to sleep last nite without twitching like a somalian whores pussy) only thing thats gettin to me really is the medication im using(actually prescribed from a REAL doctor....oooohhhh spoooky, although the doc did remind me of dr nic from the simpsons....strange considering she was a woman!)this ant abuse(dysulfrum) leaves yoo a bit fuckin goofy for your first hour or so though.....driving the kid to school was a bit mario kartish and then trying to buy cigs on the way home was fuckin just plain silly...had to stare at a handful of coins for 5 mins b4 i worked out i had enuff to pay for them. even managed to get a crisis loan from the dole as well, i keep on wantin to say really smart arse stuff when they ask me fuckin obvious questions but you know you gotta hold back in order to get the cash...e.g can u get money from any where else? first thoughts; balaclava, claw hammer, corner shop. answer no. next question ; are you from a foreign country? well as i dont know the fuckin nationallity of the foreskin blister i'm talkin to then i cant truthfully answer that. ....ah well fuck it cunts given me £105.36....yes i know, why dont they just round it up or down. they actually asked me when was the last time i had eaten??? i'm standin there, phone cradled between neck and ear, cig burning in ashtray, cuppa coffee in hand and mouth half full of mini cheddars....and i really, reallly,really wanted to say i had just eaten my bird out 30 mins before.....i'm now goin to set fire to a celtic fan reason.
LMFAO i know exactly wat ya mean they ask well to many questions id expect to have life lines and 1 million quid at the end


Well-Known Member
oh and we called really thin roll ups either spiders legs or barlinnie thinnies, when i was last in the big porridge factory i could actually get around 35 rollies from a half oz(no shit)....and sambo as for intelligence mate i went to both university and jail(number of times!!), i'm still fuckin positive that my second choice has provided me with more work skills and a greater chance of surving an economic meltdown mate.......and one things for certain the people in the concrete palace were usually more well balanced.....maybe not all of them though!!!!
that was pissed up dumbarse comment dura my oldman has done 13yrs in total but is 1 of the most intelliegent men ive ever nown. and if you noticed it was deleted this morning. missed that 1 opps was suppose to hav been deleted like the others i deleted this morn.

not for me tho prison,

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol I read duras posts out to me mates to make them laugh too, hes goten a littel fan club from my visitors lol.