Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
Geckos as pest control are great. Lived in an apartment in San Diego that used to get roaches twice a year...right after Christmas and Easter (lots of boxes and such). I would go to the store and get a beg of Geckos. They were like $1.50 apiece. 20 of them were cheaper than a bug bomb and better our health. Our apartment was roach free in a couple of days and would stay that way.

Just know that Geckos can get into some really weird places...


New Member
The first time I encountered a gecko in the "wild" was at a friends house in Puerto Rico. I had my parents along on that trip and there was a small party going on. My Dad and I spied this Gecko on a high ceiling and a palmetto bug about 5 feet from it. We watched in amazement as the Gecko slowly crept up on the bug and at the last second lunged and did a quick stutter step. The lizard waited for the bug to spook, and when it lifted its wings to fly away, the Gecko snipped off the entire back abdomen and the head and wings fell to the floor in the corner. No one saw it except us....I was impressed. Now I have Geckos all over both of ny homes and get free reign of the places. And ur right.... no bugs if you have Geckos....they work for free.

They work that tail too....slowly moving it back and forth in the air....distracting the prey. Pretty neat!


Well-Known Member
I wish we had th climate for them. I bought one for the grow room a few years ago. It worked wonders in there(fungus gnats) I think it was. Then one day I seen cujo chillin on this piece of duct tape that peeled off one container. Two days later I went back in and cujo was still there, dry and crispy. Why didn't he tell me he was stuck? Ahh well. smoke another one mexi moment.


Well-Known Member
Cheers, Don.

The elephant is a plastic bag...they make them in Cape Town, among other things.....


Well-Known Member
We bought the light and the green squares in Amsterdam so don't be too hard on yerself lad, hehe.

Off fur a pint, catch ya later holmes.


Well-Known Member
All great pics! :clap: Pretty trippy Xmas pic.

What CJ said^^^^

I was expecting John T and Olivia to come strutting out....I was transported momentarily back to my school disco's.:mrgreen: Friday afternoons at our rec hall.

Thanks for sharing.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
What CJ said^^^^

I was expecting John T and Olivia to come strutting out....I was transported momentarily back to my school disco's.:mrgreen: Friday afternoons at our rec hall.

Thanks for sharing.

Peace, DST
Thanks for the Rep as well as the comments. Here are a few others that i rounded up. hope ya like em



Well-Known Member
Moderator, RIU, whoever is watching. I understand that RIU needs to generate revenues through advertising (which I have seen on the net how much it gets.) But when it is getting in the way of what the sites purpose is (i.e a picture sharing application) Then why do I have to suffer S.W.A.T.2 pics that actually cover over peoples posted photo's. GRRRRRRRRR!

Anyway, thanks for the pics FullDuplex.