D.W.C CFL Rubbermaid Tub Grow


Active Member
Hello fellow Roll It Uppers, I'll start off by saying that this is my second grow, after a substantial amount of research I have decided to go with a small, one plant D.W.C grow in a 127L (27 Gal.) Tote box under two 42 Watt CFL's (6700K for Veg. 2700K for flower). I chose this set-up because I needed something that is stealth while also delivering a respectable yield. I'm not completely done the grow box yet but it's coming along nicely.

Ventilation:Exhaust-Scroll fan (approx. 20cfm) hooked up to a variable power AC adapter, passive intake
Odor Control: Activated carbon filter hooked up to the end of my exhaust duct.
Lights: two 42 Watt CFL's (6700K for Veg. 2700K for flower) under a parabolic reflector.
D.W.C set-up: 20L rubbermaid storage bin with net pot placed in middle. The actual box that I will be growing is almost fully lined with Mylar (at this point) to eliminate glow and heat loss. I will be using a "Whisper 20" air pump to keep my water oxygenated.
Nutes: General Hydroponics- flora grow (Veg.), flora bloom (Flower) and flora micro. I also will be using H2O2 to prevent algae growth.
Strain: Pure Power Plant (70 %sativa) from Dutch passion, will be starting from clone courtesy of my local grow buddy.

Philips 42 watt cfl x2- Home Depot (25$)
Honeywell activated carbon replacement filter- Home Depot (14$)
127L + 20L rubbermaid storage bins- Home Depot (15$)
"Y" splitter + outlet adapter for lights- Home Depot (6$)
Air Pump + tubing + air stone- Local pet store (30$)
Mylar (30 sq. ft.) + net pot + Hydroton pellets- Local grow shop (14$)
Plastic air duct- Home Depot (5$)
rubber stopper + screw clamp- Home Depot (2$)
Nutes + lamp reflector + electrical stuff + H2O2 + timer I already own.

Home Depot was pretty clutch in all this, hopefully I'll stay around my budget of 150$ which I think is fair for a grow like this.

More pics coming as I progress! for now just the two. (sorry)
Please let me know what you think!



Active Member
After a lengthy break for exams I've just completed my grow box. I've decided to use the "scrog" method to increase yield and keep my canopy low due my height restrictions. I hooked up my whole system, ran the fan at max voltage, left it, came back and got a reading of 25C and 55% humidity. The AC adapter is great because it allows me to control airflow with 7 possible speeds for the fan, I highly recommend this as opposed to a modified drill charger. I made an activated carbon filter using chicken wire coiled over a cylindrical object (then taking it out, duh), putting a circular piece of wood at the end of the coil then wrapping it in the filter using velcro and duct tape. Anyone know if I should wrap it twice of is once around good enough??

After it was all done I took some measurements of how much usable space I could grow in, my dimensions were 1'5"x1'3"x1'6". I'll be placing my screen about 8"-9" above my plant and train from there all around the 1'5"x1'3" space. This leaves about 9" for the plant to grow during flower. Are these dimensions sufficient for the grow I want to do???

I also drilled some small 1/4" holes in the base of the tote box to allow for more passive intake. This worked great, if I placed a piece of paper on it the suction from the intake fan 2 feet away would hold it there with little effort.

Here are some updated pics of the box. I know that some light leaks out, I could remedy this but i think it looks pretty bad ass, kind of alien like so I think I'll leave it.

I'll have my clone by tomorrow or the next day. More updates coming
Again, I'd love comments and suggestion on my grow box and tentative grow plan. Thanks!:leaf:



Active Member
Just put the clone in the tub, it's already been rooting for around a week so I'm going to go ahead and give it half strength nutes. I have cheap H202 that's "3% solution/ 10-volume", I looked around at it seems as though I should be adding 6 ounces (3 per gallon) of this stuff to my rez. Is this right? I only did half the recommended just to be safe, 6 ounces is a shit load. Is there anyone out there that's done this type of grow with this H202 that can help me out?? thanks


Active Member
so, i got the clone two weeks ago and started right away 18/6 light and 1/2 strength nutes. For the first week I had high very low humidity and temperatures of around 28-30, i also went away for a week and left it alone, obviously my plant didn't like this. When I got back i put a humidity dome over it and got comp. fan to blow on the lights which seem to put out a decent amount of heat. This solved the problems and after about a week with the humidity dome I saw roots coming through the net pot. Now the dome is gone and the plant is absorbing nutes and is also able to transpire. Here are some pics.



