Great harvest man. Just to confirm this was all under a single 6I wish, nah, I'd just repotted them on the table in there (ideal naturally for that sort of thing, hehe) and the sun was coming down, and the temp was over 20, so I was like, okay, you girls are sitting there for the afternoon. I think they enjoyed the day trip, they are back home now under the fake dropped under 10 late afternoon!!! So still too much of a temp change in there for little ganja plants.
Clipped all the bud of the brnaches and have large paper bagged them. Just skinning up my first joint of Casey Jones (not cured naturally - but stinking like naebodies business now)
The Orange came in at 82 grams in total
The Casey 1 was 65 grams and the Casey 2 was 54 grams. I think they'll probably loose at least another 10-15% in the bag so I will end up with my 6 oz target easily. The Orange is basically bone already, just needs time to settle and let the flavours come out. The Casey is what I am looking forward to, already look different from the stuff they sellin gover here (but it's the same strain - Hydro v Organics!!!) I'll have them in the bags for another 3 or 4 days and then "to the jars with them god dam it"
Peace, DST
Thanks guys, and Kat (I know you are always out there girl.)
I have my wife to thank for giving me the direction in life to get my mad arse into gear and keeping my two feet on the ground....most of the time (hehe)
Peace, DST
p.s Kat, how goes it with your new house? Any developments?
I think PM is a tricky one fingerez, spores from mold are like micro size, very hard (don't mean to be a bummer) Just keep a sharp eye on them babies. I think heat is one of the biggest problems as I have heard of PM across all sorts of biggest car park mate lol
not sure where my pm came from, maby the soil but not sure. been getting the rh down to 40% and the temps at just over 30oc along with the neem oil its not gettin any worse, maby a bit better. noticed it fairly early so might have caught it right?
Good man.won't be chopping the OG till day 65 at least, thanks DST.
Yer not wrong there, felt like getting back onto a bike after not cycling for so long....the clipping tequnique soon comes back to you though...heheNice numbers D. I love havest time, jus dunt come round enough lol
Not exactly.Great harvest man. Just to confirm this was all under a single 6
Best wishes for ya'd ya.Let's suffice it to say that the CalVet loan officer is an IDIOT!
So now we're playing Hurry Up And Wait. And Wait. And Wait.
Escrow was supposed to close on Feb. 26, now it's supposedly set to close tomorrow... but things aren't taken care of yet on their end solely because of her not doing her job. We may not get the house simply because the seller (bank owned) is getting fed up with her inadequacy, and it's too late to switch loan officers. They've put over $16,000 into that house, readying it for the VA's approval. There's still one more job left to do, and they're not going to do it until they know that everything's going to go through... understandably! If we get the house, that $16,000 is part of our offer, so they'd get it all back... which I'm sure is the only reason they're still trying to work this out with her. Granted, they could set a higher asking price to someone else with all the work that's been done, but that would take more time and money for them. So basically everyone's getting screwed in this deal right now... including that twit, since she doesn't make a penny till escrow closes and she can collect her commission.
We're trying to stay positive, but this has been extremely taxing on both of us. Now I've got some serious mania going on, and I know that it was mostly (if not completely) triggered by all the stress from this ordeal. Not only does mania itself suck beyond description, but it causes my pain level to jack way up... all that extra adrenaline and tension running through the body throughout the duration of the mania causes isn't very kind to people in my physical condition. At this point, both of us would rather be told we're not going to get the house than for this to keep dragging on like this. There's still a chance it'll go through, but each day that passes can be lessening the odds.
aww they lok so cute there and well the bags look full of joy lolThese are the Kaas Bx2, the Bx1 seeds has not come up yet, and my other Bx1 seed is still in the paper and bag sleeping - possibly dead since it was squished
Cheese Triangle. Potted them into starter pots.
Weed drying in bags
The Casey Bag
Casey Jones nug
Peace, DST
My space is 2' x 3' x 9'. Works well enough I would say.u think it would be possible to do a verticle grow in a 2'x4'x8' space? what is the area u are using ?
cute being the optimum word! soon to be cheesey amazon godessesaww they lok so cute there and well the bags look full of joy lol
things are going pretty well, Jig.Holy hell brother. Those pictures are amazing. That last bud shot just looks not real... like there is something wrong with your camera or something.
And how bout the CJ. Looks like the kinda buds they'd have on a seed website. Supermodel buds.
You must be very proud of what you have done this grow, no?
do you seal the jar and then simmer it or leave the top of so the steam can escape?Greendragon is like tincture, but the process doesn't take nearly as long.
Here's a good summary of the concoction:
Here is the very successful result of a considerable amount of research into the elusive and magical Green Dragon.
This is a simple and efficient 4 Step process.
1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum 151 proof
Process Summary:
1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)
2. Place in a shallow pan (pie pan with aluminum foil works great) and bake at 325°F for 4-5 minutes.
3. Remove from oven and place cannabis and place in 2 oz of rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)
4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 150°F 165°F.
5. Strain the mixture and store.
One eyedropper is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you should self-titrate. Effects take about 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).
... Took that from another forum, guy summed it up nicely I thought. You mentioned purchasing bubble bags for your future hash endeavors, and I HIGHLY recommend you do so - they just make the process so easy and efficient. If you do go for it, be wary of imitation bags... Everyone is a damn seamstress these days. Anyway, the way I enjoyed the dragon was by putting a few drops on a fresh bowl at night, let the alcohol evaporate overnight and when that morning wake n bake comes the next day... KA-POW! Haha. Peace DST
Yo... two things. Kat you crack me the hell up with your [/rant], HAHAHAHA. Love you seal the jar and then simmer it or leave the top of so the steam can escape?