soil less mix


Active Member
i am making a soil less mix starting with Pro-Mix HP and adding Perlite, Worm castings, Dolomite Lime, Kelp meal, Bone and Blood meal, Humus, Epsom salts, and Trace Minerals. What do you guys think of this mix should i add or remove anything. thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I use promix BX with nothing added. I have great results. right now I just use the pro mix bx with half my plants on DNF grow and bloom. Works great. The other half same thing with botanicare products. I know the HP mix is for High Perlite and dries out a lot faster than the BX. I know some people like to mix in things which works great I just choose not to. I like to keep things as simple as possible.


Active Member
thanks for your input i would like to add enough nutes to last from veg to flower along with some guano teas in flowering if needed. What would be the best to add into promix HP is 20L of worm casting to much for 107L of promix? and if not how much perlite should i add since worm castings are so dense.


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know. I had some magazines that give good mixes. I tried to find one imparticular but can't find it. Sorry. Good luck. Like I said I don't like adding anything to the promix. I like to control the soil at all times. If I want to clear it and flush it I want it empty not still full of nutes. I like it because I don't have a set schedule from when I go from veg to flower. I run 3 different mothers right now and depending on what I want at the end of the grow depends on what I clone. I don't need to rely on my soil to feed the plants. This way I don't over or underfertilize my babies. I wouldn't want to throw one in flowering and find that the soil is packed full of nutes for veg.


Well-Known Member
No one else has any input on my mix?
Search this site, or google LC's soiless mix #2 that will give you excellent ratios of what you need. #2 is for Pro Mix.

Actually, you have everything you need, just the proper amounts.:leaf:

Well, you would need some BB (beneficial bacteria/fungus). The mix calls for Liquid Karma, but I use MycoGrow Soluble that is ~$6/oz+~$1.75 shipping and makes 12 gallons of solution. Get it at Much cheaper than Liquid Karma, and all you will need is a $2.25 bottle of molasses from the grocery store to kick start it.

Check it all out, you'll be glad you did.



Active Member
My mix is going to be

107L of Promix HP
40L Perlite
40L Worm Castings
4 Cups Dolomite Lime

now i was wondering with that how much epsom salt i should put in along with azomite trace minerals. would greensand be overkill for this mix or should i add that aswell.


Active Member
thanks for your input i would like to add enough nutes to last from veg to flower along with some guano teas in flowering if needed. What would be the best to add into promix HP is 20L of worm casting to much for 107L of promix? and if not how much perlite should i add since worm castings are so dense.
worm castings are the best thing ever man. u cant over feed or over do worm castings. but watch out cause u can over feed with other things while using worm castings. they are a PH buffer, they release CO2 in the dark, and help with water and air flow. i would add as much perlite as u are adding castings.

i would give the promix a quick flush to make sure its at the right PH for your mix. some potting soils have a tendency to be a bit acidic (around 5.5) and for soil u wanna be closer to 6.5

u could also get some compost in there and that also helps with drainage.

i just started 2 seeds that are mixed in:

1 part potting soil
1 part perlite
1 part vermiculite
1 part super compost soil


i have also had great results with just using potting soil and worm castings, or equal amounts of castings perlite and vermiculite.

(remember this is just what i would/have done before)



Well-Known Member
i think bone meal should be held out until flower, dont mix in the soil recipe. im almost certain of this, not 100%


Well-Known Member
If you've already mixed it up, it may be too late to add this, but look into acquiring some azomite. It's very user-friendly, as it releases nutrients and trace minerals as the plant needs it, and although it's not magical, I did notice quite a big difference when I added this to my flowering mix -- and that's the name of the game right? Easy changes with signs of improvement? It's not the easiest thing to find locally, but read up on it. If you search it out and try it, tell me what you think!


Active Member
I haven't Mixed anything up yet still trying to perfect my recipe. If i was to order a 44 pound bag of azomite how much would you put into 107L of promix is it possible to over apply azomite?


Well-Known Member
I haven't Mixed anything up yet still trying to perfect my recipe. If i was to order a 44 pound bag of azomite how much would you put into 107L of promix is it possible to over apply azomite?
Yes, it is definitely possible to overuse azomite, as you really only need a little bit to begin with. 44 pounds would probably last you a lifetime. I don't know if we're allowed to pump outside vendors on the forum, but if you want to PM me I could tell you where I got mine online, and the amount I bought should be right around how much you'll need for that amount.