[QUOTE="SICC";3882487]LOL im not even trippin, like the homie Chi said, it was free, so nothing to complain about, its great genetics, which ONLY A FEW have, so im honored to even have them.
Im most likely going to save on to them, since i just got the Deep Purple, then my mystery donor of my pollen is sending beans of 3 of his crosses, and i have more of my own MBS batch, as well as one more LA Confidential, and 3 trainwreks seeds
and some chronic too
so im pretty set for now

lol damn sicc you set forreal.. you may have to hold me down..
that mbs looks bomb and deserves a better name then a name with bagseed in it.... call it the slippery nipple or something
actually i think im already "familier" with those 3 of buddies crosses... i think buddy need to 'FAMILIERIZE" himself with the sourkush...