umm, some crazy shit

If I were selling and ANYONE knocked on my door that I didn't know, I'd sketch. Just about anything you do proactively to break the ice concerning weed is probably the same thing a narc would do. Why not just have a BBQ and invite him. Leave a bong out or something. Let him bring it up.

Great idea
OMG I found a dealer. dudes awesome. prices are great where i am, i got 14 grams for 40 bucks. its good too, came off a brick but when i break it open i can see kinda dark orange and red hairs in it. it got me pretty high, but i also havnt smoked in 3 months. i just stereo typed someone when i was driving around and it worked first try, sooo lucky.
OMG I found a dealer. dudes awesome. prices are great where i am, i got 14 grams for 40 bucks. its good too, came off a brick but when i break it open i can see kinda dark orange and red hairs in it. it got me pretty high, but i also havnt smoked in 3 months. i just stereo typed someone when i was driving around and it worked first try, sooo lucky.

I stereotyped this one guy like 4 years ago when I was driving. Long ass shaggy hair and was walking with a frisbee. I drove by and noticed his eyes looked blazed as shit. Turned the car around down the block, came back and asked if he knew where to get any greenery. Generally has some pretty good shit and now he's like my 3rd call when in need. I also had a frolf disc in my lap that he noticed and was wearing a mushroom allman brothers shirt.