A Case Full Of Glass


Active Member
Hey Fade, do you have anymore for the pipes that look like a fish, but sitting there you can't tell its a pipe. I believe it was you who had made them. We can continue this in PM's if you wish. also how do I buy do you have a website. I'de like to pay with CC. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i don't have any fish pipes right now. :(
i do have paypal. you can pm me. :-P

made this the other day, .... 020.jpg 021.jpg


Active Member
May I ask what the general cost is to have the equipment to blow glass pipes, pendants, marbles, ect? Not including the training. Like the torch and small kiln, tools, glass, etc. Oh one more question to do a small setup how much room is required? Thanks I always wanted to do this! I am inspired knowing you've only been at this for a rather short time! Great job on the Glass Fade!

Edit: Sorry while I was reading last posts i didn't notice you guys post. I like that but I think Fade knows the ones i was talking about. I remember them from a quite a while back. I'll keep my eye out in your pic updates and I'll PM you soon with my order. If you make or have any nice stealthy pipes that may look like art or something else I would be interested in seeing some links or pics. Thanks again.


Active Member
Thanks. I think that 1-2K is more then reasonable! Whats the footprint of your blowing shop... how much room will I loose in my garage? Or will this all but the kiln be on a workbench only?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I think that 1-2K is more then reasonable! Whats the footprint of your blowing shop... how much room will I loose in my garage? Or will this all but the kiln be on a workbench only?

pretty much just the bench and a spot next to it for the kiln. you'll need some storage area for supplies. i keep a lot of mine under my bench. you'll need a nice sized vent fan. most people use an attic vent fan mounted thru the wall/window in front of the bench.


Well-Known Member
I am also interested in a flounder/halibut pipe...those are just too cool not to own one...so I hope it is something you will consider in the future!



Well-Known Member
Jardin--Every time i cruise by, u get another piece:) NICE!

FDD my time will come soon...Awesome work


Active Member
jeez secret jardin u bought like all of Fdd's pipes hahahaha

have u ever thought about sand blasting fdd?