Active Member
Veg. Day #7
Update time for all those who may be following this grow. It's been about week since roots started to poke out of the rockwool, when i checked today it looked like my net pot was growing alien like tentacles. Today I modified the exhaust and changed the water cause it was getting a little murky in my rez.



Active Member
the plant continues to grow strong. It's grown several inches from the last post and has developed a much larger roots system



Active Member
Whaddup roll it up. After vegging for approx. 24 (almost 4 weeks) days I've decided to begin flowering, flowering began yesterday. I've also decided to abandon the screen of green method because i accidentally topped the plant when doing some maintenance on the grow box. This turned out great though leaving me with two new top colas. As for the plant itself, it's grown really thick and bushy, there is almost NO space between nodes. The main stem is super thick and strong and roots are taking over my rez. check the pics. Feel free to comment



Well-Known Member
Dude much respect for you. Really some strong stems their, strong stems make strong buds. How did you make them so strong?


Nice looking plant you got there mate!

Do you feel like you should have done something differently? (e.g. different lights/surrounding box/nutes/..something :P?)

How much water do you put in the tub? is it touching all of the net?


Dude, outstanding growing going on there. I was thinking of topping mine and from how yours looks I'm pretty sure I'm going to. Also like the setup too. This is my first grow and I'm starting to realize this stealth cabinet I got is going to be a pain when my girls really get going. Anyway, good luck with the rest of it. I'll be subscribing. Check me out and let me know if I'm doing okay. :clap:


Active Member
Dude much respect for you. Really some strong stems their, strong stems make strong buds. How did you make them so strong?
Thanks bro, I think the key to the strong stems was the fact that I kept my CFL's always within 1"-2" from the top of my plant, this kept it from "searching" for light and encouraged outward growth. Also, I topped it about 2 weeks after it developed a decent root system, at this point it was really starting to pick up growth wise upwards so by cutting off the top it forced it to grow to new shoots which stopped the vertical grow and made it super bushy.


Active Member
Nice looking plant you got there mate!

Do you feel like you should have done something differently? (e.g. different lights/surrounding box/nutes/..something :P?)

How much water do you put in the tub? is it touching all of the net?
Thanks man, The only concern I have during this grow is my nute conc., I've been doing 1/2 strength the up to now and I'm switching to flower nutes next time I change my res. (it lasts about 2 weeks). Not sure if I could increase my nutes without doing damage the plant. O, I fill the tub with 8 liters of normal tap water, this fills the res about 2" from the top so the net is about 2/3 submerged, the bubbles take care of the rest.


Active Member
Dude, outstanding growing going on there. I was thinking of topping mine and from how yours looks I'm pretty sure I'm going to. Also like the setup too. This is my first grow and I'm starting to realize this stealth cabinet I got is going to be a pain when my girls really get going. Anyway, good luck with the rest of it. I'll be subscribing. Check me out and let me know if I'm doing okay. :clap:
Thanks Dude, I check your grow and it's looking good, we've got really similar set-ups. You're right about the space problem though, 6 plants is a lot for that amount of room. I'd definetly top em', let them recover then flower right away. Good luck


Active Member
I like your grow setup plant looks amazing, how much verticle space do you have left? Subed and +rep


Well-Known Member
Just saw your grow journal and the plants look great! I'm doing a somewhat similar DWC grow, so will be following how this goes for you.


Thanks for the reply man. I ended up topping one of my plants about 3 days ago. She is starting to come back around. I can see the 2 new tops starting to come out.

Anyway, gonna start to flower here withing the next week and a half or so. What nutes do you use for flowering? I'll attach a pic of what I have. Please let me know what you think . Thanks man.:hump:

