Well-Known Member
Mm I heard that was a good one but no hydro stores or nurseries where I live ehYeah, i'm using cfl's right now. I'm using fox farms ocean forest soil.

Mm I heard that was a good one but no hydro stores or nurseries where I live ehYeah, i'm using cfl's right now. I'm using fox farms ocean forest soil.
Thanks for the infoReally doesnt look like anything wrong, definetely growing a bit slow but honestly I wouldnt be worried quite yet. A bit more info on what kinda lights you are using would be helpful, some strains are real slow starters, but you could probably use more light.
Haha ima have too look into that !Player... my advice... READ Jorge Cervantes "Bible" !!
Thanks for the info ! I'll probably try both of these ideas asap ! Hm where can I get a pc fan ? & how much do they usuall charge for one ?to help the grow speed if its hot in there is either hardwire a pc fan to a dc wall bug, like an old cell phone charger, or you can add a co2 generator usin a water bottle, yeast, sugar. as co2 absorbtion increases as temp rises
hope this helps - pc
Uhh it doesn't look goodradiooshac, 10-20. how close are the lights? 85 isnt too hot if youve got decent airflow in your box. as long as your under 90 I wouldnt worry about heat, unless you see some obvious heat damage of course.
I'm using scotts potting soil & scotts garden mix... also I put very little bit of vigoro tomato & plant food in it... uhm should I mix the dirt with water ? & the fan went off today -_- anyway to save from HEAT DAMAGE ... I know the humidity was around 20 % but is that really bad ? Mm I have syran wrap but how would I go about making a dome ? thanks for the help btw hope I'm not asking to many questionsfirst thing that came to my mind was
- the type of soil
- the soil looked dry (when watering make sure water isn't too cold. water should be room temp)
- circulation
- humidity (usually new sprouts need higher humidity) you can buy domes to cover the sprouts. Then spray the inside ceiling of the dome, this will increase the surrounding humidity by 10-20%. You can also make your own humidity dome by using syran wrap.
I use promix, it doesn't have big chunks in it, has lots of vermiculite for moisture and aeration. great for seedlings to span out their root systems.
Mm mybad for the confusion but from both. The heat & fan not being off, would that effect the seeds ?from too much heat or from the fan just not being on? I'm a little confused as to what your asking.
Haha I wonder how you forgot them thereseeds are really hardy in my experience, ive fucked up and left a tray outside in a bad spot and the temps in it were unbelievable, the water in the bottom of the tray(the seeds are not sitting in the water, the peat pucks have a lil stand for the pucks in their trays) was so hot it burned you when you touched it. I figured they were dead so I didnt really pay any attention to walking all the way to their spot and focus on the other, i ended up coming back like 4 days later and they all were sprouted and looking healthy.
does that garden mix soil have added nutes?I'm using scotts potting soil & scotts garden mix... also I put very little bit of vigoro tomato & plant food in it... uhm should I mix the dirt with water ? & the fan went off today -_- anyway to save from HEAT DAMAGE ... I know the humidity was around 20 % but is that really bad ? Mm I have syran wrap but how would I go about making a dome ? thanks for the help btw hope I'm not asking to many questionsuhm & one more thing haha where would I get this "promix" I'm gonaa assume that's some kinda soil ? Thanks again