White Widow Question


Active Member
Hi All,

I just started my first white widow gro. I germinated seeds in paper towels and then I planted them in soil yesterday morning. I watered the seeds one time after placing seed in soil and since then I have only given the plants a couple of squirts of water. I am growing in a grow tent and right now I have the seedlings on an 18/6 light cycle using fluorescent lighting. I am growing the germinated seeds in fox farm ocean forest. My tent temperature fluctuates between 75-79 degrees F and my humidity level has consistently been around 30%. It has been over 24 hours and my germinated seeds have not come through the surface of the dirt yet. Is this common? and can you think of anything that I may be doing wrong at this stage?

Should I be watering more?

Should I keep lights going?

Should I raise humidity level? (Although I tried to place a wet towel in the grow tent it only raised the humidity up about 3%.)

Any other thoughts on time frame for seed toi sprout through soil


Well-Known Member
it can take a bit just make sure you didn't put them to deep. and you can keep your lights on 24hrs for a couple weeks if you want


Well-Known Member
it can take a bit just make sure you didn't put them to deep. and you can keep your lights on 24hrs for a couple weeks if you want

Who's WW are you growing? I ask this cause I'm doing Nirvana WW at the moment and when I germed them they took an incredibly long time to sprout, like two weeks. Most other seeds I've had came up within a few days but those WW's took a lot longer so if you're doing Nirvana's version that might be why you're having the slow going. Just be patient and keep the soil moist but not wet and you should see something pop up in a little while. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
you've done everything right so far, just give it a little time. if they're not up in three days then you can worry.


Well-Known Member
you've done everything right so far, just give it a little time. if they're not up in three days then you can worry.
I think he needs to go at least 7 full days before he should start worrying, like I said some seeds just take longer to come up than others so no need to rush it they will sprout when they are ready. Another trick you can try is take a blade and score the outside of the shell before you plant the seed. Cutting the shell slightly will make it easier for the root to bust out and then you're golden


Well-Known Member
I think he needs to go at least 7 full days before he should start worrying, like I said some seeds just take longer to come up than others so no need to rush it they will sprout when they are ready. Another trick you can try is take a blade and score the outside of the shell before you plant the seed. Cutting the shell slightly will make it easier for the root to bust out and then you're golden
seed already germinated - no more than 3 days to break soil


Active Member
Ok awesome. The seeds are from Amsterdam seed company. I just checked and two of the seeds have sprouted up through the soil...still waiting on 8 others. How long should I keep the environment the same while I wait for the rest to sprout?


Active Member
I have had my third seed sprout through the soil out of the 10 germinated seeds that I have planted. Still no signs out of 7 plants. I planted the seeds on Tuesday (2 days ago)...how much more time should I give them to come up ....should I attempt to dig them up...is it possible too much dirt got put on top of them?


Well-Known Member
Just be patient man you have months and months left to go no need to rush things...they'll pop when they're ready. You haven't even given it a week yet LOL! You need something else to do while you're waiting on them or you are going to worry yourself crazy. Something tells me you're going to be the kind of grower that is going to love your little girls to death, just remember they're ONLY PLANTS, they do what they want when they want not when you want them to. Patience!!!


Active Member
Ok!!! Should I be worrying about spraying them with water every once in a while or should I just leave them alone until they sprout?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I just started my first white widow gro. I germinated seeds in paper towels and then I planted them in soil yesterday morning. I watered the seeds one time after placing seed in soil and since then I have only given the plants a couple of squirts of water. I am growing in a grow tent and right now I have the seedlings on an 18/6 light cycle using fluorescent lighting. I am growing the germinated seeds in fox farm ocean forest. My tent temperature fluctuates between 75-79 degrees F and my humidity level has consistently been around 30%. It has been over 24 hours and my germinated seeds have not come through the surface of the dirt yet. Is this common? and can you think of anything that I may be doing wrong at this stage?

Should I be watering more?

Should I keep lights going?

Should I raise humidity level? (Although I tried to place a wet towel in the grow tent it only raised the humidity up about 3%.)

Any other thoughts on time frame for seed toi sprout through soil
Better look into odor removal... Them sucka's will smell real bad during the flowering cycle..


Active Member
I have 4" inline fan with carbon filter purchased from HTG supply....do you think that will be enough or should I be looking for more. I am hoping to only have 3-5 female plants total for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I have 4" inline fan with carbon filter purchased from HTG supply....do you think that will be enough or should I be looking for more. I am hoping to only have 3-5 female plants total for flowering.
Nope,.. Its the strain... You'll see what Im talking about later on.

Next time grow out Northern Lights #5.
i also have ww from amsterdam seeds fab plant have been growing for over a yr. short plant finished in around 6 weeeks heavy trichs . I keep in veg atleast 4weeks nice size also use bushmaster to keep low and heavy budding atleast 4 -6 large buds per plant if you pinch pack let 4 stems come up and then trim back to two showing theres a great pinching tech on u tube Uncle bens topping technique also very smelly when in flower 6 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member