The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Right folks, bed is calling, work all day then uni in the evening, i need some sleep lol

Take it easy people



Active Member
anyone having one of those moments where you realise you don't remember where the fuck you parked your car? i'm serious here.

Errr no lol

Scrapped my car the other day :(... got my filter, fan, ducting and 600w HPS setup though, so happy days lol



Well-Known Member
it will come in handy at some point smar3t, always have kept the humidity around 40% in the past but the 1s that are being chopped on sunday have been kept at around 20-30 and they are looking much more frosty so yeah m8 from what ive seen thats the way too go.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i remember scratching the bottom of the door on the curb, it must be close, but where out of 8 places, this cheese must be maturing!


Well-Known Member
anyone having one of those moments where you realise you don't remember where the fuck you parked your car? i'm serious here.
lol, pmsl, u fuckin better believe it mate. fuckin took hours tae find it , ended up findin it parked on a random side street, then it came back tae me jist fuckin wasted ah was. and this has happened mare than once!!!!:dunce:


Well-Known Member
The other day my girlfriend put me in a tough situation; she said, "Do I look fat in this?"
Just before I told her how great she looked, my mouth started moving for me and I said:

"To be fair, it's a small room."

Now that her stuff's gone, the room is actually quite large.


Well-Known Member
welll thats me back again, ill as fuck and got my giro stopt coz i was too fuckd to sign on, ah well crisis loan time and im gaunna fone the local alcohol council, im gaunna need librium too get thru this. think i managed to do in around £2000 to £2500 grand over the last few weeks and i am truly unwell. actually ran thru my head to book myself into the caper house for some window licking excercises. man i dont feel good at all.nite lads, think i'll just go and sweat and twitch thru the darkness.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend asked 'how about going out for a few drinks tonight, getting a couple of grammes of coke and then spending the whole night having wild sex?".

"I like the sound of that" I said, "don't worry though, I'll try and be back in time to give you a lift to work in the morning, bye".

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, some funny stuff dura :lol: had a smoke out on the roof and realised that my car is parked outside the front dooor.... a long day indeed!

totally blazed up and the flat is upside down and i've an inspection in an hourrr, woooo :D


Well-Known Member
the detox is just beginning to work tip top but i'm still that kinda jangley, irritable way(actually feels like u want to shower ur self from the inside out) sleep patterns a bit fucked but ive been here b4 and kinda know itsgaunna take at least five days( the first 3 of which usually mean u cant be further than 10 foot from a bathroom. kinda ratty with my mrs but i just found out that my bro is moving ouuta my flat( i told him and his girl they could live in it for a few months) so thats brightened up my near future quite a bit. ive dicoverd that if i dont have my little hide away when i need sum headspace i just go to the pub and get wasted.........this will not stop that, just means i wont have to listen to that hatchet faced pot washer nipping my nut when i'm rough. when i eventually get my shit together i'll tell yooz about sum of the shit i got up to.....had sum real good laffs and and stuff..u know the kind :2 birds ,one beer bottle and an open attitude.


Well-Known Member
A woman goes into a drug store and asks the pharmacist about Viagra.
"Does it really work?" she asks.
"Yes, it does. I have tried it myself" responds the pharmacist.
"Can you get it over-the-counter?"
"If I take two, I can," he replies.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
loool :D

just had me flat inspection, walked into my room, i tell you some quiet piano music and all suspicious just flies outta the window, but she said "smells a bit of cannabis in here" to which i told her "yeah, i got some good shit :)"

then went out and had lunch with me mam and talked non-stop about philosophy, personality types, business, exostentialism and meditation for 3 hours :lol: it's been a very nice day so far :)


Well-Known Member
I managed to trim my pubic hair today.

I didn't mean to though.

I smoked soap bar without an ashtray whilst wearing nylon shorts.


Well-Known Member
I sent a text to my grandad, using my deceased nan's SIM card.

I'm sure he'll see the funny side, once he's recovered from the heart attack.